Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 29 August 1923, page 23



In the city court on Tuesday Robert Taylor, licensee of the Lakeview Hotel, was fined £5 for having allowed his bar door to be unlocked during prohibited hours on August 11. He was also fined £2 for having sold liquor after hours. Two men who were found on the premises were each fined £1.

Boisterous winds, accompanied by dense clouds of dust, prevailed all day, but towards evening light rain set in.


Mr A 7 Hocklnc, a=ei«tant ion n clerk of the r«iiion on tho sun of the Oakleigh muiild

P.h-Jif,pli'on? lln.° ,i? Vc,n!: instructed from

Mustian lo Campbell's lorest

Miss Trcdlnnick who has had charlo of the state school at Kamarooka for senn leurs wjs Í.Tííí'1-'.1 "."," " I'".rtlnB B,lt '" tllc ""¡.dents oil Rai ng o Hke iip dutv nt the Scditcwkk whool

,"T!,0",»«.nilirfo ritj I'ir-eon nomine Clubs old

ini flieht from Molct Town to Dedico 'an air line: riitancc of 81 miles mob won hi Mr °\

?was SSO lards a minute

« the minimi mcetlus of the Sandhurst Jloiflnc. nm V »i C0,T1"* i»bl1« «-OS celebrated Offlf-ers elected »cr<> -rmdilent. Mr Ci A yriBht, capta n Mr Stanlei Mcfîomi, secretar.

Vr I H Killian, treasurer, Mr 1 Gnw!ln¡*, delec-ites to the Victorian nonlnr. association Jlcssrh P Christie and J DuRgan

Alfred Muriel, n loliñf. «ian was, at the Bcmliio HU Court, fined U for utriking a girl Gcnffrej Marone Fdiiaril A Hamilton, and Owen Doile were chnrscd wilh haunp; tick infested shccu in tlifir poîse»sion Tlie) ii ere each fined £1

The lardina; of 830 h«id of cattle at the lien dico falca on Tucsdoi was mostly trailc quality lipcnint; sales wem cinicr, and continued so throughout, prices being ii to C1 a head below last week's i allies The dimond for store cattle was satisfactory

M tho Bendigo Cit} Court Jessie li Spooner licensee of the Ollie Branch Hotel was rliirO £2 for haiing sold liquor ill prohibited hours A number of men who had been found on tho pre

mi«cs were euch lined £2

The collections made in Bendigo for the Roman Cithollf Corpus Christi College Fund exceed

£2 51»

In connection with the Ï0 icars' jubilee of tlie Fore«! street Methodist Church at Bendigo li Frptnmher the committee has arranged for special railuai confessions 'or former p-irKbioners lu Ing imnv from the district to visit Bendigo

Mr T I -Webster, headmaster ff the State pchr-oi at Bngdewater for the ln=t 10 jcirs has leen trnnsfcrnvi to tile State school at Torrest

rcsirlcnU of Bridgei ater nrc prototiucf againit the Ag-itiHninl Resent, being made alajlablc for

m 11 leinen!

Mr 1 lamer ha. W n rppointcd president

Mr 1 Spenclcj «ecretnri, of the huglehank Frifnilli Societies' DUpensnrj Board

Tlie women workers of tlie Ben ligo Golf Club finished lhe last round of the qualifying tests for the club's representative to compete in the Mc torion Golf^Ascocintlon tournament, ilie winnot li Mips U "Neill ulio won lhe final round with n net scoie of "5 Mrs It O Henderson was b-cuiuI ililli M, mu* M'as «ar cn third with SI


It is expected that the whole of the six w irds of the Kitchener Memorial Hospital will be read} for occupation In pila dnj

