Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 17 September 1898, page 529

NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE t LONDON. BRANCHES AT MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, BRISBANE, ROCKIIAVPTOX, and throughout NEW ZEALAND. - WOOL, SKINS, HIDES, TALLOW, LEATHER, faV'^'S^^Jr^^JsZ *»vv-"-"J V»"*IVJ »***-r*-«wj * 4m*4MW ii 9 m+m+a m. m. m.m.m+m.yj wm.w* JOHN MACDONALD, Brisbane Manager, Eagle-street.

STOCK AND BTATIOX AGENTS. MTHIE & CO., Sheep, Cattle, and Property Salesmen, &c, • TOOWOOMBA. LONGREACH, AND HUGHENDEN. BRISBANE WOOL MARKET. FTIHE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OP THE BRISBANE WOOL SELLING BROKERS' -*- ASSOCIATION have the pleasure to intimate to the WOOLGROWERS OF QUEENSLAND that the efforts which they have continuously made since the beginning of this year have now resulted In a Government Bonus being offered of One Pound (£1) per Ton to be paid to suoh Woolgrowers of Queensland at shall sell their Wool by public auction In BRISBANE dnrlng the ensuing season. We have had interviews with many of the SOUTHERN BUYERS, who promise that no effort will be wanting on their part to N MAKE THE BRISBANE WOOL SALES A SUCCESS. It is sincerely to be desired in the interests of the Colony that this new departure may 1m auyyoil^a by all concerned. The charge* for BELLING WOOL will he as follow!— Wool (including Butts and Bags),a consolidated charge of— 3 pep cent on amounts 4500 and over. 3} per cent on amounts under £300. These charges to cover all expenses, including Receiving, Weighing, Warehousing, Cataloguing, Fire Insurance whilst in Store, &q., 4c FENWIOK & CO. DALGETY <fc COMPANY, Limited. THE UNION MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY OP AUSTRALIA, Limited. B. D. MOREHEAD A CO. THOS. NOTES & CO. « MELBOURNE WOOL MARKET. Reduced. dxeursres AND BClST^xes-t Values* T* HE MELBOURNE WOOLBROEERS' ASSOCIATION bag to notify that their CHARGES for SELLING WOOL have been REDUCED to the following Rates, which will bear comparison with those of any other Market:— • Receiving, Warehousing, Weighing, Lotting, Ropaoking, Fire Insurance, Sale Expenses, 4c, Old. per lb. Commission over £500 „ „ „ „ uperoent. Commission over £200 and under £500 „ .. „ it per cent. Commission under £200 ## ,1 „ „ „ 9j per cent. GOLDSBROUGH, MORT, AND CO., Limited. AUSTRALABIAN MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY, Limited. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, Limhsd. DALGETY AND COMPANY, Limitkd. UNION MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY, Limited. YOUNGHUSBAND AND COMPANY PROPRIETARY, Limited. Dalgety ACompany, WOOLandPRODUCE BROKERS. Capital Fully Subscribed, £4,000,000. Capital Paid Up, £1,000,000. Reserve Fund, £130,000, represented by Consols, £137,000. The Company intend to hold regular WOOL SALES IN BRISBANE daring the ensuing Season, and are making all arrangements lor the satisfactory handling of clips. Weekly Sales of Hides, Tallow, Sheep and Marsupial Skins, and other Produce, are1 held at the Stores in Margaret-street, where special attention is given to the handling and sale of all consignments. The Company is prepared to advauee on approved Station Properties and Grazing Farms, also Wool and Produce, whether intended for sale in the Colonial Markets or for shipment to London. Particular attention is given to Stock and Station and Lands Agency Business. BRIBBANE BRANCH:—IBB ELIZABETH-STREET. WOOL AND PRODUCE STORES:—MARGARET-STREET. A. D. WALSH, Manager.

STOCK AND STATION AGENTS. THOMAS NOYES, Fifteen Tears Salesman for the Union Mortgage and Agency Co., Ltd., STOCK AND STATION AGENT, Sh.eep and Cattle Salesman, 188 QUEEN-STREET, BRISBANE. SIDMWOOLSELLIMOM'AMIATIAai Sales held regularly in the Sydney Market as under: Wool— Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the woekly scries. Total sales during Season 1837-8—445,341 Hales. Frodace Bales every week. Msccpsklas— Friday. Hltles— Friday. Tallow— Friday. Tobacco Leaf— Monday. Leather— Tuesday. Bark— Tuesday. Fur Skins— Wednesday. ■air, Horns, aad Bones— Thursday. Kectwax— Thursday. AUSTRALASIAN MORTGAGE AND AGENCY NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE CO., Ltd. AOKNCY CO., Ltd. JOHN BRIDGE ft CO., Ltd. PABTORAL FINANCE ASSOCIATION, Ltd. DALGETY ft CO., Ltd. PITT, SON, & BADGKRY, Ltd. GOLDSBROUGH, MORT, ft CO. Ltd. WINGHCOMBE, CAHBON, ft CO. HARRISON, JONES, ft DEVLIN, Ltd. WYLY, TRENCHARD, ft CO. HILL, CLARK, ft CO. J. C. YOUNG ft CO.

