Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 3 March 1924, page 4



The fiincinl of the late Mi John Al Mnstoi took place from his late lesi

dence m Kent stn el New t rm m Satindav morning and n Inifcc mil lepiesenti

tive eoitego iillowed the lcmains lo then last lesluiL, plncc in the Nundall Cemcteiy 1'ie seivice at th giaveilo was simple and mipiessiv uni wa con due ed bv the Rev G J Rowe DU Sevcial ot the mouineis weie giev bsaided lesidenls who lind been icqimiilcd wai the deceased when thev wee I id= ti« gethci An inteiesting fact in ounce i n with the sei vice i- finit piactictllv ¡\ i

lool ing the eemeteiv is Alelton Hill v heio the late Ah Al Mästet ni i lis-ame l lieebold fin -i«-i m Queensland «A hat w n mee known us Al Master;. ]nim j-, now stieets ind hoi ses At the con elusion oi the stivice Pipe Aim r All elland pla}ed the lament Tlow i of the loi est As the coffin was be i

lou ci ed to it testing place the piesnhi r ni the Queensland Scottish Ai-ueiali ii (Ali AITiegoi) placed upon it sivei ii sptavs of hiathti

The chief mouineis were AIiss Al Alastor, Capt mid Afi Ti Al White Atiss A

Duli Air G 1 1 islei Ali AA Lr-tei, and Ali A Auohtei louie

Among those picsent weie Tient

Quiiiei ADC (lepicsenling In 1 xcclloncv the ("oveinoi), Aid T W. Hethei ngton A I Rii}inond II Do, gett T Bin low s G Down R long IT R Celston A Oxlade P AlTaehlin 1 I, f llchust (lepiesciiting the Busbnnc Citv Council) the Alavoi (Aid A liiulknei) mid Aid L Moss G AA* Bennett I 11. At Pike mid R 1 Biuton (ippiesonlini» the «-outil Buibane Citv Coincill, (ouncilloi AA II lobinsón (ropicse tmg Toombul «-hue Council) Airs i

C I a} loi T I Alnxwcll ind A L Petne AlnT A (lepicsenting the t mtr I Puibimentuv Patt}) Ah ] muk Al Din

nell Col ". Ar Stedait (Con ni for Svvcdcnl th-« T-v Stnnlev lath, B A Mi T Glasse} Ah 1

A\T II lonies (lepicsenting Ilia Busbnnc Ceneirl Ccmtteiv lins(co)

Ales is D C Al I ellan C T Bott an I A D AA iltlman the Alnvoi of Hamilton (Aldeimau C Al Tenkmson) and Aldeinian I AA li Annand (ropiesenting tho Hamilton Council) Ali AI T Knwan, AIL A, md Chief Officei Hinton (lepe sentnig the lue Rngndes Bondi

Alessis A\ ApGicgoi \ 1 oss, Pipe Afajoi AILellnnd, and Pipei I

Duncan (lepicsenting tin Bnsbani C iledoman Societv and Bums ( lub)

Alessi A B Ovciell ueprp entine; Oveiells ltd) P ] leming and P 1 lemin= pin A T Turne (i pie outing A Pole ind Co, Ltd ) Petra f affnev

J Jmlev 1 r Biian and A\ U Smith (lepie entn g tie Iplegnph Nev | i ipi Co) H Mapphetsoii G P Coolman T W de Little AA* A

Picston A IIcit7bcif, and I\ ir. launel (lepresenling Commpice ilousp), Alexis T Smith mid 1 loi no 1 ulm,. Geneial Spencei Biownc C 11 and S

e,panl Afol non weir pie cut îepicenu ^ the Rctiiinel Soldieis league

Arnon» tue mail} llotal ti mules were, vvieaths floin Inn 1'iisbaiip Uti f o ii. ni Ah}oi md Aldeinipu of the South J ii bane C-meil Du banc New \\\pConipnnv ltd 'T Aj,nos aid Pollv '

inel isntp and fnmilv ' Bill Bell, mid lnniilv ' Vellio md Tvoi Ils) nuil 1 ilph Lpitip ml Cecil Ah C 1 T islei ind I imilj 1 t" uni Don '

lil J ea n ml Bob ' Ali ni I Ali». Abiihun lleil?l)cig Ahs A Jv M km-ie Ah nul Ahs lMlam and lnnilv the Duect ff Ov pi elis Hil

Ah md Ahs D 1 mil m,l fmiih Ahs

kaiUseh the Lnddlp nmilv Cr Dines

i i u us i u j noirson

the Auchteilonie faniilv II Pole ant (n Ttd John Hodge Ah ind AIr= U. Al A\ ilson Ah and Ali« A. I lia7Pi, H S Al-icnhei on Ali and Ali I 1

Araxvc'l Ah» G 1 I i,tei the Mai-li ii! t iniilv C 11 Alontpith the Boai I o£ Duectoi s of the Institute of Sopn! Ser-vice Aid A Al anl Ah-. Oxlide Chair-man md Aleuil) l« of the Ah iionolitnii J ne Biig-iles Bond Ah and Ahs P. Ahillin 1 ittle Poland 1 S S 1 L A , I Campbell mid Sons


Refeienco lo the dptth ot Ah Toi n M Al ístei wa, made at the Pnnii tictü produce nutlet on Siturdaj I lu pic sident f f the Biisbane Pioduee Afei hauls" A-nocí ilion (Ah A\ G liottci) s i te I that although he li id not known th s í-i md M ¿ciitltinan lon" lu hid leilisi I tint he w is ii w oi th} uti/cn vvh se li o had been mapped up m the pio^ies, anl advancement ot Biisbane Ah T Allen lcfpiied to his 10 veils o tiiPiidshiri with the d~een,ed Hie nanu Al Ala ter ivis closclv associated willi the eiily pioduc- tndp ot Biisbane and tim deceased lui lived to »te the tntle itacli a pos tion of gloat impoit mci to this citv and Stite Ile moved tint i lettu of condolence should be seiu to li, ic lalives and that an appiecintiou of Ina vv oi th a? a citizen should bp icporlcd m the bool s of the Bri bane Piodnrp Afet« chants Association Ah W II Baines, Ar L A in seconding the motion san! that he had had the puvilegi of as*o< natiiig with the late Ah Al Ara tct in pub-lic lue His name was n svtnlio! o" lionet} Ho was quite the nntitlicsa of the shntv politician ive 1 new thc«a dais- The voiing men of the < tv and, indeed of the whole «state could omit-íale a hie well spent and mil oí veais ni Usciuhicss ami honnui I he motion wai

can icd in s ence