Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 24 November 1923, page 17


IMuiiead and comedy items were mixed

in equal proportions in the new pro giamme submitted at Bohemia las: night

Outstanding among tho musical numbers were those rendered by Miss Myrtle Power. She gave a delightful interpre-tation of "Ave Mirria," with Messrs. L'aszlo Schwartz and Charles Laurence accompanying on the violin ami piano respectively. Rivalling this in point of all-round exoeulenco wore "Wisteria," a Japanese scenia, in which sha Waa tho central figure, and an Hawaiian scena, "Sleepy HavvSïii." Mr. Aneuri-a Morris extracted all the beauty from "Believe mo if all those endearing young charmB." and Miss Florence Yates, the coritTalto, was heartily applauded for her treatment of the lullaby "Curly Head." Miss Molly Warren essayed "Gossiping," and Mr. Roy Simpson's bass voice was heard to advantage in "From Oberon in Fairy Land." The Glassy GMs anti Miss Sadie Gale snared the honours in "Dumb-bell," while the latter also figured wilth distinction in "Ob, Madamoisolle," and a. bright comedy sketch, "The Husband's Revenge." In. the lastmentioned number Mr. Charlies Laurence was entrusted with most of the work, and was assisted by Mr. Gus Bluett. Two solos were ren-dered by Mr. Lance Fairfax, "I'm a'driftingthro' life's highway," and "Introduc-tion." Mr. Laszlo Seluvaritz'a defigh trail interpretation of "CavaHeria Rusticana" made a strong appeal, and as an encore he rendered with acceptance the Italian folk song. "Jambo." Mr. Charles Lau-rence entertained at the piano in talent-ed styile; his stay proving all too »*ioj»t. Messrs. Gus and Fred Bluett, who are entering on their last week, appropria-tely as their main item, "Goodbye-e-e," which, to use a theatrical Ipbrase,- "went big." They also figured

in several comedy interludes, and added to -their popularity with fresh verses from "MT. G.aikvgher and Mr. Shean." Tho younger one of the two also appeaTed in a novelty number, "The Busy Brisbane Fly." Mir. ' Harry Graham and Miss Dorothy Manners introduced a dozen or so original quips in "Merry Moments," and MT'.' Charles Albert Bh-ufi"!ed "The Hawaiian Shuffle." A picturesque finale, "The Moon Idyll," sent tbo audience homo in happy .mood.

"The Famous Diggers."

Applause and repeated calls for encores punctuaited the new entertainment pre-sented at Cremorne last- night by' that finished company oí entertainers, "The Famous Diggers." Though the company is largelv made np of ex-service men, the only war numbei was a clever sketch, "France, 1917," in which Messrs. Clem May, Jock Thomson, Clyde Fields, Joe Vail2 and G. P. Hanna, with the able assistance of Miss Jessie Meadows, won well-merited applause. A bright and breezy tune, bj» the excellent or-chestra of Miss Mena Raymond, opened the programme, and the overture was followed by a charming chorus by the whole company. This led to a dancesong, "Jazzola," introducing Miss Cicely Audkbort, an aecomirylished artiste, who was ably assisted by the company. A comedy interlude. "Taxation," featuring Miss Cicely Audfbcrt and Messrs. Joe Valli./Tora Preston, and Clyde Fields, brought much applause. Mr. G. P. Hanna orovided a clover and. original nov»city act, which won immediate and enthusiastic applause, and Jock Thomson sang superbly, "Whatever is-is Best." Mr. Clement May repeated his past suc-cess with fine Dickens character studies. His presentations last night were "Fagin" and "Ebenezer Scrooge," both masterly. The second sbudy was aided grcaily by tlie bca-U'Ciiful staging. Messrs. Ton) Preston and Clyde Fields succeeded with clever patter and dancing, and Messrs. Jock Thomson, Joe Yalli, and Stan Daw-son staged a well thought out sketch, "Flats," a ituni'ber in which Mr. Stan. Lawson'a female impersonation was a triumph. Mr. G. P. Hanna then pre-sented an original turn, which was re-peatedly encored. A delightful sketch, '.'Songs of India," featuring Mi». E. Kopke, Miss Moya Crossley, and the company, in an Eastern scene, ended the "first half df the programme. The Becond portion included': "Stoppit," by Mr. Clyde Fitch and company; Messrs. J-oe Vail* and Stan. Dawson, in- Scotch dances; "nor Other Husband," a clever skit, featuring Mr. deni. May and MIBS Cicely Audibert, a screamingly funny comedy act by MT. Tom Preston; the novel and unusual incidente, "Napoleon," in which Mes3rs. Oleni Muy, E. Kopke. G. P. Hanna, Stan. Dawson, and JBss Wynne,Macoboy participated; and items by Mr. Clyde Fields, Misses Macoboy, Jessie Meadows, Moya Crossley, and Cecily Aiidibert.


