Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 8 September 1866, page 5

News of the Week.

We have been requested by the Secretary of the Brisbane Hospital to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of a donation of £2 2s., from N. Bartley, Esq.; £1 from Mr. John

Holt, a patient in hospital; and a quantity of linen for bandages from Mrs. Morphy, matron of the immigration depot. "QUEENSLAND BEEF."—Under this heading the Adelaide Observer of August 18 states:— "Mr. R. H. Allen, butcher, of Port Adelaide, was the purchaser of several of the finest bul-locks recently imported from Queensland, and the carcases now suspended in his shop are certainly the best that have been seen for a long time past." We perceive by our Bowen files that, on August 25, Mr. Dalrymple addressed the elec-tors of that place. He made a long speech, but there is nothing in it worthy special notice. As mentioned in our telegrams; Mr. K. H. Wills had the show of hands at the nomination. We understand that the Brisbane Volunteer Fire Company, No. 1, partook of their annual dinner on Tuesday last. About twenty mem-bers were present. A sumptuous repast was provided by Mr. J. Duncanson, Wickham Ter-race. The usual loyal and other toasts were drank, including "The Board of Water-works," "The City Volunteer Fire Brigade," "The Press," "The Queensland Insurance Company," &c., &c. Some capital songs and instrumental music concluded a most pleasant evening's entertainment. The following information in regard to the Crocodile Gold-fields was contained in a letter addressed to a gentleman in this city. The letter, which is dated from Rockhampton, says:—"As to our diggings, I consider the matter of such importance that I have written to Mr. Mac-alister, and have his reply, which is both kind and satisfactory. These diggings have been our salvation. There are now on them above 1500 people, all, according to their own account, making 'tucker.' I saw a trifle over three ounces washed from fifteen buckets of dirt. There will he no great finds as in Victoria, but there is a large tract of promising country, both on the coast side of the Camp and on the Dee watershed." WE understand that several parties of men are now prospecting along the Enoggera Creek, above the Reservoir Reserve. They have found gold in small quantities in almost every shaft they have sunk, and have almost succeeded in making "tucker." The gold is of the same description as that which has been exhibited on various occasions as discovered in the district referred to. We hope the men who are now at work will give the place a thorough trial. A QUARTERLY MEETING of the Highland Society of Queensland was held on Monday evening, at the residence of Clansman Wm. Fraser. Chief Cameron was in the chair. The Secretary read a quarterly report of the Society's affairs, showing that, notwithstanding the dullness of the times, very satisfactory progress was being made. The claims for printing, &c.— always heavy in a new institution—had all been paid, and a balance still remained on the right side of the ledger. The first annual supper had been a great success. Correspondence had been opened up with similar societies in the neigh-boring colonies, in the mother country, and elsewhere. A coat-of-arms and motto were being prepared for the society. A number of names were added to the roll, and after a dis-cussion on the merits of Highland music, the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held on the first Monday evening of October, when a paper will be read on the "Vicissitudes of our Fathers." It appears to be becoming the practice at the Central Police Court for the Police Magistrate to unite the functions of a prosecutor with those of a Justice. In the case of William Domane, on Friday, committed for trial on a charge of murder, all the witnesses were examined by the Police Magistrate, who also took down the depositions. The general course is for the Inspector or Sub-inspector of Police to conduct the prosecution in criminal cases, because it is considered that the head of the police force, whose duty it is to collect the evidence, is the best person to marshal it in court. In the Bris-bane Police Court that officer is usually a mere spectator. There are many reasons against the Police Magistrate acting as prosecutor. In order to do so with any degree of success he must go through all the bearings of the case before it comes into Court The Police Magistrate casually stated, on Friday, that he knew nothing of the case of William Domane until the prisoner was placed in the dock. Notwithstanding this, he con-ducted the whole of the examinations, appa-rently without the slightest help from any one. It may be very true that Mr. Massey is an able man, but if he pursues the course he has lately initiated, he can scarcely avoid prejudging cases. In all criminal prosecutions, the object of the Crown is not so much to convict the prisoner as to elicit the truth. The person who gets up the prosecution is apt to have only one purpose in view—the bringing forward only of such evi-dence as will establish the charge. But the magistrate, who is placed on the Bench to act with impartiality, may frequently observe that witnesses, whose testimony does not fully sup-port the charge, might nevertheless throw much light on the case if required to do so. But he is scarcely likely to be in such a position if he takes the functions of the prosecutor upon him; because a previous and one-sided view of the case is likely to bias him, however anxious he may be to administer the law justly. Mr. Massey will not diminish his reputation by leav-ing the prosecution to the proper officer.

