Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 10 November 1924, page 12


A branch of the Stute Savings Bank will bc opened to-d-.y at the corner of Main and McCrorey streets, Trafalgar. Catholic Federation Scholarships.

Ten scholarships, tenable for two years, arc being awarded by the Australian Catholic Federation, and more than 200 entries have been received. The examina-tion -will bc held on November 29. ¦ Newman Society in Perth.

A Newman Society, with similar aims to thc Melbourne Newman Society, has been established in Perth. Thc new organisa-tion is urging the erection of an affiliated Roman Catholic college within thc Univer-sity of Western Australia.

Manufacturers to Visit Yallourn.

A party of members of thc Chamber of Manufactures will visit Yallourn on No-

vember 20 to inspert the electric power slation of thc State Electricity Commission. A special train, leaving Melbourne at 10 a.m., will convey the parly.

Housewives and Milk Producers to Confer.

The conference between members of thc Housewives' Association and milk pro ducers of tlie State, which was to hove been held at thc Town Hall on Wednesday after-noon, will bc held at thc Independent Hall; Collins street, instead, lt will begin at half-past 2 o'clock.

Removing "Bottle-Neck."

Work estimated to cost £4,600 is in pro-gress at the Royal parade bridge, Royal Park, where Mr. Samuel Keage, architect, was killed early on Friday morning. The alterations are designed to abolish the "bottle-neck" at the bridge. The contract was let by the City Council on October 27, and it is expected that the work will be completed within three months.

Shopkeepers' Christmas Arrangements.

Associations affiliated with the Victorian United Retailers' Council have been re onested to submit to the council suggestions for tim observance of bolidaj-s at Christ-mas. This course has been adopted in an effort to effect, unanimity among thc 20,000 shopkeepers represented on fie council. A decision will be made on November 17, by which date, it is expected, each asso* cialion will have made known its desires. Additional Warburton Train.

It was announced on Saturday by the Railways Commissioners that in the new summer time table provision is made for a train to leave Warburton for Melbourne at 5.30 p.m. on Saturdays. It is expected that this train will be of great convenience to persons who desire to spend an after-noon at Warburton. A suggestion that two evening trains should be run on Satur-days was considered, but it was decided

that the traffic available would not justify

the running of a second train. Destroyer Flotilla.

Large numbers of persons, including many schoolboys, visited the destroyers Anzac, Stalwart, and Tasmania and the depot ship Platypus on Saturday and Sun-day afternoons. The vessels, which com-prise the destroyer, flotilla of the Austra-lian navj", have been on a visit to Mel-bourne for about 10 days. Thc destroyers

will leave Melbourne at ll o'clock this

morning, and will carrv ont torpedo prac-tice in Port Phillip Bay. On Saturday they will leave for Westernport, and later will proceed to Jervis Bay. Temperance Sunday,

Throughout Victoria yesterday was ob served us Temperance Sunday. . By tc quest thc clergy and Sunday school teach-ers referred to thc evils of the drink traffic. Special reference was-made lo the neces-sity for rescue work among those w-ho had given away to strong drink, lt was urged by manj- speakers that if genial counter attractions were provided in the cities and country it would probably lessen thc temp-tations nf the bars of public-houses and clubs. Special,appeals were made to en-sure thal the .voting people were educated in thc principles of temperance. National Recreation Reserve.

The South Australian .Ministry has de-cided lo purchase about 100 acres of fore-shore property of the Kingston Park Kstale. Marino, near Brighton, for the purpose of n national recreation ? reserve. The propertj* embraces the former'resi-dence of the late Mr. C.-C.-Kingston, and the homesland will probably be-converted into a tourists' hostel, ono-of-thc finest in thc Commonwealth.' Negotiations have ex-tended over about. Bcveu years,' and the pur-chase "price is £7;500. ' Portion of the property will be 'required by thc town planner in connection-with -thc 12-mile outer harbour to Marino foreshore pro-posal. ¦-'?¦¦¦'..:' ]il Weekly University Newspaper. ,1/'

¦Next year, will proboblj-scc the inaugura-tion of n."weekly newspaper at tho Univer-sity. For some time it lias:bcen fcll'tJ'al the publication of. tho magazine once; a term is inadequate, and during thc year thc Students' Representative Council has been endeavouring to establish either a weekly or, monthly newspaper. The University Union has made a grant of. £50'.towards thc cost of'publication, and ns thc /'com-mencement" committee has also promised £50 if a satisfactory plan is drawn, up.- it is-alniost-certain that the newspaper will, conic into existence .next year. .Applica-tions arc being invited for the Positions of editor, nnd editress. A suitable-name, for the newspaper is also required. '