Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 7 October 1915, page 3



A meeting of the delegates to the Queensland British Football Association was held in the Grosvenor Hotel last evening. The chair was occupied by Mr. T W Crane, who was elected chairman of the executive, Mr H. B. C. Gordon was elected to the executive, and Mr S. I. Ross was appointed representative to the Common-wealth body. The secretary (Mr S I Ross) reported that since the last delegate meeting the football season had closed, the first grade com-petition having been won by the Merthyr Thistle Club, and the second grade senior by the Bris-bane City II team. During the year competi-tions had been won by the following teams --Challenge Cup, by Corinthians; Charity Cup, Brisbane City; first grade junior, Rag Tag Club, second grade junior, Brisbane City II ; third grade junior, Wallaby I , first grade cup, Merthyr Thistle, second grade, Brisbane City II The trophies were presented to the successful clubs. Honour caps were presente! to the follow-injr phvers who vsited New <-oitli Wa es for the interstate matches W" M'Brlde (eiptun), A Gibb II Oienvn, W. Pitterson A Vio crief, .1. loie, M Jenkinson, O. Burn», r W de, A. Jackf-on, A. Cripps, P Spence D Potto V M'Homld, ml S Ros (min-i-er) M Ji>c. (vice president), m rephnn¡r to a vote of tint I*, ursred t' e a«wx;lalioii to mike irra-groincn s *o pliv as miny mitteile.* at, ¡io i-lble nest veir m t'te Botanic Girdcns or ..mue other o ntral prrouud. and thus ¡rho the rill/ciu in or-po-tn Ity of Keernie what soccer foot1 ill was like T le-cheen* nore eli Cn for member- of tHc nss na tlon ulm hie) (nine I t'c 1 "ned'f o"au rotees After the deîeïfile meeti"*r the member* of t1 e cv*n<lie «iro-nnM i <f'h r 7or hi Mr 1 W

Kendall [sic -- should be 'Kendal'], who had resigned the chairmanship, and

joined the A.M.C.