Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 3 August 1918, page 15


Their Excellencies the Governor General (Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson) and the State Governor (Sir Hamilton Goold Adams) accompanied by the Honorary Minister (Mr J M Hunter) visited the Soldiers' settlement at Beerburrum yester day. The Vice regal representatives will subsequently visit Imbil, where the Fores try Department is carrying out experi mental work and will then go as far as Fraser Island which is noted for its timber supplies. As is well known his Excellency the Governor General is keenly interested in forestry which is carried out on practical lines on his estate at Novar in Scotland Mr Swain (Acting Director of Forests) is accompanying the

party on the present tour.

The Home Secretary (Mr Huxham) arrived in Toowoomba on Thursday and visited Willowburn and several other in stitutions controlled by his department

It Was expected that the Minister lor Home and Territories (Mr P M Glynn) would consult with Mr Hardacre on the sùbicct of lue Central square proposal

and with Mr Gillies on the question ot uniform electoral laws during his visit to Brisbane Mr Glynn however had a particularly busy time while in this State and was unable to see either of the Ministers on the subject mentioned

Mr Donald Munro who about hlx years ago left Brisimnc to take up lils residence in Melbourne has been spending the past few weeks in Brisbane on a combined health and business visit and will return South by the mail train to morrow Ho Will probably return with Mis Munro during next winter for a round of visito to old friends The trip has improved hiB health considerably

In tho Hibernian Hall Laidley on Tuesday night Bro J Crosby Past Pre sident of St Patricks, brandi of tho

Hlbornlan Society Laidlc*, who is re moving from the district was presented with a Past President s collar in the 1 resence of a large gathering of otilci ra and members of the branch Bro Min Carmody (president) made the près uta tion and referred to Bro Crosby s ri ady assistance in ivery Church rrtivcmenti and to his sterling worth as a citi-i a Bros T C Hayes and M O Keeffe en dorsed the president s remarks, and Bro Crosby suitably ^responded

\ piesentation of a pocket vn.Het and loll of notes was made to Mr Welhh and a handbag to Airs \\ eh.h, bj the residents of Mt Sylvii in the Gatton district, on "Afondav nigbt Councillor Jj Jj Hansen made the piescnt it on on beb vlf of the residents of the district, mci wished Mr anr1 Alis AVolsh mun j cars of liappincs" Mcssis JJ T>oit and T Lmdenmnver and otners o- o spoke, and Air WcUh suitably


Dunns the recent visit tn Brisbane of the ('ommonmeallh Mimst1! for Horn« ¿ni Jcintone- (Air P Al Glvnn), lie rone n ed lus acouunlance with Air Trines AlacDonne'l of Vrdenci ni, loo won. who was a fellow vov i-ei wita lum lo \iiotialia in the **tr-_mor Onent nenlv J*-! vcai, a"0 Ah Macdonnell mid Ali ("¡lynn luve not met since tint time Ali (rlvnn di-,eml irl ed it \dc lude and in a si ort time was e.llcd to Um Bar in South ?Vustialia, and rose to distinction at Iii piofessioii and in politic* Ali AlaeDonnell's destination «is Melbourne, ml bhoitlv lftmiartls he eiine on to Bnsb me w nero be h is io«.del ever since flic steamer Orient left VMyn »nth in the latter end of *-ef>

tomber 1SS0, mal mg her list tup to Australia bv w n nf the Cape her sitli-, mient vova_;ts liein" made tin ugh t< <. .-.lie? Canal One of tlie molt no e vioithy incident- or the vovt*o wai the «PI oitiituty ifforded to go as1 ore it Cape Town enh oí *i cundav moram-*: i iiiviIcvp ea"ei!j lv tiled of In neirv all cn I-rue! 1 he Zulu lebellrn !nd i f-t leen eiiHieil and Ceteiv ijo tin trnibe some momicii if that courtiv nut under loci ind I ev m Onie Coa t Cuttle T e dusl v niler and Ins ciitom*i_e affoi 'o i much intercit lo tile vovieeri dur i" t'e diy as thev eOuld be seen neailv at all hours walkin- lound tihe ramparts of thru pi i«-on 1 nme

Air Llovd Price «ho Ins commenced príctico is a solicitor in Bl sbane was on Tuly 20 accorded a public fnd oft at Murgon, \vbere__h- has piactised for

the past seven years At a large gather-ing m the Murgon School of Art«, over which Councillor F. W. Caswell pre sided, a number of eulogistic speeches were delivered, in which appreciative lefcrcnces were made concerning Mr Price, and hi» etforts to help all patriotic and public movements, and a purse con-taining 51) guinea« waa presented as a mark of esteem from the townspeople. Mr Price, in responding, undo special icforenec to the good pait Murgon liad taken in the great national cause, both financially and in sending mon to the fi ont«-from 260 to 280 men having Murgon Police Court on «lilly 2. the volunteered from the district At the police magistrate (Air A B Gibson), Acting Sergeant Chnstie, and Mr M J Hickey, C P S, bade f.irewell to Mr, Price Pnor to her departure, Mrs Lloyd Price (who is a daughter of the late Government Printei, Mi Edmund Gregory) was cnteitained at afternoon tea li> the ladies of Murgon, and pre Bentcd with a pair of handsome súveí


