Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 12 February 1918, page 8





A special meeting of the South Bris-bane City Council was held at noon yester-cui

day to elect a mayor and committees for the year 1918. The town link (Mr. A. L i«.y) piesided

The returniu. offieci (Alderman Ii W H Long) announced the results of the recent elections

Alderman Button proposed that Aldei mail V forrest be ni o 01 fuis, w as bee onded by Aldciman Davej

A paubC then occuned, while the meeting waited foi Alderman Buike, who airivcd a icw minutes later

The mobon was then put aid Alder man Toircst was elected by be ven votes.

Taking the chair, the new Mayor ie turned thanks for his election, and pio mised to carrj out his duties to the best of his abihtj He expressed a hope that the council would consider the establish ment of special funds foi special penna nent w-orla

The major was then individually con gntulated by the aid?) men

The Mayor, again thanking them, 6aid that he hoped soon to havo a scheme

Alderman P. Forrest, the newly elected

Mayor of South Brisbane,


before the council foi attending to all the main thoioughfares, not onlj Mel

bourne and Stanley streets, but all the maji roads of the citj, and bunging

them undei a general thargo I

Alderman Long was appointed deputy i


Alderman Burke moved that the coun I

eil meet at 4 p m on alternate Alondaj-d |

Aldeinian Pringle moved, as un amend i ment, that the council meet at S pin He was of opinion that it would be

more come.nent

On being put, the amendment tv as lost, onlj the movct and seconder voting fot it, and the mot on was then earned

The uppo utinent of committees, &.e, was postponed until ne_t Moiulij, the mavoi and deputj major being em

powered to pat« the usual accounts l