Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 10 December 1917, page 5



"THE -vlESi-IAH."

The approach ot Christmas w«a fittingly heralded in lue pe forroonce of Handel s oratorio, The Me aub, by tue Biiaoane Mus evil Union n the L\iubiaoa Hall on CMtuiday ni_tit As usual there was « Luge audience, und tile singing a» a while showed a gratifying împrovemrut, on that of hist years conceit Ylr Samp son had under bia baton a choir of loO i voices and an orchestra of 50, ind the laOioiits were not. unworthy ot the gráit music they were tailed on to sing lu ad perform uices of the oratoio, of course, tLere Lave to be tuts since even ho beat of music grows wearisome after nore tnan two and a half noms ot it, nut the 'cuts" on satu day nigl t eave some thaTg to be desired Hie omission of ne chom«, 'And He Shale Puitv, tor n btance, and of thit winch should nrope-_r ciose the first part, 'he "iola, is Easy", and tne ruth ev»s omi»., on ot the contrai o solo, '0 Thou lu: leitest"-when ihe recrtatve winch s .K tiwi y an mtrodu" non to it is includeel -it would be di^ri

cult to defend such bl e pencilbng on any grounds Hie orj?e mime was e'eetod ,on lilcntically the same hnes ds ihn, of

la t icar, with the eNceptiou that Ino iti"omTxirably beautiful cliorus, '^uci'y He Hath Borne Oar Grief»,' was add "I, and the hearing of it was i deeply ni i ,n_ ex-oenenee Tne chorus and oreliestri io spectively were canginf witli more tred-don! and pLiving with more restruut, thin usuil, which leaos to the infer n e that nore care had been given to pre paraton vork fae tiouble with a vvoik like "Ihe Me-s ih" w that nowadiys everybody kno « ,t sa well tint there seems little need of concerted practi e, which is why '"iturdav nights i erfor-n ance cannot emanate with the peitom ance of, say, 10 ve ira ago Nevertheless, we must be thankful 'or the blessings wo have n the e slad, times, and much of Saturday night s singing aroused gracious thoughts and stirred the dee> sp ritual feelings Once again all the old familiar choruses were heaid- Ynd the dury,' majestic and impiesstve lor Unto Us," rnd 'VI YA e Like Sheep,' beginning athreisorublp tempo, but being necessarily broadened nto an ill irDando til each became i 'ilonred perform ince, foi the simple reason that it is difticilt to get 200 persons (v ho 1 now the muoic well, but are afraid to take then eyes ofr their books) to move with uniniimty at any pace faster than a «low walk Olary ?(? Cod ' evcellentl/ dene, 'Lift up Your Heads, ' asd the lTal'elujah, ' and the great double chorus at the end, given With wondeifuly impiessive stateluies-s and majesty Ile w is a giant-our H-ndel ' What is tlieic in all concer-ed miuic that lias such au enduring, suen uti ah embiac ng appeal as this music ot "Ihe Messiah ' It the choras was good, the orchestra wa» better Hie »times weie espee-i illy delightful, and, if tne blass was occasiona lv flat, and the wood wind oceasiona'ly i^.ged, these blemishes weie aftei all of bul moment since, the general effect was so admirable Special y notewoithy was the orchestral rcstrunt in accompany i ig the soloists Miss Lt-hel Peters was the "oprciio \ yjung singer with a voice uf syni[ tbetic timbre, good intonation, and shiwiug evidence of care ful placing, sno was heaixi to very en joy able eflect in Come Unto Hun, au I "1 Know Tint \Ii Redeemer Liveti " The gieat air "lieioice Gieatly," made tchmail deai inda win h s' e is not xet fitted adeiuitely U meet It is not eass to sin¡i llandeiin i m s willi certunty unless a jong tiire has previously been spent m tlio deveoiiuent of toe il agili y

