Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 12 February 1920, page 7


At a special meeting of the South Brisbane City Council yesterday Alder- man Faulkner was elected mayor for the

ensuing year. Prior to vacating the chair, the retinng mayor (Alderman Gaffney) announced the result of the recent elei

tions, and expressed his thanks to the alderman and tho staff of the council for the loyal assistance which had been accorded lum during his term of olfue Alderman Faull ner was the onlv nomina

tion for the position, and each of the aldermen tffered congratulations 4lder man Taull ncr thankee! the aldermen for their good wishes, and stated that he reah ed the coming year was lil ely to be one if trials nnd tribulations rather than a year of triumph He realised that a lo' more money had to be found to carry on the affura of the council, nut was con vinced that the people of South Biisbanc weie s-iffieienth patriotic und hal their own interests <-o mnch at heart tint they would give gi eat assistance to the council in tint direction