THE tenth cylinder of the Brisbane Bridge was successfully lowered on Tuesday afternoon. There was very little alteration in the soil in the bed of the river from that last referred to by us. We learn that several persons who applied at the office of Lands and Works on Friday and Saturday for employment, on the terms offered by the Government, were informed that all the hands that could be paid at present were already engaged. It appears that although Mr. Reynolds Ball has been appointed Acting Parliamentary Draftsman during the absence from the colony of the Hon. J. Bramston, he will not receive the whole of the emolument attached to the office, £100 being reserved to Mr. Bramston. We understand that Mr. Ball rents "Herston," the residence of Mr. Bramston, during the absence of its owner. The remains of the Hon. John Panton, M.L.C., were conveyed to their last resting place, on Tuesday afternoon, at Ipswich. As a proof of the high estimation in which the de-ceased was held, we may mention that all the principal places of business were entirely, and that all the shops were partially, closed. A Government Gazette extraordinary was published on Monday, proclaiming Mount Flin-der's Head Station and Helidon to be additional polling places for taking the poll at the election of members to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, for the electoral district of West Moreton, in the event of the election being con-tested in such district. The fifth monthly meeting of the Queens-land Building Society, No. 7, was held at the offices, Queen-street, on Monday evening. The di-rectors present were—Messrs. Munce, H. Buck-ley, and W. C. Belbridge. The amount of cash re-ceived last month was £533 2s. 10d. No shares were sold during August. The adjourned general meeting of the Queens-land Turf Club was held at Tattersall's room on Tuesday afternoon. The financial report was laid before the meeting, and being considered satisfactory, was adopted. The election of a new committee was then made, and the follow-ing gentlemen were chosen to act as committee men:—The Hon. J. P. Bell, Dr. O'Doherty, Messrs. John Little, R. Little, D. T. Seymour, A. Lempriere, A. Braysher, J. M'Lennan, F. H. Hart, and D. F. Roberts. Messrs. R. Macdon-nell and F. H. Hart were then elected auditors. This concluded the business of the meeting. The following notice of assignment was pub-lished in a Supplementary Government Gazette on Tuesday, between Alexander Gaydon, of Dray-ton, in the colony of Queensland, saddle and harness-maker, of the first part; William Draper Box, of Brisbane aforesaid, merchant, and one of the firm of Henry Box, Son, and Co., carrying on business in Brisbane aforesaid, as merchants, and Reuben Nicklin, of the same place, manager for Messrs. Butler Brothers, carrying on business at Brisbane aforesaid, as wholesale saddlers (trustees for the purposes in the deed of assignment mentioned), of the second part. The deed was lodged and entered at the Supreme Court, on the 1st September. UNDER the head "Begging by Queensland Immigrants," the Tenterfield correspondent of the Clarence and Richmond Examiner says:— "During the last two months, Mr. Roselt, of the Tenterfield Station, states that he has sup-plied no less a number than 260 immigrants from Queensland with supper, bed, and break-fast; these parties are all travelling for Glen Innes and Armidale, and among them are engineers, firemen, and tradesmen of every kind, but very few fit for station work; while to-day a party of nine men were soliciting alms and begging from door to door through this