Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 31 October 1921, page 7




LONDON, October 28.

The death is announced of the Earl of Ducie, Lord-Lieutenant of Gloucester-

shire, 1857-1911, and the "father" of the House of Lords. The heir to the title is the Hon. Berkely B. Moreton, a member of the Legislative Council of Queensland.

[li iiv lol» Mo eton »C 1)1 1 ft «

r t Y (i o ii 1 arl of llueio (c e ile 1 lbJ ) Liror Duelo (1 da) Barcn Yin t u (iS37) « " i)oril en Juna 2o 1S27 Ho w h member of Hits lion

ot l oiriiwii» lor Stivi] 1 j j catt ia t Í ti » ¿comen of the Cinrl ltuc* lo a »urden tu ti Stuuiiut 1-SS uo Ji i tu i,o i 1U | lui iir»t coisin Juill (tiled ib ) diuglitci o Limes Haiijitoi Lji"- torr' Yt 1 busuoti Ov ni «' in 11" ov ned i h ut II DOO icre the in i ilv rç 1 lenco is fortivortli Occrt IMlueld c, ou cl« shire T


The fourth son of Ucmv Gemgo Pim as, 2nd UU ot Duut bj Elizabeth tldu claughtti ot John, 2nd Loid Shahoint the new nil, the lion Bal t'oj Lisd -Uoietoi, was bom on lulv l8, 1S31 Ho was educated at the woild famed ltughy ?school ni Lngland, ot which the omi illy famed Di \rnold w is head musca, and s discernaitl\ kept his tams at \ii0dilcn College Ovioid ¡mil became i student it the Lot ii Vgiittiltural College .it Citcu costa, Cloucesteiohuc 1 ngland He v as 21 jena of age what he first nude his home untlei the Southern Cío s, aiming ni Sjdnev m 1ST>, and io tching Queen

lund the following von lhe heit oi Ins highlj lu.iiicd mind was low aids politics, and au 1870-'when he had been long enough in Yuslnlii to guille aught the -political needs of the countn ond to ieili«o its shot looming»-he sought u seit ni tho Leg ilativo \ssanblv, and w is dieted to íeprcsent the Buinolt lint toiistituciicj he faithfully acpiesinlcd hut oi"hl j enid later (In 1S78) bo changed his allcTrianto, mr' took up ehe icpreseiitauoii of Aloijboiough, to îcvcit to the Burnett scat in 1833 lu Match of tint veat he joiued the Griffith Yelnimistiatiou willi the pottfobo of Postmustei Genuil und a month latei became Souotaij foi Public Instiuction, which ocfitc ho exchanged in tuin loi that of Colonnl ¡beac aiy ni Aprul, 1SSÜ With his Mim=tcnal col leiguts, he retired in June, 18-18 having becii ipiomtcd to a scat in the Ligi-Utne Council tho pievious Miiv subsequently to his defeat at Burnett it the gcnei ii clee tion bj Ali G H Jones Whcu AU Jones losigncd his memb^islnp for that cicctoiatc in lbOl Mi \loicton ichu quishcd his jilace an tho Upicr lion e m oída that ho miL,ht antill contest Ihu seit hut his scivices wctc not acccjilublo lo tho e'-eetora, and he a» am tasted defc it ut then hands It w is ou July lo, 11)01, that ho was once molo called to the Logia laine Council, when tho Ph Jp Government was in powa, and eva shilo that tune he lins -peifouned a meritorious wuil uu ostenttitiouslj 11s political ea eel, though somewhat chequeteu, ins full of quiet usefulness, and although ho w is ever Uuo to paity he nevoilhcle s displaved cv i deuces of his ability to ¿iasp any weak tuss there mifclit be m nnv p ces ot Liberal legislation and set hi nselt 13 fal is with-in lum lu, to sttcngthtu that which ho judged to he open to í nut Owm¿ to the death of I old He ny Ilmgiiton Keuiolds Alorcton har to tnc Lal of Ducie, at J7 Pfl lane, London, on ltbiimry £«, IB-XL, he liecamt hen to the crildom

Lord Dune vvho=e wife dod a few months ago is "l present it, his hoat at Alaijboioiigh bpcal nig to ii Connel " lopicscntiitivo ou bituiduv he sud that h Lud icccivcd wold l'ut morjing of the death of In clde t biothtr Replj

iu<r lo mieatioud, 1 Old Ducie said ho would ceitainlj have to piocecd to Eng lund, but when, he had not vet boen ible to decide A luge numbci of matters lud to be adjuseed befoie ho could have Quccu*land He would be in £u»biini m the co ise ot a few div^

I old Dune's hen is the ck (st son, Alt

Capel II nrj LcileCcj Alorcton (ot loogoon, m the How aid distntt), who will now become Loid Moreton Lo ii Ducie Ins social daughteis, and thej will be cn titled! to a&ume tie title oi

5 "