(By Telegraph from Our Correspondents.)

SYDNEY, January 1.

Mr. Rand, hon. secretary of the New South Wales Rugby Union, states the from Information he has received from dif-<*> ferent quarters, the English Rugby fo[?]t-

ball team which Is to visit the colon's â– will 'be a very good comblna lon. The first match Wi to be played In Sydney on the 17th June, and it is intended to p'av two matches against New South Wal^s two agaiDSt Queensland, and two against a combined Queensland and New South Wales team In Sydney and 'Brisbane rrop?ctively. In addition to the match?* again~t New Zeelasd, two matches w'll probably take place against combined Australia, (including New Zealand) in Syd ey. AUCKLAND, Jan-ary 1. The conditions on which the English Rugby team will visit New Zealand ar. tbat New Zealand to to pay the vi itrr?' expenses from Sydney and back, and give the New South Wales Union half die profit*. The New Zealand unions Trill sft«re the profits and expenses of the New Zealand tour among them. Tbfl expenses are estimated to amount to £400.

Mr. W. A. Rand, secretary of the Kew South Wales rugby Association, baa rec -iv~d a commui.'ca lion from Mr. Muli'nean. who !s acting on behalf of the proposed Kng-1- h team of Rugby footballers, that final arrangements have been made for them to leave England next year. They consist mos'ly of University players, and will tour through New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand. The " St. James's Gazette," commenting upon the selection of nine certainties for thr Australian cricket team which is to visit England next year (comprising Gregory, Noble, Kelly, Darling. Hill, Jones, Trumble, M'Leod, and WoTrall). expresses th« opinion that the players form the nucleus of a very popular team, especially as regard* bowling.