Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 14 April 1926, page 22




F\tiaoidiniiy inteicst in culoncc at Monday nights meeting of the B*ir don Piogrcss Assocntion (.once nmg the request of the lesidnits foi the extension of Paddington line to Bowman Puk Cvites Thcte mpii fuilv 150 lcsidenfs piescut and V nu\ membeis iieu cn lolled Mr T S Kur (iotuin¡, menibei for the distnctl mil Mderninn L-inhiiiu the lcpiesentntncs if tue dibtiict con comed "i\(-ie in nttendiuie Mi 1

Pittiuson siid tin. íes dents woic not ¡,-itisfiod that the t»ientnil ccnjidciatinn «is being gi\en to the r i-qucst Rcsi lents of the Birdon 1 state hid met ic ccntl\ and hid formed the Birdon Iran sit Committee Then ronlinued kuppoit md determination of the ici. hilton pissed at a public nisctin" m \pril 1(125 for the extension ot the Paddington trim-ftaj to lh<- gatih of the mik «as affirmed, an 1 the} suggested thnt the issociition should i-ppioich the nuthori

ties again Air L J Mouan said that the (lelinitc stand put fetwud bj tho iMudents thit c\o n ig \\i>, enduite n[ the netcfsiti for til tonsil ULtion if (he lim Ile li id ipu>.cl fmthei kit ii

of support from the West Brisbane and the Post Office Cricket C Clubs, and the Soccer Football Association, who leased the grounds in Bowman Park for then various sporting fixtuies, and ilso from the Ithaca Presbyterian, and Methodist churches, the Balviticn Axiny (Padding«


ton branch), the Society of Brethren (Confeicnce Hull), and the Jojful News Mission The Ithaca show would again this veni be held at Bowman l'aik, and essentnl foi the ftittne welfare of their shows was tramway connection from the citv 'iho 'lins sen ice, which is being niringcd would he a lelief in '.onie mel-anie, hut, iinfoitiiiiutc]}, would not bo (onveniciit to immy lcsnlonls iinrouncl* mg Bow m in Puk 'Hie extension DÎ the Paddington lim* lo the gites of the Park was the only solution lollowing the hiitgestion of the Baldon Committee, he moved ' That the Mivor and the

I'misit Committee of the City Council lie iguiii apptoiched bv deputation jnd that theie bo mehi fed the societies who have e\picsseil a desue to Mipport it, m 01 dei to empíname the necessity foi the inclusion of the extension of the Padding-ton line to Bow lum Paik Gates lu the ne\t list of nppioied extensions, and that Alderman Lanham be icqtiested to af nnge nccordinglv ' Hie motion w11 seconded b} Mi John Tate, siippoited bj* Mcssis ,1 1 Hewitt J Moms, BA, A C1 uko, and I I Loimne, and ear-ned Mi A Johnson moved that the dipiitntion should ompt i*>c Musit, J ?>. Ken, John I ile C 0¿jnne, and W. fithsoii, ii piesentiiij! the lcsidtnts and Mest 1 s C! Wught, nid L J Moigan for tin u-nociiition tog-lliei with 'he mem* bei'* of the niteiest* 1 societies be liomin*

ited by thuin Aldeinian Lanham said that at 'lucsday's meeting of the CitT Council he would eade» our to «rrtnM the request.