Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 15 February 1924, page 15

z) «,;, SOCIAL.

To'Correspondent9.-Communications Intended for Insertion In this column SHOULD KOT BE .IDDKESSED 1'EH.SONALLY, but to "The IVennen's Department," and euch must bear the name.and address of the vliter. Social news mil-not be taken over tfio telephone.

íirs. E. G. Walke'r, who' lias been the guest, of Mrs. E. W. Walker (Camden, Albiöii), returned to Harrow, Cambooya, this'iveek.

Mite Cutbush (Sydney) is the 'guest of her sister, Mrs. Leutenegger (¡Iel

-letia; Clavfii'ld).

Mr. and ^lis. Bruxner (Beaudesert)

,-ue in Brisbane and are staying at Lennon's Hotel.

Mr. and Mis. W. Palmer, Navena, Blackall, Mill leaio for Coolangatta todaviot n shoit holiday, . .

Mrs. Malcolm Cameron and Miss Mary Cnjiicion "lefl this Meek on a visit lo ¡\i daey. v *

Miss B. Collins (Beaudesert) is staying at "tannon's Hotel. , ' ' »

Mr. and Mrs. M'Cook (Auchenflower) i etui ned from the South last week.

Mrs. T. J. Molpby (Warwick), is* A ¡sit-ing Blisbane and is staying with her patents at Hillside, Vultuio-street, East," Biiçbane. <

Miss Minnie. Xorris ha3 returned from Mount Tambourine, and has i-esumed teaching as advertised to-day.

The opening of the "Blues"' dance

\- protti little design foi the Miiall elioólgnl, of linen 01 chock gingham »nth nhite lawn liloiue, the collai and IM ist"" frills being edged tilth lvnii to milch, the linen

club -jil the, Queen-street AcademJ_,"J'öjt Wednesday evening, "ivas very -succésstùî, all present showirfg -keen, interest in'tile demonstration e-f thoJ "Blues'' steps . as danecà by Mrs. Marlcg, assisted by Mr. George Denham. ' Further illustrations ivill be given'aj,;'.be. ela*s next Woiiiieselay. Those present' incliiileet Misses Campbell (2), Hall, Green, Mangan, .laques, Lucas, Stewart, 'Mitchell (2)," Raymond (2), Gore, Kin festón; »'. Small, Barter, Kirkup (2); Buist," -Deptford. Harrison, Murrayf --Messrs. " Collíríiñ.

O'connell. Bunn, AjHey,,X'olo; (ä);^.^-,. ilcistm, Carter, .» Williams, Thompson, Conlon, Stone, «It-vine,'Wood, Webb, 1 Hull, Brough, Richards, ,Gossage, Craig,

l'ointon, Green, Hart, Adams,' Monohan, Kiikup, Nicholson, GrcávegV 'Olsen,

Pearce, Lnckman. .. ?? '

in honour of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutton, who are returning to Melbourne after n sojourn with' relalivcS'in this State, Mr. and Mrs. Patten,',of/Oriel-ïQa'd,' Aêeot, gave a dinner party.. to' - sevirral friends» last eVejiiug,'.».. *. '.' ." ,% "' j

A successful conference in commemora-tion on Frances Willard was held in the Y.W.C.A. rooms on Wednesday, Mrs. J. Tait (State President) presided. Mrs. Watts and Miss Griffith, L.G., led the morning devotions. Mrs. J. Williams effectively dealt with the ques-tion, "How to prepare for local option polls." It was decided to ask Mrs. Williams to prepare a paper to be printed for circulation, and Mrs. Carvosso urged the conference to make practical use of the suggestions. At the afternoon session Mrs. Crowther led devotions. Mrs. Carvosso opened the subject of a membership campaign, and Mrs. Crowther, Mrs. Trout and others joined in the discussion. Mrs. Carvosso also spoke on Frances Willard as an organiser and missionary. To up-hold the example of their first leader, the Australian W..C.T.U. has decided to raise £150 to maintain a missionary in Egypt. A song -li-as-rendered by Miss Pnrry and a recitation by Miss Winifred Smith. Mrs. Huxham acted as organist. Eleven unions were represented, including Thompson Estate (Mrs. Sheldrick), Lee (Mrs. Crowther),- Central - (Mrs. Des.row), Ithaca (Mrs. Trout), _NTur.<Jah (Mrs. Atthow), Valley (Mrs. Bell), South Bris-bane (Mrs. Humphreys). Albion (Mi«. Clough), Wynnum (Mrs. Foggan), bulimba (Mis. Smith), and Coorparoo (Mrs. Bardsley). -The State president was sup-ported on the platform by the State officers (Mesdames Carvosso, Humphreys, M'Coy, and Williams).