Tlie Prime Minierer (Mr Bruce) will arme in Geelong shortlv after 1 o'clock on Wtdne-dnj afternoon nnd will flddr"fw fhe National r^den tion Conférence The Soldiers' Woollen Mill -will present Mr llruee ?with a travelling rug madi

at the mill

At a special meeting of the Geelong Dairymen s Asrocitíiou on Tucsdfiv a letter wo« received from the Wholesale Milk Producers' Association intimating that the -wholesale prlre would he re duced to 1/4 a (»allon nu from Mondnv Septem 1 er I It was unanimouslj decided to redline the retail price from 8d to 7d a quart on and from Çcpteribcr 3

At Us mee Unir on Tuesday the (.colong City Council In seven votes to slv decided to dmcon timie the subsidy of £300 granted to the Citv Municipal linnd and to place upon the estimâtes a Film of mnnpv so that for public function« a land could he engaged It wau argued that tin hand Imd not Riven reasonable pervices for the amount voted from the rorporatian funds

TVrc lins lieeii much dincunKion In the city founcil over the removal of the clock tower in Mnrltet Kqinrp and diflltulty han been experi

enced in deciding what should become of it. The question was flffnin before the council on Tuesdov afternoon, *vhon it was decided that the clock be erected nu a eontril fpiiture lu the M al op street frontale of the new Market square build ine;» lit the expense of Mr John H fuit, lest-ce of thp Mirl et square hites

The Bannockburn branch of the Farmer*. ï*nion hin pnsí-pd a rei-olutlon thnt a more suitable dav than Mondiv should be fixed Car utock hales at the corpnritlon \nrds in (îecton^ It was claimed that Monday innrnimr wile« involved too nindi Sumtev wnrk The followinr resolulion was \ho pucïpd -"That this branch deprecates the »etiun

Minister for Cu«t

Mr T 1 MtTxlinll» rhieff officer of the Countn Fire Bripidc« Itnird met the captain« and mern hors of distiict fire hrigadtN uni put litfoie thein n fichern* for provídiiiR a iJenni« tire cnciue at u r-«t of £213 The firemen decided to intpniew merchants and others lo sec if they would t.ub



It was reported to a special meeting of sh

holders of the Harcourt Cool sion s Co tint about PO cagci* of fruit, tlio propertv of Mr W II Evuips hnd disappeared from one of the chambers ]n the store und although the directors hid mude cí erv effort to trice the missing ci'-es thtv li id m»t with no micccss It was dpcided to place the matter in the hands of the police


Tlie people of Echuca nre mut li iggricved at the rtcttoril departments propos ii to move the nfliuiil contre of tho Echuca divudou from 1 chuca to ^evmou/

lhe sudden cessation of rain nnd the advent of dry warm dnvs bus caused the farmers to hope for spring showers for the surfa(e of the promu! ha« qufrklv become hard, nnd growth of crop1« and grass le impeded Flic roidn have dried up well, but thej are as rough as ploughed fields suddenh turned hard, nnd can. and other vehicles find the going difficult

1 he Moama Council has purchased a road priiiir whirb is doing such good work on the ronds over the river that the 1-chuca Council Is considering the desirability of obtaining u similar



At the meeting of the Wimmera Shire Council on Tucsdav it was resolved to interview the State Itivçrs and Water bupplv Commission with regard to the linbilltj for approaches to channels ncrohfi shire roads Complaint Ins bet u made that the Water Commibhinn In, e-irtiug coal in winter, ha* destroved ti mad nt Jun¿ It i» stated thut the coal could lune been carted for G/d a ton in the summer, but cost 12/ a ton to cart in the winter The Fhowcrj weither now Im ing experienced threatens to put topntr> roadt» baek into their fornnr bad htute Ihev had IniprovLit considcnblv in the fine w put her

The death has occurred of Mr lames Blillie at one time a prominent footballer Ile served in the war, whire his health wa« undermined

Uthough the Railw i i Comniifunoners pro mised that the goods hinds would be fhlfte thS vear, ns part of the improit meut plan, thev íiave just built a permanent brick chimney on tin otflce to do which it was iiccessarv to cut a piece off the platform

Horsham s new mat or (Councillor I inginna».) entertained the Wimmera Mun president (Couti illlor Johns) at lunch on luodu\

