Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 24 December 1924, page 4

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With a little method I see no reason why the preparation of the Christmas dinner need he the exhausting proceeding which so often causes the ordinary housekeeper to sigh as she thinks of the work ahead. Of course in the country the housekeeper has the additional worry of dressing her poultry, and this is one which many city dwellers are freed of, but still there are hundreds of suburban dwellers who sacrifice the fowls, ducks, or geese which they have reared for the festival, which is almost as much a national one as it is of the Church.

To such as these I would advise leaving the killing of the poultry until the last thing, for in our variable climate the weather must not be depended on, and of course the execution will be carried out by a man of the household, or else by the friendly butcher. The first thing for the

would-be hostess to do is to get together all the best china and silver, and havethem cleaned and brightened. This is particularly important when one is "dining" relatives, for no woman cares to be unprepared when her mother-in-law of sisters are coming to share the hospitality. The critical eye of feminine relatives is, as most women know, a very keen one, and one's reputation in the family circle as a good housekeeper may hang on a thread. It is a good plan to get ready on Christmas eve the dishes of almonds and raisins.' salted almonds, and the other little delicacies

with which most of us like to grace the 1 table. Also the flower vases can be filled, and if these can be put aside into a cool, 1 dark place such as a cellar it will be found that they will be quite fresh the next day. In any case flowers should always be cut first thing in the morning.

It is also an excellent idea to prepare a simple soup such as cream of tomato on Christmas Eve, and also cold delicacies such as boiled custard, jellies, and any other sweets which are all the better for being made the day before. Should it be considered desirable to have a cold dinner, the lettuce for salad should be put into slightly salted water, beetroot should be boiled, and the salad dressing made. But, should a hot dinner be arranged, such provisions may not be considered necessary, except, perhaps, for supper on Christmas night, and in this case it will be found that the anticipation of work has been well worth while. Another point not to be forgotten is putting the him to seek, and to make the stuffing for the poultry. One must not actually stuff the birds the day before, for the risk of sourness is too great, but the parsley, thyme, lemon rind, and suet may be chopped and the bread crumbs prepared, also the bread for the bread sauce and its addition of spices and onion

may , bearer together and if goose

is to bolster, the apple sauce can be made, for it will easily re-heat, and the onions for the stuffing can be parboiled and the sago chopped. It is the attention to these details which makes the work of preparing the dinner on Christmas Day strenuous and tiring. An excellent thing to have

ready on Christmas eve is the shallow i

half of a kerosene tin, cut lengthwise, j

and its ultimate use I will describe

later on. Other labour-saving acts are to get the vegetables ready beforehand, and to set the dining table over night, and see that the glassware is nice and bright, and that the knives are polished. If this is, impossible, at any rate see that the extra leaves are put in the table, and that everything is ready for the setting next day.

On Christmas morning (that will be to-morrow) the housewife will find it all advantage to make an early beginning, and if the dinner table is not ready to set it should be the first thing. She had better see that the dessert is set out, and that the cream, if any is required, is shipped. Then the ham should be put on to boil, and a very good plan is to boil it in the copper, and the pudding can be safely put in -with it, for they will not hurt in the slightly salty and greasy

ate r. The cleaning of the copper will not make much extra work afterwards if done at once. The cooking of a fullsized Rain is always difficult, unless, of course, one has an extra large iron boiler, but this requires that the oven fire be lighted, and in the end it all stands for additional work. Then the. sauce and gravy can be made and thickened, and here comes the use for the half kerosene

If this is filled with boiling water, the sauce tureens can stand in it, and their contents will keep beautifully hot until required. The tin will require to be kept on one turned-low gas-ring, or on one side of the one-fire stove, and probably a piece of clean board or tray will have to be put over the top to keep the "boats" steady in the water; but it is really quite a simple arrangement, and is equivalent to the "basin marie" which French cooks use so much.' Its use on Christmas Day will mean that the saucepans can be washed up and put away before dinner, and thus some of the subsequent work is lessened. _ '

When the poultry or joint is once in the oven and all preparations are well in hand, there should be an interval of at least half an hour for a rest. Of course the birds will require having, but this will only take a minute or so. Next the after-dinner coffee can be made and drawn off into a jug ready for beating later on. Then the cold puddings should be put into their dishes, and these can then be carried with the pudding and dessert plates into the dining-room on to the sideboard, for it is by such forethought that the work of hanging The courses is lessened. The meat and vegetables should be carried in as expeditiously as possible during the soup course, and the best way to serve soup is to have each hot plate filled and in its place before the guests assemble.

Should there be any doubt as to the skill of the carver, by all means have the birds cut up outside and serve the joints and slices neatly arranged on a hot meat dish

in entree dishes. I have seen previously carved poultry served admirably from a large heated silver soup tureen. Such a proceeding may not be elegant from a formal point of view, but it answers excellently when convenience and a quick service are essential. Needless to say, the food should be kept hot while being carved outside. When the pudding comes to table, do not forget to see that it is alight, and be sure to pull down the blinds. Then May good digestion wait on appetite."