By the death of Mr. Leslie Gordon Corrie, who passed away yesterday morn-ing, Queensland has lost a man who, in a quiet, unassuming way, did a great deal of good for the State, especially for the farming community. Born on Febru-ary 28, 1859, the late Mr Corrie was a son of James Affleck Corrie, of South Park, Kirkcudbright, Scotland. He was educated at the Hobart High School, and afterwards articled to the late Mr Henry Hunter, architect, Hobart. After serving his articles, Mr. Corrie practised as an architect in Launceston for some years, and then, 32 years ago, came to Bris-bane, where be carried on his profession

in partnership with Mr Henry Hunter,

and later with Mr. Addison, eventually conducting business by himself. In the course of his career be designed many of the prominent buildings of Brisbane, leav-ing his mark, on the architecture of the city. His many good qualities were re-cognised by his fellow citizens, and he was elected to the City Council, and chosen major in 1903, and again in 1904, For many years he was president of the Queensland Institute of Architects. He was a Fellow of the Linnaean Society, and one of the founders of tbc Uni-versity, in which he took much interest, being a member of the Senate till some two or three years ago. In Masonic life he was a Past Master of the British Lodgo (English Constitution). A feature of Mr. Corrie's life that will ever re-main in the State was his work in the

direction of acclimatising fruits and plants. He was president of tho Fruit Growers' Association, and for many years, up till the time of his decease, president of the Acclimatisation Society, in which position he did most valuable work. He kept in touch with experts in Europe and America, and with experi-mental gardens all over the world, and was instrumental in introducing fruits and plants which have proved of enormous value to the farmers of Queensland, par-ticularly on the coast around Brisbane, where he did much for the culture of pineapples, sugur cane, &c. Through the American Government he introduced many plants from Florida, which were planted in the Acclimatisation Grounds, and from these and many others he evolved varie-ties most suitable for Australia. The custard apple was introduced by Mr Corrie, and is now of great value to the State, while he also introduced one of the most valuable canes for fodder known in Queensland. In fertilisers for gardens and farms, too, his knowledge was of great value, and the high quality of his worn cannot be overestimated. The funeral of Mr. Corrie, who is survived by hin widow and one daughter, will leave his late residence, Koronui, Bowen terrace, at 11 o'clock, this morning.

At yesterday's cession of tue Au« liaban Town Planning Conference dele-gates passed «i vote of condolence, by silently i-tandinp, with the Major of Rom.i (Alderman Wilson -ttiscanible) on tlie

death of his son

The news of the sudden death of Mr. Robert Barton Crawford, at Mossvale, New South Wales, on Sunday, was re-ceived with regret by a large circle of friends, many of whom had known him from boyhood . The deceased was a nativeive of Brisbane, and prior to leaving this State had bean employed in the Depart-ment of Public Instruction, and after-wards at the Bowen House School, Bris-bane At the time of his death he was one of the resident masters at Tudor House school, Mossvale. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to the South Brisbane cemetery, tho body hav-ing arrived by train from Mossvale the previous evening The Rev Walter Thompson conducted the service Wreathsths were received from, the following - "His loving brother and sister, Jim and Daisy," "Hardy., Jim, and Merv," "His loving sisters, Em and Peg," "George and Beattie." ' Uncle, Aunt and Sadie," D and K. Tweedy and family "Polly," Mr Skusa, and Mrs Fisher (Mossvale), Margaret Fisher (Mossvale), masters andd boys of Tudor House School, Mossvale, head master and staff of Fortitude Valley Boys' State School scholarship class of Bovs State School. Fortitude Valley, staff of Infants' State School, Leichhardtt street, I R Gilbert, and R S Murphy, "Don and Vera," Mrs Hickey, Mr and Mrs George Shaw, Mrs Pickard and family, Mr and Mrs Paget and family

Australian Natives' Association and others Numerous letters telegrams, and messages of sympathy were also received by the bereaved relatives.

The death occurred yesterday morning at Longreach of Mr Philip Quintreil, a railway clerk there, after two days' ill


The funeral of the late Mr C W Martin-for many years a prominent sup porter of the Labour Party-took place from his late home, Brightstone Park road South Brisbane to the South Brisbane Cemetery yesterday morning, and was very largely attended by Odd-fellows, Labour supporteis, and members of the Cth AOH to which two of do ceased s sQns belong The chief,mourners were the widow, Messrs Arthur Percy and George Martin (sons), G Martin (brother of the deceased), Mrs G Martin, Mr H H Martin (of Warwick, brother of the deceased), Miss M. Jack man (niece), Mr Myles Martin (nephew), Mesdames A and P Martin (daughters in law), and Mr C Robertson Officers of the H li I O O F acted as pall-bearers, The service at the graveside was con dutted by the Rev H T Molesworth, and sibbuquently u service of the M (J I O O F «as conducted by Bro. F. Birkbeck (Grand Secretury)