Mr. G. Long who has been acting as head master of the Jung school for the last six months

has been transferred to a school in the Wycheproof



In the Mildura Court of Petlj Sessions on Tue* dnv loseph Davies, a coloured nan, wus churned with having assaultctl Alfred Armstrong, at lied Clifth He was sentenced to three months mi iirlbonment with hard lubour

The inn>or CConncillor li V Paul), of the Mildura few« Council, mid Councillor J Ileikhil wood, president oí tho Mildura Shire Council, have both decided to have dr\ cupboards duriug their term oí ellice _ t ", _

At the Rtalutor> meeting of the Mildura Toun Council reference was made to the valuable ser vices íeiidered to ratcpn>crs bv Me»aro W B C1 utTe> und L T Ilendenton« who were defeated at the election Councillor Black sulil that v hen two such men werCrcJccted bj the ratepayers after having given such vi»elAsh service there wat little to encourage other men to occupy public


Hie Col Gol punt over the lîivçr Murray is hi operation atter hav ing been Idlu' for u usk through the table breaking

\ partial eclipse of the moon whs visible on htimlu> nicht for more than two hours

?several boarding huiioe Wiper* in Mildura have ai ringed u sjrttuii of collecting iroiicj t*om Iwardens towards the Christmus comfort» fund for Mildura Hospita! patients

Shearing began lust week on Maltee Gliffi Sla tion, and several Hurling Uiver st itioiis tie raak ing a beginning tliii week

Approximateh 200,001) looted vines from pri Tate nurseries at Mildura lied clifTs Birdwood ton and Jivmple have been i urchused by otticers of the New South Wales Irrigation Commission for planting at the Leeton und (ïntllth ureas


\UJUin -The finances of the VHiurj District Hospital uro causing the committee loncirn, and a special meeting wns hohl on Monduv night to mjkc arrangements for nnnculs It waa decided to Uik ihr mnvoress to call a public meeting of women lu organise a big appeal Arrangements arc to he made with the football clubs to pla) benefit matches for the hospital -Mr «I Drum, of the Albon Agricultural linn au, bus been appointe! n member of the btnte nd\ isor> council - \. motor car on the wa> to Tumbarumba from Al butv tnJfilied through a fence and dropped to the bed of the watcrcuurt-e near Mburj on Mondjj 'Jwo occupants had miraculous esc ipi a from injur>

- \t the cenmonv of laving the foundation stone of the new Lutheran Church at Wallu Walla b\ Pastor ) ohe, president of the Lnitcd 1 vunrclical Church of \iistralhi £311 vvjs collet ted towards the cost of the building which will be £10 000 -At a mo« ting nf dí-b-yites from Alburv ichooU it was decide) to form an Am item hdiools Atli

letic Associiition in Aliiurv which will toutr 1 the inter » hool --port« lomprehtnsivt tompdi tions are being organised - Hem j Sttud sued .lui» 1-nink (irrarl in the Alburv "-»null Ihbtt- Court beion Mr 1 11 Mhsun P M for x0 II dnniugL».

alleged to huve bet n sust lined to 'stead s motor bus in collision with iiCTani s motor cer \ counter (lunn una entered bv t errard 1 r J-o 11 Jutl. nient wab gJVLii for Stead in cult case

MWKWM - \ ncculiur aciiduit oeuirred ir

ravornnl e Mntion slicuring shed Miortl¿ after the shearing hud commenced, the belt of the emin win ti became disarranged Hie mun in chart,»

of the mucblnerv mounted a stop bidder to adjust the belt K& he uni« doing so, the lad if his wat-tíüitt became entangled in tlie belt, wl»*h tarried lum rapid 1} to the roof of tile shed Mr I Mvnott, a visitor, stopped the engine just in timi Whin the unfortunate man v\[H released from his position it w is found tint lu hid oapcd with s veic bruces and hhocs - \ su

'i^ful dance was hckl at line \ U w on I ridjj iiigl»t, with the object of giving Mr und Mr»

' ilmour a presentation in recognition of their M-rt-icm to the Pine View eliitrlct Mr Gilmour íecebed a set of pipes, and Mrs Gilmour an

The presentation waa road* by Mr.