"A Coo-ee From Home" is the title of the principal item of tho Elite Theatre's programme for to-night. The picture was produced in Sydney recently by Mr. C. Woods, and is said to be one of Australia'c biggest productions. The story-tells how a man, on being apprehended by the police for murder, smuggles him-self on board a boat, and ia not located until the vessel reaches a distant port. He is about to be placed under arrest, when he dives overboard into a sea infpe-tcd by sharks. He disappears, and is given up for lost, and subeeerueatly the

real author of the crime confesses The fight with the sharks under sea is grapmc ally depicted

Tivoli Theatre.

The Paramount production of ' The Heart Roidei ' with Agnes AvreJ in the leiding role, has proved oin of the most populir photop!a>s exhibited in \us train to date Its Queensland premiere will be at the Tivoli 1 heitre on Mon da} Agnes A^ns portrns the role of Muriel Gra},' a charming \ivieious t} pical modern girl Hie theme of the stor} dells with the conquest by this gul of a confirmed bachelor The frocking of 'Miss Ayres is descubed as p-irticularl} brilliant Mahlon Hamilton portrays the role of the haid and vast woman hatei

The Majestic

"Onlj a Shop Girl," a Master picture, will commence a three days seanon at the Majestic to dav Vdapted to the screen from the old drama of Charles E Blanc} "Onl} a Shop Gul" has boon modernised just enough to bo thoioughl} up to-date lhe misten BO ntcessai} to the diama of to da} has been nitro duced adroitl} and the action is ia-,t and thrilling from stait to finish hstclle Taylor, v ho plas s one of the leading feminine rolep, 13 said to i ear at least a mulion dollars worth of clothes Sup porting the main feature will be a powerful Western druna, ' The Man Above the Law, ' and Lam Semon m his lateBt two reel success, 'The Agent"

Suburban Picture Theatres.

The chief attractions at the suburban picture theatres during the ensuing week

will be as follows - j

Lyne Theahi», West End-To night, "Vengeance of Piern,' a lox atti action, and WaUer Hiers in ' S xt} Cent3 an Hour" Enda} next Alma Ta}loi m Tansv " and "Isle of Lost Ship?," a Tir=t National special

Rialto, West Tnd-Tonight "The Sin Hood," and ' Si-tv Cents an Hour," teatuung Walter Hiers Wednesday nest

iheodora," u Muster pictuie special

Imperials, Lutwyche-Jo night, Johnnie Walker in the tom Hi Musketeer," and lames Kirkw ood in "The Ebb Tide '

Tuesda} next "Tournes and Ila}seeds," 1 Brotheis Under the Skin," and ' The Leather Pusheis " Thursday nest The b« Bpecial attraction, Rupert of Hent

7au " l

Mowbiay Palk Theatre, Kangaroo Point -lo night ' Children of the Dust " ind Alma Taylor in "Tans}," a Master picture Next Tuesday Colleen Moore in The Wall Dower," and Alice Brad} in ' The Snow Bride " Nett Thursday V benefit to assist the Fast Brisbane State School »ill be held, and Tom Mix in

Stepping Past," and "A Friendly Husband," a To\ corned} drama, will be scrcenod Coming, on December 13, "Isle of Lost Ships "

Imperials, Nundah-To night D W Griffith's buper spectacle ' The Fall of Babylon," and Charles Jones m ' Skid Proof " Next Tuesdav Max Linder 111 "Seven Years' Bad Luck," and 'The Fourth Musketeer" featuring Johnnie Walker Next Thursdav "Children 01 Jos-?," and Constance Burne} in "Mid night "

Avro Bulimba-To night Two Master pictures, "1 he Pilgi 1111 " featuring Charlee Chaplin, and 'Is Mono} E\ei}lhing'' Next Tuesda} 'The No er Do Well," featuring Thomas Meighan, and n Univer sal picture, ' The Lovo Lettei," featuring Gladys Walton

Princess Theatre, South Busbane-To night, Alonda}, and matinee toda} 'The Snow Bride " featuring Alice Brady, and "Children ot the Dust " a First National attraction Next Tue=dav and Wednesday Colleen Moore in 'The Wall Flower," and Constance Binney m "Midnight " Next Thursdni and Fridav Hool Gibson 111 "The Galloping Kid," and Johnnie Walk ei m "1 he Fourth Musketeer " For re-serves, ring Central 4371

"Taming of the Shrew."

