Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 2 April 1925, page 5


PERMITS CONSIDERED. Rattray's Held Over.

Cases of Boromeo and Maxfield.

Members of the umpire and permit committee of the Victorian Football League began their work for the year last evening, when a number of applications for permits were dealt with. E. Hunt (chairman) presided.

C. L. Rattray applied for a permit to play erith Brighton (Assoc?tion') club, and produced * clearance from Fitrroy. Rattray said that

was tun present intention to open a bullee? i

Br.chton, and he wish? tn play with that club, ai it would bc to hU advantage to do so. Mr. s. Thom? (North Melbourne) aid that ht* club wished to first discus* the po*U!on, as Rattray bad aarree-i to coach lila ' t_ra,v and after a rtis i-uulou in com?Into the matter wat deferred until next Wednesday.

Eric Reichman, now living at North Fitzroy, said that ht had lived in Terang for two years, and now wished to play with Fitzroy. His permit was granted.

R. Hiskens, of Carlton, applied for a permit to pl-1- willi Brunswick (Association). The Carlton club granted him a clearance in recognition of his it. . . ... ,,. the club during the past five years, and the permit was granted.

George Robinson, now residing at Northcote, said that he had lived at Nathalia all his life, and wished to play with Richmond. He was granted permission.

William Walton, formerly captain of the Haw-thorn team was granted permission to play with Stawell. He was leaving Melbourne, he said, because his wife had been ordered to the country. Walton was informed that in the event of his return to Melbourne he would still be a Hawthorn player.

Much discussion followed the application of R. Cazaly for a permit to Minyip. South Melbourne had granted him a clearance because te was point; into business as a billfard-taloou keeper, and that as the club did not intend to brinr bim to Melbourne to plar each week he wriiiil nut.he selicted in -the team. Vr. P. Mcinteeh said that Cataly left for Minyip.that mornini;. and delegates considered that Caaaly should be prcjeni. Evcntuallv. alter a vote tad been taken, lt was acree! tn'consider the application in Ca_ly's absence, and Ult per?lt

fas "crnnted. i

L. Kittle received, his permit to play Fhcpp; a clea

Tho F.fc»:nd<m Club, in Eivlnit him aid that fie had not been selected ja the first _ pL-iyers.

U Kew MlnR, who.bad purchased a business la Echuca, and had refelled his clearance from Ji'ortli Melbourne, was grr?lied permit?on to play

*lth thc Echuca Club.

¦I. Abernethy, wbo came 1o Melbourne to study law, and played with the Melbourne Club, was granted a permit to Sheppa rton, where he Mas tove articled, to bis lather.

Arthur. Hondo said in lils appll?tion that ht tad accepted a position at Beodlfco, and pre-sented a cleaionc-e trcm the South Melbour? (Citimittee; who said that .be would' not' be brought-to Melbourne and would not be Included IS the Hst of players. Ile received per-ln-n to plav.wlth So. th Bendigo

V Releher, who wa! the non-playing coach of Pitney, and .formerly played with South Mel-bourne, received a permit tn play in Tasmania. He i-iid that he lind received a business appoint roetn .In Launcestoti, and wished to play with thc Pest Lautifcston club.

P. H. Maison's clearance (rpm Western Austra-lia to' Vlatoria was forwarded by the Western Australian body, lt' war, understood that Matson wished to play with Castlemaine, but action w_ r"'~--eil pending tbe'ieceipt of further itiforn? tlon. ...

Doromeo's Case.

Mr. P. Pace (Richmond) sought a ruling in tbs rase of A. Roromeo. He said that Itoromeo re-ceived a elearanre from Carlton, but a permit was refused by tho Leasue, and be (Mr. Patre) i-oiie:iiIered that it v.? now a maller for tbs Ijune only. It Mas ruled, however, that ltommeo' Mas still-a G-irlton player, and roust spain ripply to .that club for a clearance if be ^lilied to p]ay with auothar club.

Maxfield's Disquallfloation.

Mr. Pago -ld (hat J. Mt?ield. Uie. Blehmogd wire man. who bad been disqualified durinc the pleasure of-the League,' m-u present to'apply for th- lilting: of that, dlsqualiiication.. Tic com-mittee decided, thit it Mas not necessary to bear bim. and went ? Into committee to discuss th* mutter. It vat stated that Maxfield nblaliiod a etciraii-e (rom thc country last -year to play with Ijiclitaoiid, anil omitted vi state that he lia-1 played several matches in 1921 willi North Mite. That tact 1*?mc known alter lie Had pl-.-At -..,?? ii matches with Richmond, and he was dtMiualified in June. After a loni. declinion n .. d lo i ke no action. Tho ditqualifi

eltion tlieicforc rcmaini.

New Rule- InterpreUtlarts. I in die?Ming tb* appointment of umpires |nr the practice .matebej on Saturday, Mr. Melntolh asked if copies o!' the inUrpreUtloh ot the new out-of-bounds rule by the Australian Football Co-ti ii y.-ould be sent to the nmnlres enneorvted.

? Tne.*c:-re-ry (Mr. & 1- Wilson).?That bod. Lae no't the power to make Intarprotatione of tba

. "? "agc.?Have wc to accept tiat interpre-


51,-. Wilson.?No; certainly not. Wc rn?t In (erpict it, ot<r?Ive*.