BCCAC-The Junior Red Crow circle of the Beeac» state school bus recently sent a quantity of clothing to the children of the Tree Kindergarten. Richmond, also cuses of book*, tojs, jam, una cocoa The result of the recent pennv concerts was C2/-Î/- Hie old Htntc school, purchased bj tlie Presbj tenon committee, waa a «*ne of golety on rnday, when a social evening was held There %\as a pood attendance, and £7 was r*iiM? \ towards the furnishing of the building, ubich in to be renovated and named the Pni-bv terian IJall -Lamb-mark ing at Mr T O îievlou s St ont?v hut>t Estate has just liecn completed, delajh laving occurred through ^ct weather Tho 3 IA. owes vielded 3 012 'arobs an average of ÎI3 per cent. In a fin o uri te paddock the tally was aWe the avcrago, showing 1,063 lambs from 1,041 ewes or about 102 per cent -A junior bicjele rfice from Beeac to Gnarwyn and back on Saturday was won bv Master ïack Camm-Se*eral frosts have occurred, followd bj bright days.

BERWICK -Several allotments of land at Cocka too were sold by auction by the Berwick Shire, in conjunction with the Gembrook Railway Lands Trust, under the Municipal Rates Recovery Act. It now appears that some of the blocks were sold before the time stated in the act had expired.

IUSTMONG-Tho death has occurred of Mrs Elizabeth Iruscott, a \erj old and respected resi

dent r! Buninyong, aged 82 j ears She leakes a


CH^TFRTOV-When returning from a coursing mccl'ng on Saturday night, a motor-car belong ing to the Struan Pstate, near Narracoorte (S \ ), and driven bj Mr McKenzie, collided with a cab driven bj Mr S Rowlej In tlic cab vere Mm \ Haig and Mrs W McBean, who fus tamed ficiil inturf«. Mr Houle* won badlv bruised Roth cab and motorcar were damaged

i CI UTsEï».-The major (Cr A, E Hempson) gavo a smoke night to about 40 guests in the town hall to celebrate his election »Hie Clunes Knit tinjr Mill commenced active operation» on Mon da* Then ia work in hand lo keep the mill

gome for 12 months

COW!-i-In the finnl match on Saturday be tween Cowes nnd Rhjll, in the Phillip Island lot* MU Woriation competition. Rh\ll won O-jwei -v ho were premiers lost vear, have ebal lenged Rhvll The match is to be plajcd on Saturday -A confirmation service is to be held on Frlaiv in St Philip's Church bj the \rth bishop of Melbourne il)r Ivccs)

DI VN-V Micnssful cntcrtninmcnt wis given bv the ' Mule Mugs * of Dean in the Dean Public Hall on Mondav Nearly £30 win taken nt the door fhe sueec-w of the entertainment was due to the crganiser Mu* W Mo^elv

1 tíIC \ - The «clioul children at Knotts «cliool holt a successful funcj dress bill in the tallwood Hall, m aid of the childrens wing of the Manu gul Hospital More than £1(1 was taken

GUNDOWRING - John Macdonald, of Gun-dowring station, one of the oldest residents of the district, and one of Victoria's pioneer settlers died at his home at Gundowring on Fri-day, after a long illness. He was aged nearly 90 years. He came to Victoria when a boy.