township. Only a few days ago, Mr. Fagg, of Maryland, was bailed up by a party of fifteen men, saying that they were starving for food. At first he refused, but, finding they were de-termined, he gave them what they wanted, and they departed." We are informed that the chairman of the committee of the unemployed waited on the Secretary for Lands, Mr. Bell, on Saturday morning, and drew attention to a paragraph which appeared in the Courier of that day, which stated that encouraging accounts had been received from the diggings at Crocodile Creek, and that so many men had proceeded thither that contractors in Rockhampton found themselves unable to procure laborers at usual rates. He (the chairman), on behalf of the un-employed, proposed that Government should make arrangements with the Steam Navigation Companies to convey at least 100 of the single unemployed; and so not only give these men a good chance of obtaining profitable labor, but at the same time relieve the town of many who are now living on the chance charity of the public. The reply of the Hon. Secretary for Lands was, that so soon as his colleagues re-turned to the colony, the matter would be laid before them; and, if deemed advisable, the sug-gestion would be carried out, but till then nothing could be done. The National Land League held its first quarterly meeting, in the Town Hall, on Monday evening. Mr. Palmer, in the absence of Mr. Pettigrew, the president, took the chair, as vice-president. The report for the past quarter was read and agreed to with a verbal amend-ment. In addition to the report (which is of considerable length), the minutes passed by the committee were also read and assented to by the members of the League present. The chairman announced the resignation of the secretary, Mr. Miller, who proceeds North to-morrow. Mr. Shepherd was appointed to suc-ceed him. Also, the place rendered vacant on the committee was filled by the appointment of Mr. Wyer. There was an animated discussion on the best means of proceeding for the future, and it was ultimately agreed that another meeting be held to discuss sundry propositions which will be announced by the committee, which meets this evening. A bye-law was also agreed to by which all those who absent them selves from attendance at the committee for three successive meetings shall (without suffi-cient excuse) thereby vacate office. The D. D. Gazette, of September 1, states: —"We understand that our enterprising towns man, Mr. F. M'Laughlan, has made application to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary for a theatrical license for the building he has recently erected in Ruthven-street, Toowoomba, and which for the past few months has been used as on auction room. The room is to be enlarged, and handsomely fitted up for the purpose, and its being situated in the centre of the main street, will no doubt tend greatly to the success of the undertaking. The room will likewise be available for balls, concerts, and public meet-ings, and will supply a want long felt, both by the inhabitants of the town and professional performers who visit us. We believe that the house will be inaugurated in about six weeks from now, and that the first performance will be given by that well known and popular actress, Miss Kate Wards (Mrs. Vinson), Mr. Vinson, and a company who are now perform-ing in Brisbane. The Nathan family, who have been so successful in the colonies, will also pay us a visit; and we have no doubt but that Mr. M'Laughlan will cater as well for the public taste as we trust he will for his own pocket."

