Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 4 June 1920, page 11


A birthday party yyns given by Mr. and Mrs. F. Harris last Saturday night at their residence, Main-street, Kangaroo Point, in honour of Miss T. Poulsen. Over 100 persons accepted invitations, including the members ot the Corinthian Football Club, of whose ladies' com-mittee Mrs. Harris and Miss Poulsen are members. The number!.- of thal, comiiiiilcc who attended included Mes-dames Puyne, Craig. Cohen, Power, Blake, Maddocis, Terrlss, Misa iJower, Mobur*?. Harris (2), Cblun 12), Burgess (2), Ted man, Shepley,', Blake, English, Payne,

Riddell, Maddocks, and Crombie. The member» of the visiting New Soutti Wains football team, and the Queensland Football Association executive and t-c

lectoib, viere also present. Singing, . gamea, and dancing were enjoyed, and

musical and other Items were contributed by Mesdames Terriss and Cooper, Mis« Ter-nas, Messrs. Blake, Payne, Cuttermolc, and Ross, and two of the New South Wales visitors. Mr. Barlovr made an ap-propriate speech, io which Mr. R. Rid-dell responded. A dainty supper ivas provided. The presents were numerous.

Mrs. and Mis3 Dennis have returned to ' thrir home at. Oxley, alte' two months'

visit to Epping Forest and Durham Dowus stations, in the West.

?NiitiiPiouii leipicaU have ulrcndy boen loccivi'd from city and country residents for tickets for the Shakespeare ball arid pagennt to be given in honour of, and in . t'he picaence of, lils Koyal Highness the , ' Prince of Wales in the inhibition Huiii' : ing on July 30. '.Pile pageant uouim.ittt.--j

tlcxiiPS lo make it quito clear that it is not nceowiry for every one attending tha ball in Shakespearian costume to beloug to a set. but i.ll attending in costume will take pirt in the pageant, irrespective uS . belonging to ii set or not. Kelieajsals for

tho pugeait will ho arranged kilter and , the dato otlverti*-cd. Organisms of tels

are rpqii('Hlcd te send the name-i of those taking part, with characters to be repre stiited, to the convener of the Bet commit

tee, care ni Mr. G. W. Whatmore, lion. secreLiry Shakespeare Society, us soop us j -possible, as it ii> intended to print fcUt*e

names on tl.o souvenir programmes. Fur-ther parliculu ra arc* advertised.

I The Mayoress of Brisbane (Mrs. J. F.

! Maxwell), at the request of the National

Council of Women, has convened a mcct

¡M3 to be held on ".lune 8, at 3 p.m.,'

i in the Town Hall, to illbcuss the ques-

tion of forming a housewives' associa-


I Mis,:; E. Mnsscy-Jackcou ha3 rcmaTcd to

¡rooms in Elizabeth street, three doors

from Gtor^o-3trcct.

I The nii'inbers <»t the Toowoomba branch I of the lloyd Society of St. George on t Tuesday presented Mr. A. \V. Rollinson, \ :?? member y'vho is Iruving the district, I with an insctitii'd badgi. and Mrs. Jtobin

son with a silva- migar badin.

j An attractive concert was given in the

I West End School or Arts Hall, on Mon i dav evening, bv the lately-formed West i End Orchestral Soulctv. The orchestra I (conducted bv Mr. W, S. Drover) played I six numbers, yvhich were yvcll received,

and vocal and other Items were contri-buted hv Miss Orr. Mr. J. Dona'jd, Miss Massey, anil Mr. Drover. Miss Wakeley acted ns accompanist, and Mr,. W. Johns (patron of the cociety) presided.

'Mattera arc progressing favourably tor the annual railway ball and reunion, which will take place in the South. Bris-bane'Technical College Hall on June 25. Owing to tho .generosity of the Commis-sioner in rcrard to transportation visitors are expected from the Darling Downs, Roma, Gvmple. and Maryborough dis-* ! tricts. The next rorr-mittec mee+in- Is

called tor this evening tit the Railway

Institute. ,

The Brisbane Women's Club rooms yvcre

filled to overflowing last night, when the members of the Shakespeare Society re-cited scenes from "Julius Gaesar" oM "The To-npest." Other selections and musical items wero contributed by Misses Dni'iara Slslev. Melle Tritton, Lloyd Williams, Rnhv Massey. Merna Gillies, Mrs. A. H. M'-Manus. Messrs. C. L. Peter-

son, G. W. Whatmore, A. q. S.tark. and H. Baker. At. the close of the performance I supper was provided by the members of

the club._ .