Movements Of Players.

W. _b_riftn,|, the Geelong player who made nv rel trmoceesslul 'attempts last year to trans-fer td Rlrhtr.orid. has non- decided to play *|tain o-i'lb (le^loni.. Ile recently removed to the St. Kilda illMri.t, lind wu ?id to bt IB?lng appll mior. ttl play with IJiat traill. ' ' v '

Syd. Coventry, of Collina^ nod, recently ad rpti-d th-> position of coach at Horsham. A1 ttl Collin?wood committee icfuted bini a clear tmx-he Mill now have, to decline the position, at bonham ls affiliated with the League.

Practice Mstotios anal Umpires.

I'.acticc tua?ats wiri be played by' nearly

t'try club on ? turujv. Nsw umpire*, a* well ti new pla vera', win b« (riven a trial, and the «rrmitt{c select? a numb?. Two ?ld umpires tad one. holli?»ry t?iplro will act. each ?bi umpire: takin?- half ino -finne, aaa acting os boundary, umpire tor the reraaininp: half. The appointments are as ¦ follow:?Carlton?Murphy^, Hall (boundary)-. ?sendon.?Frimley, Campton. Ryan (boundary)., Filiroy. ? Hvtaii'l

O'Hea, Ed»?os (boundiry). Footscray.?T. F. Hnw, W. V. S. Jones, Downey (boundary). Haw them (at St. James's park).-Ri>y, Rowe, Blddls cirbe (boundor)-). - Melbbijrne .(lt the Albert cr.-.und).?R .'Jones. iRllIsnl, ,Iamp« (boundi Sert!) Melbourne.?V. Miers, Wilkinson, II.

Cat nee (bolindaiv). ltlohmoad.?Stiff, Farrow, Loni'tcau (boundarv). Soqtb Mclboump.?Clin tick, Rrvsrinlc, Rre»-ttr (bolii.dOry>. St. Slid* («t ciitcrnwlclc).?I?uder, Krnnedy, Kennedy (bovnJiiy).

Ogilvie's Dlequaliftoatlon.

There was- conslemation In sporting; circles

tch'jca Vben |t m'*j learned that the umpire and ptrinit cblnmlttte of the Kajue bad rafuatd to rai« thc dlcquallliealloii lmpoted en G. Ogilvie, uliO left the League borne years ago to play Asso tlition football without drat obtaining a clitrtncc, and a permit. - Oifllvle ia now la buslht? tn ?huco, and dr-slret to play with tho football club tliere. SdppOrteri point out that Ogilvie went to the M-ar whet] lia Mat tiled 17 years,- and re-turned t6 b'chucft after serving for tivb years. He Mien received an invi?tion to join Richmond, and rlavucj ajalnst Essendon and Carlton. Alter the CMlt?i mitch (bat club.asked that Ult ptrrull be revieweil, with the result that the League would tot allo-v him tc. coutlnut Mith Richmond, ts ho l.t.! lived l(i Eretfidon territory before he M-ent to the war. In l«l,he trapsfcrred to Foot?ray

clearahin.- fropi Rrhmond. and in the ten throe ycart.he-played for Port Melbourne, travelling from fichu?, 156 miles, every' Salufd*v. He ii sited ? years, and Echuca aufipOrteni-od'n tl'ler timi, allbouRh Hie nili-ratorv player must be kept in check, olivie's is a cate that nvlstht bt ltnl'-nily dealt with, particularly as' all hit lu l«r«le ai» now tu E«huea. A petition has been Hyncd by more Ihlti !.i»0 Echuca and district

Association Clearances.

A meeting of the unipire and permit commiltet « Hie Vietorian Football Association wait held Int rneht. M-fied tho folloM-inc; clearances were fnniedi?ii. Illskeiit, from Carlton to Rruntwlck, ?ul IV. lt. Walloo, from Uawthorn to S_m'<11.

Geelong Team' Training.

GEELONG, VVidnes.-iay. ? Thc Geelong football ecnralttee ts >ery unguinf bf being ab!o tb place In Hie tMd a very.strong eldo Hilt seasern'. . Prac-tical), all of Inst ecason's players have been Valninc lt is undcratood thit Mathieson will ,b* t definite absentee, t. Fitzmailrl?, of Etsendon,

{til Lloyd Hunter, lau year's ?ptain and coach. baie appeared at ti-nlng. Fitzmaurtce has' jet

to obuiln his clearance from Et?ndon.

'.CHELSEA.?At tie annual mcetint of the Choltea Footl.iM Club the following ofnoeri wert elect-: ?rrt-i-lcii'.. Coiinclllor Deo'?nvorth; vlce-pteki

faau, M.s.rj. stokes, MtcAuley, T. Naylor. C.

Jil ie. % J M-Kay. V.Bay. K? HarrOM-or, w\ O.

Barf.K,t, C. Northcott, II. .1. Hint, W. J. Jlil'er, U. UowBian, Mrtiarry, Williams, and'A. Dorrnan; eommiltn,., Messrs. Brace,' Crofby, O'Rrten. Had ww. Kellett, Thompson, and Utjllt: secretary, Mr. C. I tmm; tres-rer. Mr. L. C. White; dtle Pies, M*ssra. Braes and Camm, It w-a. aprer-d