Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 12 September 1924, page 5


ESSENDON, as leaders of the first round, paid the penalty of over-confidence and lack of in-terest on Saturday, when Melbourne defeated them comfortably. With Irwin and Campbell not avail-able for the semi-finals and the possibility of others being affected by the inquiry to be held ¡bl« eveniog, Kt-v-ndon are feeling giad that th.-v

?aie pleut) of resenes. Karre», WHO »tru.k form Ui He-iti-ni Auitralla, seema to baie himself lu the leam, and, with Adam, Kellie, Hardy, Harrison, tallalia«, and MtCormi. k in traiume. there are plenty to fall balk on No club, however, can allunl to lose it», n Killar-nie defeat by lielboun«: last wi-,k »l.uwt-l Hie team how ea<y It 1« io lall fruin gran- ami should stimulate Hie plajers lo renewed eliott. Sullivan and Urrgor) hale U-eu Included In plaie of Cook.on and Callahao for tbe match «ganeit

litxroy tomorrow.

Fitzroy, like Essendon, were beaten on Satur day, but they had a weak team, and with nothing hanging to it, were not worrying. Some of their supporters were Indignant at the poor showing, for Collingwood had by no means their full streugth. It is a pity that clubs should not pro-duce their best. Tomorrow, with G. Collins, H. Jenkin, and Williams available again, the side will be at its full strength, with the exception of Cockram, whose presence on the half forward line is always valuable. The team were enter tained on Monday evening by a supporter in the pavillioin-not a very good preperation for an all important match. G.Rattray, who captained the side last season, and has been coaching the Mel-bourne team this year, and L. Gale, who went to Horsham as playing coach this year, have been training this week. The players held a meeting last night, as is their custom on the eve of an important engagement, and discussed a plan of campaign. The team was not selected until a late hoar last night. when Fergie, G. Collins, Elliott, iJenkin, and Williams were selected In place of Dealandea, N. Ceilllus, Dontiellan, Warren, and


MR III UtUIOUll.Sl., who ».Te without Tsndy, lain!, and liando, narrowly missed tlie fate uf hasrtidoo snd Illaro), and maiugc.1 lo .queese lorne bv a point at Cesrlotig. Hie) will uee-d to be at til«ir best to monow when Hie) ni«et Itich iiu.iiii. Ihci did not manage lo get a decision from the pe-rnilt slid umpire «oniluittee ou v.e.1 lleuda) rtgardllig Ihe eligibility uf .«.elton lo pla) Milli tlieui. Sutton went lo AlliUt) willi tile ronaeut »f tlie Soueh klelbemnie Club to «oaili. beluie tlie rule dealing with pla)rra going lo the i-uuutry i-ame III It »a» tute-d at H.e lime tint Mill.,» would I- aiallsblr fur Smith Hell.iunio lu Hie «lui«. the onilll.liiig ii-rdlils eil the In «e-stigatiou and permit and unqilre coiniiilltte» in the Me-l'askell Uelsuac- cax-i uiay hale bien the only way Ui whhh the liague could sale n« fate-, but It has not maile Hie pusillon clear. 'Ila' In leatlgslion Kilniuutre dismisses! the Oolliligwutid protest, and Uni. Inferential!)' declare Inn pa)er« eligible for Hi.bmonit. 'Ihe t-e-rlult and umpire isjruinitlre said Hist It was not eligible, and reprimandi«! ibelll. It would Is- well If the league Ibis evening would glie ft déduite riling. To souUiern supporlers a gratif)lng fralure of the play of the team In Ibe last few Werks Is Illi-nium lo form ol their captain, I', Scanlati For a long »tille h- «eeinH unable to strike form, tie,t he ha« louie along I it.-lv, and when lie I» al bl« best Uurv la no centre-mail plajing who ian fee-d hi« forwards «o »innately llniokr., the new mau from lbs »airraids- »oilier., »lionel gleat

promise lu his lint gime ll»ndo'» kn.-e lu. U-en «ail.irig some «, but he I« cou.l.lri. I well enough lo pla). Uitri and lam!) will als., play, lim«, thri-r taking tlis plain ol 11 Mi Donald, llrooke», »nd Hillierland llwlng |.i the lu ai y raiv and loollsill Iraltlc es|iceted nu .Sjlurdsy the iita)rrs will travel to 1-s.eniloli In a «lura

ban«-. «Illili will leaie Hie turner of l'ark anl Man-tiduli »treets at IU mimili, past 1 uilu.k. »ml »III piik UP other players at tlie Mutual

Store 10 minnies later.