THE Rev. Dr. Tucker preached two sermons in the School of Arts on Sunday afternoon and evening. On each occasion there was a large congregation. A satisfactory collection in aid of the funds of the British and Foreign Bible Society was made at the close of each service. The following tenders for stores for the Southern and Western Railway hare been ac-cepted:—Ironmongery: T. H. Jones and Co., Ipswich. Colors: W. Pettigrew, Brisbane. Colonial coals: W. Davies, Ipswich. Pine and cedar: Reilly and Macdonald, Ipswich. Hard-wood and cedar: A. S. Leslie, Ipswich. The following is a return showing the classifi-cation of the persons detained in Her Majesty's gaol, at Brisbane, for the week ending 1st September, 1866:—For trial at Brisbane, 1 male; for trial at Ipswich, 2 males, 1 female; for trial at Maryborough, 7 males; for trial at Rockhampton, 1 male; imprisonment, 13 males, 10 females; hard labor on the roads, 35 males; hard labor in the gaol, 71 males, 5 females; non-payment of fines, 2 males; in default of bail, 2 males; lunatics, 1 female; making a total of 134 males, 17 females. SPEAKING of the weather at Toowoomba, the Chronicle of Saturday last states:—"As we predicted in our last issue, further rains have fallen, much to the joy of our farmers and mar-ket gardeners. Last evening we were visited with sounds of distant thunder, and from 10 o'clock till half-past 2 this morning—when we were preparing to go to press—the rain fell heavily and continuously. The crops in the neighborhood look very promising; the grass is also beginning to spring, and in another fortnight or three weeks the whole appearance of the country will doubtless present a much more smiling aspect than it has for many months past. We perceive from the Government Gazette of Saturday last that a deed of assignment has been signed between Charles James Ellis, of Toowoomba, in the colony of Queensland, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, of the first part; Charles Augustus Dittmar, of Toowoomba afore-said, auctioneer, and William Broadfoot, of Toowoomba aforesaid, undertaker (trustees for the purposes in the deed of assignment men-tioned), of the second part; and the several persons and bodies corporate, creditors of the said Charles James Ellis, who, by themselves or their partners, or otherwise, have executed the said deed of assignment, of the third part. The deed was lodged and entered at the Supreme Court on August 31. SOME excavations recently made on private property adjacent to the Police Court have tem-porarily suspended the operations of that useful public vehicle, the police van. It has always been kept in the police yard, when not required for service, but it so happens that there is now a deep cutting immediately in front of the only place of egress. In the meantime, the "swell" prisoners are conveyed to and from the Gaol and Police Court in hansom cabs,—quite a gen-teel mode of locomotion,—while the ordinary criminal has to walk from the one place to the other. As the law recognises all persons as equal, it is scarcely fair that a portion of the criminal class should be deprived of the luxury afforded by a drive in the police van. Two of the Ministerial "truants" arrived on Thursday by the steamer Telegraph. The pas-senger list of that vessel containing the names of the Hon. Arthur Macalister (the Colonial Secretary), and the Hon. J. D. M'Lean (the Treasurer). Now, that these gentlemen have arrived, we hope that they will direct their attention to many matters which have occurred during their absence, and the burden of which has necessarily been placed upon their col-leagues, who did not select for the enjoyment of a holiday the time when it was most necessary they should be at their posts. AN accident, which terminated fatally, oc-curred on Tuesday last, at South Brisbane. A man named John Trimbell was riding at a fast pace along Stanley-street, when his feet slipped out of the stirrups. He held on for a moment or two by the mane, and then fell, the back of his head striking the ground first. He was placed under the care of Dr. Emmelhainz, but the injuries he sustained were so severe as to render recovery impossible. He died on Wed-nesday night, of concussion of the brain. His occupation was that of a drayman, and he lived at South Brisbane. WE have had the opportunity of examin-ing a new plan of an earth-closet, invented by Mr. Tiffin. The arrangement is so constructed as to be self-acting; and, for this reason, it is a great improvement upon the present system. The principle on which it acts is something the same as that which is now being extensively adapted to water closets at home. In the invention in question, there is scarcely a possibility of the machinery getting out of order; it possesses another advantage also, which is, that it is port-able. The closet was in use for some time at the Parliamentary Houses now being erected, and answered very well. Although placed in a small and rather close room, it emitted not the