A meeting of the Soldiers' Church or England Help Society wns held at the Anzac Club, North Quay, on- Tuesday, Mrs. J. A. Philp (vice-presldeiif) in the chnir. A resolution oí, sympathy with Miss Laura S.mith in her recent bereave-ment was passed .by members: The re-ports showed that the Anzac Home was fully occupied, 'that tho Coolangatta House had a. numbov of convalescents staying there, and that the spiritual woik . on the solelicr settlements was proceed

inf.. Applications for lellet were con-sidered and dealt with. Concerts weie . leportod as having been held at soldier

institutions, nnd the Immigintion Depot, mid fin thor arrangements were made. Appeal« '.unr made for clothes for relief work and magazines for hospitals. The preliminary arrangements for the Anzac liay hinch were discussed, Mis. Garland being appointed convener, Miss Laura Smith secretary, and Mrs. Gerrard and .Miss Markwell city collectors.

Mr. and Mis. John H. Fox (New Zea-land) are visiting Brisbane, anil are stavirg at the Belle Vue notel. Other visitors include Maior and Mrs. Victor ' Bell (Camboon), Miss Dolly Bell (Coo-

chin), and-Mrs.' _. Blackstock (South-


M'--.and Mrs. J. J. Castor (Mourilyan) ¡¡no their two children aro the guests of Mrs J. H. Castor, sen., for three


' iwV}',1 J- Á- M'Gregor. Queen's Place,

Wickham-terrace, entertained the mannWress and team of Victoiian swimmers, n.cluiliiig Mrs. Marsden. Misson M'Pher

«on, White, Allen, mid Richards at after- , ¡ÜÜ¡n ÏV4 0no T,t,<* Hill, and later i motored the party to Cribb Island. ' tli« f i Í1' 5nr'n,r.-C!o"ld nrnvcd from ! tile East by the Montoro last evening, ! and is staying "t tho National Hotol ' i*' and Mrs. Stanley Chapman will ] ïolLl'y » ". -mail, tram °» Monday

coring to join the Mooltan in Mel- bourne, en route for England. Visitors at the Hotel Cecil during the week include Mr. A. Salmon (Kingaroy), Mr. and Mrs. A. M'Donald (Sydney)

Messrs Evans and G. A. Patterson (Winton), Mrs. A Keiry and Miss B. Keiry (Townsville), Mr. R. A. Carr

(Southport), Miss G. K. Knight (Mel-bourne), Mrs. and Miss Palmer (Dalby), Mr. Chas. Neilson (Bundaberg), Mrs. C. Murray (Armidale), Capt. T. Mills (Syd-

ney), Dr. C. Cock (Barcaldine), Mr. J Jamieson (Longreach). Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tooker (Morven Downs).

Invitations have heen issued to a send-

off and presentation to the Mayoress oí' South Brisbane (Mrs. A. Faulkner) to be held in the Town Hall, Brisbane, on Wednesday, February 20, at, 3.30 p.m.

Miss M. I. Hunt, B.A. will be the guest of honour at the next meeting of the Lyceum Club, which will be held on Monday night. February 25.

Members of the Ithaca No. 3 Ward

Progress Association are reminded of the postponed social evening to be held in Bardon Hall to-morow night to bid farewell to Mr. arid Mrs. J. M. Devoy and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapman, who will leave shortly on a trip to England

A special meeting of the committee of

the M.U. District Nursing Association will be held at the Nurses' Home, Upper Roma street, next Wednesday, at 2.15


There passed away lately at the Diamantina Hospital a very old Bris-bane resident, Mrs. Tiffin, widow of the late Mr. Charles Tiffin, who was for many years Government Architect for Queensland. With her husband, Mrs. Tiffin came to Brisbane from Tasmania about the year 1859. The deceased lady was the daughter of the late Captain Haig; who was well known in mercantile circles in Tasmania, and who captained his own vessel, trading' io Mauritins and the Went Indies. The late Mrs. Tiffin took a prominent part, in preparing the house overlooking Petrie's Bight for the reception of Sir George and Lady Bowen. She also had to supplement the supply of household linen, whioh had been over-looked. . The late Mr. Tiffin was the architect for Government House (in the Botanic Gardens) and the Parliamentary Buildings., Mrs. Tiffin being chosen to select the colours for the interior walls of the buildings. The deceased lady, who lived to the age of 90. will long be remembered by a wide circle of friends from her ever ready help and sympathy in times of sickness. She was a most enthusiastic gardener, and though she had no family of her own was devoted to children.