Mr W v\ Cusp sing the tenor music on the whole very receptably be is prone to sac mice sincnty ti beauty of tone, aiie1 when he doe» not do this he is al-together admirable Ile also was bother-ed by the Hondo ian divisions, but on the «tolo cime thiouih ' Lvery Aalley" very well Has beso work w is in 'lhy Ile büke, ' .and Beiiold and ^ee," m witch be 6ang xvath great tecling AIiss Lena, Hammond, in the contralto music sang, as she always does-, with much earnest-ness and charm \cthing more dexotion ally sincere cou! I be im igined than her de îverance of the simple messaire, "Ho was Despised ' The iNacting bass music wai in the capable 1 ands of Air W G Templeton, win, bunging to the task all these gifts lvnich uoiteel to a ripen ed musical judgment, have for ypats kept hun in the forefront of the oiatono si geis of the ¡state, was heard to CN el

lent effect in such ex i t n vvoik as Thus Suth the Lore) ' ' Bti Who May Abide," 'The People Tnat Walled," and "Why do tile Nations '


'Hie Beit 1 e Blanc Musical Tiavesty Stars pzowded one Irclr. ot the piogramme at the Lnnuo Hieatre on Satui diy alternoon and evening It wat, a good halt-lull ot run mci hun-oui Die tiavestv centied atound the tunning of a piwnsbop by Ike Cohn (Beit Le Blinc) and Mains 1 evi (Jake Mack) Iinancialiy the pawn shop w is not a sue cess, but as i medium foi a not of bur lesquo and musical selections it served a food purpose 11 e Colin and Morris

,evi, as usi al, weto m good form, and they had Oíble assistance from members of the company Hie best of the musical items included 'What a Wonderful Love that would be," by Ivy Moore "'sailing on tlie Xancv Leo," and 'Hie Lights of my Home lown,' by Carlton Chase, and 'A Million Hollars Worth of Love, by Queenie Paul Connors and Witt in their "Popular Melodies" struck a re sponsue chord in the heaits of the audience, and were heartily receixed In the othei portion of the programme Miss Lilian Tontcnov m popular ball ids Laurent in his clover demonstration-, of double handed wilting and caul tncl s, tho De Bonners in artistic posing, and th» TVe Low ins in i cb irrmng turn of dancing singing and harmonising-all contributed to the pleasure of a good all lound enteitamment In the xvar pic ture "action th» sentiment of the times was reflected in the applause bestowed on the \inpncan vv ar vxtemis, rand the irirl xvar workers who are doing so much to hcip thou- brothers it tlie Tront


A fan audience was present at the Tyceitm Theatre on Saturday cxening when the Sunbeams" gave a pleasing entert imnient in ud of the 41st and 42nd Battalions Comforts riind« The 'inn boam" orchestra was heard in several pleasing numbers and was heartily ap plauded Miss D Lames was very soie cessful in her songs Back Home in Ten nessee," "Please G,ye Me a Penny" (new version), and "When lack and I were Children " Misa Ar Eames was heard to advantage in recitations and AIiss A Manson received a full meed of applause lor the songs 'At Afv Window and Happy Song " Violin eolns were played by AIIPS E Capper, and Miss T Garra way contributed a recitation The even mc xras closed with a well acted sketch, 'Aív Aunt from Tasmania " in which all did full justice to their parts


A concert on behalf of the Red Cross

was given m the Albert Hall on Saturday evening by Miss Elsie *AI Fisher and her pupils assisted by friends Alisa Tisher as a pianist with over 40 medals, and trophies, avon m open competition duly impressed the audience and her work was marked by dexterity and confidence Ampng her numbera were Ballade Opus 47" Toy Chopin, and excerprs from Raff and Lis7t vliss Tinner's pupils, some of xvhom could have stood a little more pre-paration-a final "gallop" or two-con tnbutcd quite a considerable portion o' the programme Miss Lilian Hope Fisher being one of the most promising of the debutantes She played with firm touch 'Scherzo m C Minor" (Raff) and 'The Bells of Moscow" (Rachmaninoff) Other pupils who submitted piano selections in duded Misses Ina and Mirjone John,

stone, Florrie Chalice E Smith, Vhrca. and Viola Dent, and Master F Hemming The -well known favourite Alvs Harry Reeve, govea some happily «elected recita tions and monologues Misa Mildred Bell sang interefting ballads, and Sir Stanley essayed dramatic songs with happy effect