slightest offensive effluvium. All earth closets differ widely in this respect from common closets; and for that fact alone, it is desirable to adopt them. The earth-closet referred to has been placed in the Brisbane Hospital; and both Mr. Tiffin and the officials of that institu-tion are willing to afford every information on the subject. The efficiency of these closets is beyond all dispute, and it is to the interest of all to encourage their adoption. THE following extract from "May," refers to the Privileges of Parliament, a subject to which much attention has recently been directed:— "Relying upon the candor of public opinion for a justification of its conduct, Parliament has been superior to the irritable sensitiveness which formerly resented a free discussion of its proceedings. Barely has either House thought fit, of late years, to restrain by punishment even the severest censures upon its own debates and proceedings. When gross libels have been published upon the House itself, or any of its members, the House has occasionally thought it necessary to vindicate its honor by the commit-mitment of the offenders to custody. But it has rightly distinguished between libels upon character and motives, and comments, however severe, upon political conduct. In 1810, Mr. Gale Jones was committed to Newgate, fur pub-lishing an offensive placard announcing for dis-cussion, in a debating society, the conduct of two members, Mr. G. Yorke and Mr. Windham. Sir Francis Burdett, was sent to the Tower, for publishing an address to his constituents denouncing this act of the House, and denying its right of commitment. Twenty years later, both these offences would probably have been disregarded, or visited with censure only. Again, in 1819, Mr. Hobhouse was committed to Newgate for violent, if not seditious, lan-guage in a pamphlet. A few years afterwards, such an offence, if noticed at all, would have been remitted to the Attorney-General and the Court of Queen's Bench. In 1838, Mr. O'Connell, for a much grosser libel than any of these, was only reprimanded in his place by the Speaker. The forbearance of both Houses has not compromised their dignity, while it has commanded public respect. Nor has it been without other good results; for, however free the commentaries of newspapers, they have rarely been disgraced by the vulgar scurrilities which marked the age of Wilkes and Junius, when Parliament was still wielding the rod of privilege over the press. Universal freedom of discussion has become the law of our political system; and the familiar use of the privilege has gradually corrected its abuses."

THE walls of the middle portion of the Par-liamentary Buildings have now reached their elevation, and will be ready for the roof, which is already nearly constructed in the yard below, by Saturday next. The framework of the roof of the wings of the buildings has been in its place for some time. We are informed that a very handsome rose-wood desk, suitably filled, has been presented by the pupils at the Collegiate School to their late second master, Mr. H. J. Campbell, in token of the high esteem in which he was held by them during the period in which he was con-nected with the above school. With reference to the passengers of the im-migrant ship Rockhampton, who have been in quarantine for some time, the Kate, steamer, went down to the station on Wednesday, and re-turned next day with such of the immigrants as were in good health. Those that are still sick will remain at Stradbroke for the present. No in-formation has been received at the Immigration Office with regard to the Beausite's passengers. A MEETING of the Brisbane Total Abstinence Society, No 2, was held on Wednesday, in the Bible Christians' Chapel, South Brisbane; Mr. Tomkins occupied the chair. The meeting was ably addressed by Mr. Abraham Wood, and by Mr. Clarkson, who illustrated the difference between the drunkard's home and the total abstainer's. Mr. W. Allen spoke of the many blessings en-joyed by the total abstainers in the neighboring colonies. A vote of thanks was given to the chairman, and suitably responded to. The meeting was then closed with prayer. ON Wednesday afternoon, shortly before the Florence Irving, s., left the wharf on her way to Sydney, an accident befell the Rev. W. J. K. Piddington. The reverend gentleman had gone down to the steamer to bid farewell to the Rev. Dr. Tucker, who is a passenger, and was walk-ing on the stage from the shore to the vessel, when the end of the plank slipped off the wharf and fell into the water, and Mr. Piddington fell with it. He was immediately rescued by the bystanders, and suffered no more than being subjected to an involuntary bath. BY the Florence Irving, s., which left Brisbane, for Sydney, on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. J. P. Sunderland, the general agent of the Lon-don Missionary Society for the Australian colo-nies and New Zealand, was a passenger. The rev. gentlemen has visited the various