ItlCHMHMl have had « wonderful »einnii. Iii.« no» committee whlih took «barge at the I«gin »lug of the vear ha« be.ii confronte«! with great dimculllra ami disappointments, but It «p-ilk« well for the |»-rsl»n-in«. and Juilguieiil ol Hie liiansgilig l*«»dy that they have been «Ide t«i till blank «paces »Ilh sue li promising retrulls When Don waa dlsiiualltieil »ml a half forward bad to be found Ihey s«cured Keith Millar, tis«. Hanlin,ni Ka»! Melbourne rrlikrler. ami he lu« a ihamplon. llu-ti when Harley broke hi» »T and another half forward lud lo be found. Kinprv, Hie Mi uti li Collegian, Ms« lliilucnl lo linne In. UUier i lula might well follow Hlhunon !'. lead In looking through Ihelr own illatrlu» for players lli.lnid ol going to the bush, i:,u|n<> mad«« » «Kisl promising llrst npprarame on Sal unlay, and willi i-s|ierlelire should make good Illlike, wini lias been on the Injured list, should be available «geln, ami hi« Iriilu.luii will strcngllicn the leam Han Minogue, the toacli, has «lone stn li wutidets wllh Hie side that he in«) yet be able to cure i«» of the limit», lime I« too mu«li niiiiilng, a liUliii'llnalliin to hiek Hie ball, and a lunn hing of the forward«, bul with Iheae riirptluii« Hie bain piara splendidly, atid la by nu ni«*«ii» nut

' .' premiership. In determination Ihey art

plore of Hash Smith on the half forward


MKI.IIOl'HNK'S »«lal la arrang-ing » smokv soe'ltil to be teliilrnil to p)a)*rs, «iiiiunlttee. and Irulners, on September 21, In the M.Ü.O. rrlre.liinriit roms. Tlikrls will be ob taliiahie at the ground nn Haturday, and from members of the committee..

OAlll.TON »utiporter» sr« arrsiiglng a trsnl mon I« I In II. Clover, who, while captain of the team, met with Injuries that han» kepi bim oui of tlie gat» for many wents. A ntiasasd bunds (»«iHiartaaao» I» «M ol (mat hast will tssk» film

.tt <h» Chriton frmmd m BoMay, September *L SeYeral other efforts hare been postponed until

the end of the month

ST Kir DA «re narine . holiday trip ta Albury Lhis week-end A match has been arranged1 Against the St. Patrick» tom, premien oí the dibtrfct aaaodatian for the hut three yean and the team ot which the old SU Kilda player "W Cameron waa a member A good team will trarel to Albory, and the player« are aaked to meet at the corner of Bourke «ind Spencer streeta at half past 4 o clock thi* tfterfuxja. The party will retar* on Taeaday

The Teams.


ESSENDON - Hacia «Onruiírtíon Hunter OrcroTT Half bael*« laoina, Htxuiaunc<\ FarrclL Conttvt* Cianlen. May, Still, tan Half forwards «Shorten McCarthy \KatU l-orwirrij Harker Jenkin* Stock tale. J>oUower* Beckwn Kawle. Köter Maher Krnrrienriea llarioc Adam Titrât

FITZROY -lítela Atkmron. Jcnktn \\ \tnlt. Halfback» Adams, Molan, tUlott. Centir» Wil-liam», Corrigan. Dickens Half fonrarda ulrkej Tartroltob, Hatchelir. >onranU Krrake Moriarty HrjanL. roUawrru Mccracken Collina. Borer



SOUTH MHBODRNV - Back» J Benian, Woo.lf.rM Nicholl* Half hacks Laird liando C McUo aid (. entren O Connell, I* Scanlan Joyce Wal! forwards Condon. Caialy. Hrovrn. 1 orwards Ma «Jw wa. Johnson, AlUaon. Foil o wem

h Wi\fT Alesander IIOTCT Tandy Snwrjpandi

".roots U. McDonald. J Miller

UltHMOM» Hacks Harri-* n Tlwirp Taylor .lalf bara» J Smith M li ilop Spain Cvntrvo McCaakil, Mcintosh, \almtine. Half forward*