The large audience winch gathered at the Palace Gardens on Saturday night signified its appreciation of the rnany blight specialties submitted by enthusiastic applause ai d insistent demand» for en cores The attractiye bill will be re-peated for four more nights


Tiho bngftt programme submitted by the Courtiers at Cremorne, on Saturday night, was enthusiasticallv received by an

audience which filled all the availab!» accocriamodation, and encores were freely insisted on The entertainment will be repeated nightly until Friday


The announcement that that powerful series, entitled "__ara Tbjj Daughter,"

was to commence drew large audiences at both the afternoon and evening per-formances at His Majesty's 'lheatre on Saturday. The programme included 'Judith of Bethuha"-a masterpiece) of spectacular motion picture craft by D \V Griffith, who was responsible for "Hie Birth of a Nation" and "Intoler-ance " It embraces a picturesque story of ancient Judea, based on the Book of Judith in the Apocrypha, and on the poem and tragedy from J,he same source by T B Aldrich Chiet among many very fine scenes is the stottrniug of the walls of Bethuha by the Assyrians, a picture full of thrilling incidents, winch, for the time, simply anmed the large audience present "Warn Thy Daughter," which fowned the second portion of the progranxmc, tells of the dangers which beset innocent girls through the "white

slave'' traffic of America


The Woild Film Ccuipany has produced a lemaikable pictuie of 'Trilby," wita ihs» Clara Kimball ioung in the title tole "lnlbv," it will lu. íecalled, vyaa a model for an obscuie sculptor Under the hypnotic influence ol ¡svengali she became a wonderful singer Billce and liilby fall in love with each other, but Svengali influentes 'lrilby away Latin la Ile. and lils fi lends go to a theatre to hear tlie famous Lu Sveng-uh, as Trilby b.,», become knoxvri

D -covering Trilby, Billee attacks Sven-gali, who dies of heart failure Trilby, after months of torture, recovers her own personality, and is about to become happy when, facing Svengau's picture, the old in-fluence returns and she drops dead of fught The delineation of the heroine is sud to retain the uniform quabty of all IMiss Young's previous work, and AVdton, Lackeye give» just the right touches of suavity and cunning to the cliarocter of Pvcngah "Trilby" will be screened at the Ma,estie for three days, commencing to


"Doug " lairbanks was granted a hearty reception at the Strand on ^saturday when he appealed m the first of Ins "Artcraft" comedies, entitled "In Again, Out Ag.tan " The smiling comedian is seen as 'leddy Rutherford a full Wooded youth, strongly advocating American prepaiedness 'Hie father of Ins fi mece, being an e\ti erne pacifist, Teddy was given up foi one with far less vigorous ideas As the îcsult of being thrown over, Teddy had an evening of jollibcation, and awoke to find himself in gaol with a pretty gul bondiug over him bathing his injured optic leddy de-cided that gaol was a fine place, but un-fortunately he w ts poidoned and sent out He had diseoveied tint his fair nurse was the daughter of the gaol slienfi, and on his idease he was for-bidden to visit her Then it is shown how the lovesick youth did everything in his power to be again sentenced He broke up a pacifist meeting, conducted bv the father of his foi mci fiancee, and exceeded the speed limit in his lacing cat, only to find that he was to be sent to the wrong gaol The athletic comedian liad lus audiences laughing hoartUy, es-pecially xvhen he impersonated the sttanger who had been blowing up the munition factories But he was finally successful in tracking the real criminal when he claimed horn the sheriff the

hand of his daughter "lu Again, Out Again " is a refreshing comedy "Murphy of Anzac," an Australian production, roused the audiences to a pitch of en-thusiasm lins is the account of The Man with the Donkey," known as 'Murphy of Anzac," whose íeal identity was established as John Simpson Kirk-patrick, of South Shields England, but who enlisted in Queensland in the -VIP, and ivas attached to the Ambulance Corps Tlie picture shows how he came

to enlist, how on the voyage he dis- i covered a traitoi giving information to I the enemy by wneless, and how he over- | powered him Hie landing at Gallipoli is reproduced, and "Aluiphy" is seen at his heroic work bringing wounded lads from the trenches on the back of bia donkey until a Turkish shell killed him The programme will be repeated today and to-morrow, with the Strand Symphony Orchestra at the evening sessions Next Wednesday xvill see the presentation of Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea "


The Gorman atiocty the execution of Captain Fry aft, ot the steamer Brus sels, has been put into story form by an Australian produced film, and The Murder of Captain Hyatt ' will be screen ed at the Pavilion to day On March, 2b, 1915, Captain Irvatt met the Uo\l ' ir the North 5>oi 'Hie submarine signal

ed lum to stop, biu he steered straight foi the submarine which submerged, and leappeared with a decided list, aftervvuids vanishing from view Captain Ii-ya-t held his cotir-e at top speed until he was «afely wollun the temtoual waters of Holland Vt the date of this gallant act the Germans had alrcadv suni without ii, ming 22 British meicliant ships Cap-tain 1 ryntt m aetii)" as he did, did no more than defend himself More than a yeal attoi lu» ¡tst encounter with a «oibimunc Cap'ain 1 ryatt, m command of the Brus -I» vv as captured by a f otilla of Germ in tcrpedo boats and the xe-ssel was taken a» a prize to ZeeDrugge On July JO Captain Fryatt was shot

It is declared that the dramatic elements in the storv have been carefully íepro dticed in the film version, and the whole ptodtiction is said to be of a high



Ihe chin, i of pio'i nu ne Behind the Mask.' and tlie fust series of "The Scarlet Runnel.' attracted large audiences to West's Oiympn on Saturday atteruoon and ovening and the new pieces were thoroughly enjoyed 'Behind the Alask ' presents a marriage undertaken at fustsimply for revenge, but which ultunately turns out satisfactory Hie girl becomes «ocial secretary to the daughter of a capitalist, who has ruined and killed her father of wlneh of cour«e, she is in total ignorance In her new role she meets i lord to w horn tlie d lughter of the capí u ist is dff ataied T ey got 1 st m the woods together, and the gul, Irov in" in the mc intime been told of the tri iclipiy of the r- p La list is determined tis rhe it him thr ugli In daughter Tlie 1 id whom she m omage therefore is i

love with her They hove to spend the ni"ht in i ccbin in the woods, but tlie n"x:t mprmnsr he marnes her, and she thus be comes lovenged in the daughter of he min who ruined her father Exeit ng scenes of love, intrigue, and rémoise foi

low, all of which wert followed with g'eat interest and with great satisfaction when love triumphed in a happy reunion The second part of the programme em braced ' Tlie Car and His Alaiesty " the fust two part episode of Vitagraph's mile a minute motor scries, entitled "Tne Scarlet Runner '-a p'ay of thrilling and ah orbing interest


There was a large attendance at the Cinderella evening held at the Palais de Danse, in the v1 alley, on Saturday even ing Many of the dancers wore fancy dress, and the scene waa brght and animated as the couples g1 ded round under the open sky to the tuneful strains of Ali» Dempseys orchestra Special de corations also helped to please the eye During the evening the dancers assembled m the middle of the floor, and a flash light photograph was taken of them


V large audience assembled in the Colosseum Theatre, Brunswick-street, New Farm, on .Saturday night, and guve warm expression of its appreciation ot the long and well-ehoscn piogranime of moving piétines Hie sets shown included a Tamous Player film, The Marriage of Kitty,' with Miss Fanny Waid as I leader of the cast a seven-part drama.

Two Ornhnis," featurjig Miss Theda Bara, a KeysUnj Triangle comedy, and a TON. Travelog, depicting m a very in

«resting way the etty of New York To morrow s progT-nme xvdl, it 13 claimed, bo quite up to the u«ual high standard, and will maude tlie 5000ft Famous Player, Pn-on without wills', a second fine stai, How er of Faith," and oüher pic-