For many years he lived in the Western district, but more than 30 years ago he sold out there, and bought Gundowring station from the late Mr. C. Barbour. He dealt almost exclusively in fat cattle which invariably brought the highest prices. He took a leading part in the formation of the Kiewa Butter factory, and for many years was a director. He was also a councillor of the Yackandandah shire and on many occasions oc-

cupied the president's chair. He leaves a grown up family of three sons and three daughters. Mrs. Macdonald died many years ago. He was buried in the Presbyterian portion of the Tallan-gatta cemetery on Sunday. About 350 people assembled for the opening of the Kergunyah Soldiers' Memorial Hall on Friday. Speeches were delivered by Mr. Beardmore, M. L. A., and mem-bers of the committee. A concert and ball fol-lowed.-In the final match of the Kiewa Valley Football Association Allan's Flat beat Dederang by 3 goals 3 behinds to 6 behinds.-The Tawanga Butter Factory and store were offered at auction on Saturday, but were passed in for private sale. -The weather during the last week has been glori

ously fine, with light frosts. Grass and crops are growing well and the roads are drying up.

Hi VTIILOTE -The vvoii.n who promote! the 1 teiuentcrv High behool Japanese lair have found tint about A.4P0 has been taken After pajing all expenses considcrablj more than £300 will remain to be adde to the fund-A hile of fcviu acris on tin t-unthcru fide (f the ? Hill Ins been granted bj the Government and the Kiirvtvor and architect have bren instructed to go on with their portions of the work without dclav - Flic Prc«b\ terian Church has» been reno vnttd nt a cost of about Í.20 The amount was mus! b Mell Ladich' Guild ~Girdcii thieve« have

1N\I »I ! IG1J -The death bat orccurcd of Mr ThtnniiH Bead, a \ery old resident ofelnverlcigh, aged Mi j euri lor maiij uara be w is cloj.e'j assoiiated with the Inverleigh Methodist

L burch

KFItAKG -Mr R K Jtoberts who has 80 acres of citrus lind at Rivcrstde, Gonn Grossing in Julv hint tent a trial shipment of lemons tn New Poa tarni He 1ms received account faith of the hlnpircnt, which show that the lemons brought from 24/1 to 0/a a cane, giving him a iat leturn of 17/15 i case

M\NM II LU- Mr M Malonv had just relumed a motor cir to Uie garage, when it caught tin and wai destrojed Hie garage and a number of cases uf kerosene were also destrojed

MILAWA-Mrs J M Gardner aged C1 tears, bah died Wie had I ceri a rtddeut at the district all her life-ihc mild sprint weather has numil a considerable inctea&c in the cupplj of mill

ye ng delivtrcd ut the creumerv -I ji0c iruintltics of chair are. being placed on the ra'lwavs for *-wlnev [run this dj.trict Good prices arc ben g


MIRBOO KOUT H - \ popular vote was takLii on ¡¿it urda j for u gold medul for the mott cout-t» tent kluver in the Mirboo ^orth football team for the nason jtut concluhd Hugh lierntj

topped the poll bv a Iaie,e majorltj

^ VR NAR GOON -Much intercbt ii being taken in the childrens queen ctrnlval tlie piocecds of which are in aid of the children s ward of the Warragul Hospital Arrangement* are being made

btitrlup fatmlv for more than 70 veurs, has 'en f-old to Mi Nicholson Mr» '.taitup died to tears ago at the age of i)7 jean.

NARKAOAA -flic deith has occu*red of Mi Catherine Graham widow of Mr David Graban

igtd Ü» vears Mrt» Graham had been a colonna for tu vean and had resided at Narracm ftr nearlj the whole of that time-Aftci a spell of exteremlj cold ucathu i.priii¿ reathtr bus seL in Wattles are tveivv here in Mauni, and t,ru.s is growing well-Mr Lniest Heal who mu ? a vcrv Renou» accident Bone weeks ac^o has the bobpitul Hib right arm is piacticallj


NA HIM IA -\ travelling ehaffcutter, under tlie irunageiiuut of Mr 1 llaruict, was detitrojed I j tire on ihe mud near \alc-ui Shortly utter the men had left it the machine w is olstned to be un te íhc machine, which was valued ct molo than £lw, wus uninsured-Miss Martin wat« i.Ucii a kitchen tea at the Mcthodibt haU on the eve of her marriage-When Mr i Locks auctiumer, and his wife and two friends were on their wuj to a football match in Numurkah, oi e of the u\les ot the motor air broke Aiart from shork none ol tht pirtv was injured