The Brisbane Shakespeare Society will give a performance of the "Taming of the Shren," in costume, in the Centennial Hall ou Tuesdav, December 4 The char aden, of "Petruchio* and ' Kath trine" will be performed b} Mr G W What mole and Miss Molly Carmod} respec tivel} The production is under the direction ot Mr A G Stark The box plan will be opened at Paling's next Monday

Soldiers' Fathers' Association's


The Soldiers' Fathers' Association lias arranged a concert to be held in the Centennial null next Thursdav,, at 8 pjn The artists will include Misses Lena Ham mond Pauline Elliott Clarice Cox, Maggie Lloid Ha?el Philp, Glad} s Frost, Mesdames Gilbert Wilson, S Benjamin, Manl e}, H V Thomas, Mcsrs J E England, W W Crisp, M G Kitson R S Best, F W Mason Hart y Borra dale, Robert Ka}0, Cyril Barcia}, and low soy'6 Orchestral Band lhe concert will be held under the patronage of his I xcelloncy the Governor, and other dis tinguished citizens admission will be free, and a collection will be made dur ing the evening m aid of distressed so!

diers and their dependents lhe general public are cordially invited to attend the


The Sampson Orchestra.

Tho benefit concept of the Sampson Orchestra will take place next Iiiesdav night, at 8, m the Exhibition Concert Hall in the presence of his Excellency the Governor (Sir Matthew Nathan) Tin programme winch has been selected bv th general public, comprises the "Flyinp Dutchman," overture (Wagner), 'Ctli S}mphony ' (Glayounoiv), "Valse Triste " (Sibelius), "Praeludium " ( Jarno feldt) and ' Hungarian Rhapaodv in E Minor" (Lisrt) Popular prices are an nounced, and as the proceeds are to be devoted to the Queensland Orchestra' Trust Fund it is hoped that there will be a largo attendance Tickets are ob tamable at Paling's Particulars aie advertised

All Hallows' School Concert,

Next Monday evening tho pupils of All Hallows' School will gue their annual entertainment in His Majesty's Theatre m aid of the Mater Public Hospital The programme, winch is an excellent one has been »peoiallv selected to cater foi the varied tastes of the -audience It includes many interesting numbers amongst other« orchestral selections and vocal and instrumental items of a high standard The junaor pupils will add their items to the entertainment The booking is good, but «oats arc still available Tickets for unreserved seats can be pro cured at tho theatre on Mondaj eionmg

Miss Lena Hammond's Students.

An intciesting programme has been ipre pared foi Miss Lena Hammond's students concert, which will bo gil en m the \lbort Hall, on Saturday, December 8, at 8 p m Miss Btiyl Pratten (pianist), a. pupil of Miss Gladys Fiost, will assist Iho box plan w til be opened at Paling s on Wednes da}, 28th instant

Arthur Boyle's Students' Recital.

A large number 01 student» from Mr Aithui Boyle's studio will take part in n tong recital to be "ivon at the Elite Theatre next Monda} niglt Tho pro gramme will include some of the test pieces at the recent Ballarat ristcddfod, in which Mi's Beatrice Pugh stieccssfull} com peted, also several songs b} classical and modern English composeis

Brisbane Musical Union.

The Brisbane Musical Union concluded

a -ver} successful season with a siibscrip

tion concert on luesdni, but the commit tee has decided to preoent ' The Messiah" again on Satin dav, December 15, in the

Exhibition Hall The principals will in . chide Madame Bruce \\ ill ins who arru ed onlv recentli f 10111 Lngland Miss Blanche Bums, Messn. W \\ Crisp and I L Tngland, who will be accompanied bl a choius 01 about 200 voices oichestra and oigan Hit box plar^will Cpel, a¿ Paling's on Thmsdav, Decembei C