Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 19 November 1917, page 6

Death of the Hon. John Murray,

A telegram rece3ived in Brisbane last evening conveyed the information that the Hon. John Murray passed away in the Longreach Hospital yesterday morning. The late Mr. Murray left his home at New Farm for his property, Beaconsfield Station, in the Longreach district, about seven weeks ago, and was then in his usual good health, but about a week ago an old trouble recurred, and his family was hastily summoned, as the worst was feared. Though born in Ayrshire, Scot-land, in 1841, the late Mr. Murray may he said to have been an Australian, as he came out here in 1852. He spent his early years on the Victorian goldfields, and shortly after attaining his majority he engaged in pastoral pursuits in New South Wales. In 1864 he came to Queensland, where he again followed pas-toral pursuits in the Central district. After leis an »vu' in Queensland he took a keen nitciedt ,n local i,ox tilunenl and other ¡iiiblie bodies anu Liitentig pul ties m 18SS ho AX03 elected tor Normnlib} ns a folloxver of Su Ihomas ¿I'llxxiaith Ile continued to ícpicieiit that constituency without s. bleak until HKll On the iorniation of the Gnifitli Alllvvraith Coalition Ministry ni 1893, \lr Murra} was oflcted a seat in ttlic Cabinet, but declined it owing to lui BLiise of duty to the Cential distnct. «is ha feaied 11 at his acceptance of a. portloho would injure the cause of tem toual eqiiiuition, vxjiich vx-as a bullung (iiiestion at that tune In lb08 he accepted the portfoio of Kuli« i) s und Public Woiks xx iib the late lion 1 J B}ineo lind remained a Min ster of the Croix c imbi IPOl In ¿larch of that }eai he lotucd from paitx lolitios and xxnk unpointed to tho LegiK.rtixe Council as Minister foi Public In-trucfcion In 1002 hcYxexti, he uiiiinushcd that postion and xv is appointed Y ice pre ident oi th« iNecutixe Counti! In 1803 lie resgned from ¿lie Legislative Council to contLSt a

te it in the I oimnonvv e ilth Senate but he wns not successful at the pol Latterly Mi Aluna} bad boen devotint his energiej to ]ia loi ai niittciA, ai d ho heLiiine ov iiLr

of xanons stations in Central and Norther» Queensland Hie deceased, xxlic- xx is tvvno mimed i-> survived by his xxidoxv and a lamily of tvxo 6ons and one daughter bj Ins first wife, and thrcL «ous anti one daitghtei b} hi- second vxife The sons arc ¿res'rs Sluar», (i bank manager ¡n JNeix Synth Wales) Cvuiipbtll (inaiiagei of Bo«clle Bovins luchmond iSoith (Jueeiio land), Gavin (managei of Gowan Hills Blackall), Caj tin 1 it/rc} (owner and manager of Mount Watson station lilac!

all), Nenn in (mutineer Bcat-insfitld «ti tion, Illrflc-ombt) ond the daughters Mrs W 1 Giuhnm (wife of Mr Y\ 1

Gilham banister, Brisbane) and Alis:» Janet ¿lunax