ROBERT RUSSELL, I Aaotloneer, ' Btook. Station, and Commission Agent, Share* broker, Valuator, and Aeoouatant OtfARTERB TOWERS. MAROETT3 & WAKE FORD, AUCTIONEERS, Btook, Station, akd Gknbbai Comiisjioa Aohts, BHAUBKOXKRit, AKD VIMUTOBS, TO WNSVILLa Correspondence Invited.) TLj" AOTAOOABT BROS. STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, Wharf-street, MARYBOROUGH, AMD Wakefield's Buildings, Adelaide-street, BRISBANE. EI LE V BROS. & 00., Auctioneers, Stock, Station, and General Commission Agents, WIHTON, LONGREACU, and HUGHENDEN Auction Bales held at either town when required TiT ORGAN J. RYAN, AUCTIONEER, Stock, Station, and General Commission Agent, TAROOM. R. NEWTON & CO., Stock and Station Agents, ADELAIDE-STREET BRISBANE. WM. SLOGGATT& CO., STOCK, STATION, AND COMMISSION AGENTS, WINTON. FEN WICK A CO., Pabtobal akd Genebal Aoemm. WEEKLY AUCTIONS. Fax Stock, Wool, akd Station Pbodttcb. BRISBANE. SNAPE & BOWLY, Stock, Station, Forwarding, and General Agents, AUCTIONEERS, QUIRINDI, N. 6. WALEB. Liberal Advances on Stock and Produce. Good Paddook Accommodation. M. R. CHESNEY & CO., Stock, Station, Financial, and General Agents. Properties Inspected and Reported Upon. Correspondence from intending Selectors particularly Invited. Temporary Premises: Fjuxdkbs-bt. (over Royal Bank), TOWNBVILLE. BERGL AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. BOWEN MEAT WORKS. To Station Owners and Pastoralists in Queensland. THE abovenamed Company, having acquired these Works and effected numerous improvements, has pleasure in informing intending Exporters -of Frozen Meat that it is now in a position to treat Stock at the lowest current rates. The Company is also prepared to purchase or treat on owners' account Stock for boiling down or extract Full particulars may be obtained at the Office of the Company, 63 PITT-BTREET, SYDNEY, or from the Manager of the Works. BOWEN, QUEENSLAND.

L A NOUS M»PHERBON * CO. xl Stock and Btatiox Aqbhts, Acctiombbbs. Forwarding and General Commission AgcnU _ ROMA BUNOABERG. /CURTIS * M'INTOSH, Lmitbo. W. E. CURTIB (Est. 1831), A. M'INTOSH (Est. 1333) AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, LAND, SHIPPING, CUSTOM 3 FINANCIAL, STOCK, INSURANCE, a:jo GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS THE ' UNION MORTGAGE & AGENCY COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA, LP. Incorporated under tho Imperial Companies Act, 1862 to I*o. HEAD OFFICE. London: WEST INDIA HOUSE, 86 to 93 Leadenhall-street, B.C. HEAD OFFICE IN AUSTRALIA Melbourne: 114 and 116 Wiliiam-streat, AUSTRALIAN BOARD OF DIRECTOII3. Andrew George Anderson, I Win, Drysdale, Esq. Esq. (Chairman) Frederick William Army. C.W. Chapman, Esq. | tage, Esq. J. M. SKINNER, General Managor. WILLIAM A. SMITH, Melbourne Managor. BRANCHES. Sydney, Brisbane, RockUauipton, and Townsvlll j, WOOL AND PRODUCE BROKERS, Stock, Station, AND General Commission Agents. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE on WOOL an! other Produce consigned for sale in the Colonies or London, Managing Agents of the Australian Estates and Mortgage Company .Ltd.. London. Hrlsoane Branch) Eagle-street Wharf. The Company holds WEEKLY SALES OF FAT STOCK AND PRODUCE at Brisbane. J. LEAHY, M.L.A. Manager. Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company, Limited. Incorporated 1863. CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED .. £8,000,000. HEAD OFFICE: 18 Leadenhall-street, London, E.C COLONIAL OFFICES: 108 William-street, Melbourne. 187 Macquarle-atreet, Sydney. MELBOURNE BOARD OF ADVICE: ALBERT AUSTIN, Esq. WM. LEONARD, Esq. MANAGER FOR AUSTRALIA: J. J. FALCONER, SYDNEY BOARD OF ADVICE: W. A. COTTEE, Esq., Chairman, Hon. H. O. DAN GAR, M.L.C. MANAGER: JAMES KIDD. THE Company make ADVANCES on PASTORAL PROPERTIES, Station Bills, and Ensuing Clip of Wool, and act generally as Squatting Bankers ana Agents.