towns in the Southern and Western districts, at all of which he has, either by preaching or lecturing, advocated the cause of the important and use-ful society with which he is connected. AN attempt was made, on Tuesday night, about 12 o'clock, by some evil-disposed person, to set fire to an unoccupied building in Queen-street, near the Bridge. The alarm was raised by a person named O'Neil, who lived in the immediate neighborhood, and Constable Mona-hen, who was on duty in George-street, went into the building. He found the paper on the walls in one of the back rooms on fire, and at once put out the flames. A hole had been burned through the floor, and the walls and paper were smeared with kerosine oil. The doors at the front and back of the building were open. The place is insured in the Queens-land Insurance Company for £500; it was formerly known as the Treasury Luncheon Rooms. WE are sorry to learn that an accident, serious in its nature, occurred on Wednesday to the wife of Mr. R. S. Warry, the present Mayor of Brisbane. It appears that Mrs. Warry was being driven by her servant into town, and that when in Wharf-street the horse bolted, and both Mrs. Warry and the man were thrown out. They were immediately conveyed to the house of Mr. Rogers, the Secretary of the North Brisbane School of Arts, where every attention was shown to them; the man being very se-verely cut, and Mrs. Warry having, it is feared, her shoulder dislocated. After some little time Mrs. Warry was conveyed to her own resi-dence. "PUNCH IN QUEENSLAND" is the title of a very amusing and well arranged manuscript, which has been compiled by Messrs. J. A. Clarke and J. B. Stephens, two gentlemen re-siding in this city. The frontispiece represents the now venerable Punch riding on a kangaroo: his ancient canine companion peeping out from the pouch of Queensland's largest marsupial animal. In the background may be seem the "Punch and Judy " show, so familiar to all in their boyish days, and a number of aboriginals —one astride an emu—and all evidently as-tonished at the appearance among them of Mr. Punch. The pen and ink etching is a credit to the artist—in fact the same remark is appli-cable to all the sketches in the number before us. There are many good bon mots. We quote one or two, to wit: "Queensland Tartan—Dis-honored Cheques." "Land Order for the Un-employed—Clear out." "The Tide of Immi-gration—Jordan Streams." "A big mouthful— Petrie's Bight." "Monthly sale of Real Pro-perty—Punch in Queensland." These are a few of the many happy hits in the first num-ber of Punch. The manuscript is very good, and in fact the general appearance of Punch evinces that considerable care and ability have been expended upon it. We hope the efforts made by the compilers will prove of ultimate profit to them. The new work is to be placed on the table in the reading room of the School of Arts for a few days, and afterwards will be on view at Mr. Buxton's shop, in Queen-street. THROUGH the courtesy of Captain Twine, of the colonial steamer Platypus, we are in receipt of a copy of the Northern Argus of September 1. That journal states in reference to the Crocodile Creek gold-fields:—"There have been many new arrivals on the creek; some families, with all their paraphernalia. The Cornstalk is in full play, and draws a large audience. New buildings are rising up daily like magic, and the Creek will shortly boast a large population. The butchers and bakers do a rattling trade here; all appear to live well if we may judge from the beef and bread, &c., that are carried home by the diggers after their return from work at noon and evening—there is no such thing as starvation here. There are two parties at work about seven miles to the westward of this, at the head of the valley at the back of 'Table Top Mountain,' and are obtaining good gold, but complain of the scarcity of water; they carry their goods from this at present Chinaman fashion. The diggings five miles north-easterly from this are also increasing their population and erecting more sub-stantial edifices. There is a diggings ten miles in the same direction where excellent gold has been obtained. This proves the extent of country of an auriferous nature, and my belief is that not only is payable gold to be found in very many places yet untried, but that valuable quartz reefs exist. Quartz obtained at the head of the same creek contained some very fair specimens of the precious metal, but rather difficult of access. 'Petticoat Flat' is being opened out fast and yielding well in most cases. The flat to the right of 'Nuggetty Gully' I have no doubt will be opened up shortly. On ascending the main creek for a few miles the boulders assume a very large size, and small waterfalls of about forty feet fall are met with, basins of clear water at their base. The scrub trees and fern on either side as you ascend are magnificent, and would afford a treat to the botanist, as well as the formation of the country would to the geologist.''