KKW til MO -Tlie proposal to introduce ii scheu c lo biabilit-e the butler iudustrj hits been stionglv suppoitcd bv a number of couipanirs, but, believing the proposal to he dctitmental to the best intert-a-» of the pu,)plicr, the directors of the Newstead Cooperative Butter and thee c Tactnrj to J lil line all a ung opposed the scheme U the ¿7th half \ um meeting ut bharchol 1er» it whs iesnlved-~ That this meeting commends the action of the directors in oppoh ing stabilisation and considers the btep**. taken to be in the bei-t interePti of tile iuduhtn fwit ralh, jih proved bj the îcccut evcuth in Queens InnJ * Ihc 'hallinan of directors (Mr t

Atkin) thanked the shan holders for their ex pression of confidence, and huid it was pleas.ii1, to know that their action in opposing the scheme had been eoutinned

MJIL1 -Mis James Weir has died Hie wa* a resident here foi 40 jcar>-Miss G íigu.« litad teache- «t Mi Ml school, has been transferred to \villaura Before her departure she -was prt

scutcd with a w ii let of notes- \ farewell diiiuci was tuen to Mr J A ilurphv, who has diartosed of his business Mr Murphv was pre enUd with a ct&e of pipes - \ prc»en£ation of a diver aftci' noon tea benlee was made to Mr A R Hill,

ho has been clirk of coi rt« here for three veurs, before his departure to Benalla

OMIO- Befoie Mr * M Bond, PAL, and Mr Pavnc J I', the rabbit inspectors pioceeded ß^iinst iaiidholdcrt* who had not taken t ti cet ive nu asures to destrov vermin on their propirtfc* Most of tin cases were adjourned ft i two imntliK, to allow defendants to con tuiue instruction on Hues laid down S ve

al landholders wen finctL Constables Bhckchaw, of ¡swifts Greek, and Baker, of Onuo, charged a nuniltr of pitcuts with having failed to havi ti» ir thildien vaccinated Hie minimum line if 10/ was imposed in each case, thu police magistrate rtrurkiiij that pirents t-houhl protect themselves bv means of th*» ktatutorj declaration provided for ron pclontious objectors ihe police were justifie I in taking action, and Ind only dune their

dut i

POOWONG-At the annual meeting of the Soldiers Relatives Welcome Club Miss Crow! w is appointed piesldcnt and Mrs Poole sceretarj -The munni conceit of the Poowong brui«h of the Mttoriau l-urinen-.' I nlon was vcrv success ful Hie concert was followed bv u dante-Ihe weather last week waj> unusually fine und wurin foi the time of j ear t onscquentlj far met ven bU"j ploughing and sowing

IORI FAIR* - Juc »bullra of Mc^n. Gujctt mid Sons builders and contractors, wc c broken into and harness valued at *,J0 stolen \\ itbfn a few hours of the disooverj two men nainfd Hawkir un«i Browne were flrrehted »t Wurrnam bool charged with theft The whole of tlie Jnirntifli was recovered Harms-, was uko stolen from the Caledonian Hotel - Mecsrs Innes and Hvland, of the 1 tu ii wa j department, met u mun her of townt>ncn to make arrangements for the 'Resources (ruin, which will arrive on October 10 -Mr Bosw eil from St James, hu*, taken charge of the rutlwoj station -Addition1, in the Glaxo factorv have been completed, and the manufacturo of butter, cheche, und casein will bo commenced shortly -Mr \ f Graham, mana ger of the Bank of Vustralu^ia, is engaged on inspcctlo al work He will retire from the ser vice next jea-Ihe Port J?airy Racing Club suí* tained a losa of £yi for the tear

R1DDLLL -Mr \ \\ Sutherland, who (s lea\

Ing the dlstiict, where be was bom to live neir I Imore wob entertained at a social and presented with a wallet o fnotts-While a social was being held in the Mcchinlcs' Hull on Saturdav night

sei eral rug-» u ore stolen from motor cart» au i buggies Constable Kennedy is making in quirl es

ROCHESTER - The settlers of Bamawm and district held a meeting at which it was urged that a railway should be built from Bamawm Extension, through Bamawm and Ballendella and linking up with the main Bendigo-Echuca line at Rochester.

ROGK\ H VD-Jarme win ti» Rockj I ead dis trict mc tal ing advantage of the fine weather to complete sowing operations which have been kept late i wing to the i \te| tionullv vet hfasou Tin Roikv lou! htate school eoinmittee (ins de tided to imi rove Gie school grounds and to effect jmprmi ment* to the teacher s residence

lil rill «Gil N-Hie second annual meelina: ti Gie lliitberglen Citi/ens A^ociution wi hi Id on Mondav ivenhg Mr It Jl Bim mm i n.

filed mili tit i<- » f u j, no I itodiiue Die financial ¡»t^tomcut *oved ti pre.tR if ¿'4^4 Or T J Killv vas ilcrttd pre idtnt Mcvib Bcrrv n ni and W O I uv lor v k e j n*,i leiit* Mr A 1 Wet set re tin V *+r* '> Nn it i J

Brown B 11 lu kunu I Jhoini >n md the Rev Uvpriil »n! e ni , c\initt lomiuit i

-On Xhursduv vtiii^ in (Min tram will le

Melbourne wlo ire irlurnintî

ti ni<

I S\NJ)I ORD -h s.Mtc of the recent bliup I frost« c rly legume c rops are looking remarkablj I One -The Archdeacon of Wirroambool gave an

illustrated lecture In the hall recently, under the auspices of tho Australian Hoard oí Uíasíuda.

SCOTSBURN -The T.MCA. entertainers gave i successful concert in the Scotsburn public hall on Mon ila} The ball was crowded

SUFPPARTON - Vt the annual meeting of the Slieppurton Cooperative Butter 1 actorv the dircc

, report showed Hut operutions for the vor wl June CO resulted in a lass of £G<îS/17/2 largely due to the exceptional fall in the Ion don market toward«! the end of the season and to I losses on second qualitv butter Tlie J ear dosel

with a debit to profit an i lots account of £^61 1/2 Tlie purchases of cream totalled £20 3% M/G The weight was GG5 7471b, fielding Tit 2141b commercial butter The bilance bhect

adopted Messrs. James Jefferj and Stephen Coombs, retiring directors and Mr I ¡stubbs, »editor, were «appointed-The Minister for Ldu t cation (Sir Uexandcr Peacock) will arrive *it

Shepparton on Thursdav He will \isit district schools, and at Shepparton will open a shelter died recently erected at a cost of £'.50- \ Mur-ray cod weighing C2lb, was caught ih tlie G oui

hum River on NUurt!a> Tlie Tuait used was a bird-U a meeting of the Shepparton CUri* Vs sedation it was decided to approach th« Ministrv with a view to purchasing a plant for tho fumign tion of citrus trees to eradicate scale-It wns suggested that fumigation should be mode, com puLorj and It was also urged that measures should be taken to prohibit th« uso of secondhand fin I tea ses, which were a means of introducing dis eases -Considerable opposition is being shown to the placing of the State school under the control of the high school Mr 1 Ilaisman is returning from a tour of the world-The death bos oc curred of Mr P Crouch» of the Orrvale >ur sen aged 64* * ears.-Mr Hugh Daly, a teachei for two and a half j cars at the ¡shepparton high school has died at Yarrawonga

SMYTHESDALE -Miss Julia Hanrahan

pnsec of the Court House Hotel, Smitlie&dalo, bus sold tlie business to Mr Charles James

STACEY'S BRIDGE - Mr H Gellion has poid his propertv of about fiGO acres to the Clo«<

Settlement Boord at an avenge price of £33/10/ per acre -A tennis club has boen formed at Jack River Mr W L. Moore was elected president, Mr A. Turnbull vice president, omi Mr G Olney secretary and treasurer-Owing to

-pringliko weither of the past week a good growth of grass is noticeable-The roads are be cjnning to improve though Ihey are verj rutty in place* .

ST ARNAUD - Canon Coupe Urs Coupe, !

family were, entertained bv the Church ot England parishioners nt a farewell social on the eve of their departure for Portland Canon Coupe received a wallet of notes and Mrs Coupe and fanillj were given presents

Stt tt HIIL.-The settlers on the Goodnight Lstatc hld the use of a shed on the estate for school purposes \r the average attendance has been 32 for some time the Education department has ogreed to erect a schooL-The Goodnight Irri gutten Trust is negotiating with tlie Witer Oom mission with i viev to its taking over the water svstem - Is a result of the iilHrmatJve vote cist for the proposed sewerage system for Su in Hill

the Swan Hill Shire Council intends to inttal the svstem without dclnv

TONG VLA - The Deakin Shire Council has In structed the engineer (Mr A F Cistles) to pur chase metal from the tootscnij ciuirrj for u-c

i chirp roa L,

TOOK V -Before leaving Toora Mr L Dankert chief assistant of the Toora brunch of the Greit Southern Co operative Co since its estábil diment,

us entertained and presented with a gift

LADLRliOOL- At the football match between Underbool and Oujen, 0 collection in nid of two injured plajcrs w is made and £8/10/ was re-ceived-At a meeting of the Lnderbool Frogr&s Association Mr h y Wood was rccommendel for the position of registrar of births and deaths for Lnderbool-\ deputation was appointed to meet the llailwwvs Commissioners on their arrival carl} in September - V successful concert und Boeill were given by the men of the Imdor bool \oung Peoples Gull I The concert took the form of a camp fire scene V profit of £5


W vM>r\ -Mrs lodlfl Ma» Hunter, widow of the late lohn Hunter luis died at,ed GS ai She was a resident of Wandin for man} j ears

leaves u grownup family of four uaughtcr* and

two sons

W INGVRVTT\ - V Melbourne manuficttiring firm has been investigating the possibilities of Wangaratta for the establishment of Its business The firm emplojs about ¿50 skillcl workmen -Mi Ü I Callen, for some j ears inspector o* the Wangaratta «¡hire has been«appointed an inspec tor under the "Vermin and Noxious Weeds \ct Hit headquarters will I« nt Wangaratta-A sul ccKfifut eoncert was held at Hansonville in aid of the Wnngar Ha Hospital-The Rev II V Town eui, Baptist minister at Oxlev was enterlainel and i resented with gifts bv residents before his departure for Albert Park -Miss O Halloran post mistress at Springhurst has boen transferred to Bid finnie-1-urtiier extensions arc being mide with the work of undeigroun ling telephone cible this will enable a large number of a lditional sub scribers to be connected. - At a meeting of the Oddfellows Lodge a welcome was given to Bro-ther G. Harman P. D. G. M , of the Port Fairy district who joined the order in Port Fairy more than 66 years ago. He is probably the oldest Odd-

fellow in Australia -In order to ini| rove the electric supplv to the town which is received from the woollen mills a regulator ia being m


WILLVUnV- Messrs Hopkins Brot «torc was broken into on Saturdav ntjjit I ntnnee w-is effectrl Iv removing four boards from a wall ~ ' 5/6 in silver, which -was in the cash re g1 ster was stolen

WHITTLESEA. - Tuesday, September 4, has been proclaimed a public holiday in the Shire of Whittlesea for the Findon Harriers' Hunt Club point to point meeting at Morang. - The Masonic choral service in the Whittlesea Hall was well

attended. The collection, amounting to £20, was in aid of the Children's Hospital. - The sum of £2/6/ was raised on Wattle Day by Whittlesea school children by the sale of buttons and a penny concert.