Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 30 March 1915, page 6




The death occuricd at 12 15 p m yestorcliy o! the Hon A H Barlow, M LI , who xvas a meinbei of the Ministry xvithout portfolio

from 1SS8 to the dale of his last illness tho Hon A XL Barlow had giveu con tmuous service to his country No man in public life had a moro intimate ac-quaintance with the innei history of Governments, or Jiad been so closely connected with administrativo pobties He lived to an advanced ago, and saw many of those xvho started in the lace with him fall out It used to be the fashion to call him the continuous Mmietoi, and ho was philosophical enough to laugh at xvhatevei suggestion thero was in the title Governments fell, but Mi Barlow a experience and his ability inado him too valuable to lose, and new Premier aftei now Piemier found it convenient to navo Mr Ballow at his elbow lucie xvas


something moro than adaptability of tem peiamcnt in that One of tho thingi wiucii made lum piactiuliy milibl tun ib c was his sound knowledge of business, and anothei was his pioved lojalty While in ina quiet, somcini es cynica nay lie was fond o[ power and deaily loved the îole of the powei bebind the throne, he nevct coveted the leadership at the c\ ponse of tho man who held it "very Premiei who leaned on lum and Unsted lum felt tout he could leave lum in chugc, and the haunony oi the Cabinet would not be distuibed and hw own position would not be undei

mined Mi Billow wag it times, the conn ciloi to SUCH chffeitntly constitute ci leaders us ¡Sir Ibomas AHlwaaith &u Hugh \ol«on, Sn James, It Hie I »on, '"ii A Morgan, Di Kidston ind Mr Den hat and it is not lecoided thit one of them found linn wanting in the lime of stress 01 difficulty Peril ipB otc o| the scercl,s of lus powor was his tact If a mistfll e was m ide by a Cabinet it «us not it Mr Bailow'h suggestion Ile had u wiso head and a complete con liol over his tongue Without those ud vantage Ins Ministerial careel would have ended as that of many of his colleagues did A\hen a Government or two had gone its waj Viewed in any light his caieor was a ramai kable one, and the full extent of ith influence on public a fairs will probably never be luown

Mi Bnrlow w is an Ljse\ man lie wis bom at VA aiv-teud in lSj.ii-7S yens ago His fafchei brought lum to Vus tullid m 18-18 and after school d îv«, A em ovei he cnteied the SOIMCO of tie Bink of Australasia He held impoiUnt noii

tiona in valions pirti of i^eu ^oulh Wales ind Queenilujd but Ina uti» oinking days woic spent in Ipw ih 1 lorn 1851 to 18S5 he was a b inker-s iccessful and highly esteemed Iiom ISSb to 1015 lo was i politician He vc is elected foi Ipswich in 18SS and ngam in 181! V elcai ind ligical spenl ci with a malulo 1 nowlodge of the vi oi Id mil afl in s, lie «.oon bcciime icLognised is an ne juisiti m t til" Vteemblj In 1SU; emeiging fiom the mik and f le ho bccmcd his f rtjt mi ( foi o He became becictar«, foi Public I in Is ind Agnculttuo in 'sir liicnias Al Hw nilli s trovcrnment A\ hen ira ll|i"h >ielfpn tool ov«n the Pieiniei ship air Billow bei ved as '.ccietiry fn T ands retaining th it office until Colonel lenton took it up Kosijn ng m Muy, 180b, lie contmued to let without port folio lilli in lune of tint jon lie wis ca Jed ti the I eg si tve Council In the lion I J Byrne-, s Mmibliy ho oecu pied the same position as ilso lie did in the Dickson Administration Al Inch carne nlo existence on tho lamenubje death jf the fourni icadei 'When Hi

Dawson Minisli«, had ended its buef spell of office Hon R Philp wis called t«- powei but Mi Billow was not a» iocnW with eithei oí Um three Ad ministi allons led bv lum In Sn li linn Moilun s (loveinm n( of lil J he held the portfolio of Mimslei foi J nbbc In-tru tion, md he w is allotted the same office when Mi ludston succeeded Mi (uow Sir Robert) Philp Ile continued in the position when tin Coalition Minishv was ioimed in Octo ber, 1308 In 100) lie again became i Ministei, without portfolio Since that dita he had acted as leadei foi tho Gov eminent in the Legislative Council and it is niattei of common knowledge that several times lie held the foit as Act ing Piemiei during the absence of the Piemier In politics Mr Batlow was a Liberal with strong demociatic leanings He was a strong opponent of federation Before it was consummated ho was one of the few who denounced it loot and branch and when Sn James Dickson espoiibcd what he believed the foul heresv ho icsigncd fiom the Government He would have nothing lo do with it It was I anathema He was nevei ablo to look

upon federation with more than a patient

tolerance He believed it WIR -I i ilcfni "

ab initio, and he nexor became cony ei ted to it In that sense hu xvas an irrecon-cilable but nevin a bitter opponent Mi Barlow x jew ed all public affnns xvith keen, good humoured half sain leal eves Plrbhc life held no illusions for him Up xvas too deai headed, pinotical and unira piestoncd for that Ho took tlnm-a tis they carne, quietly and philosophically suggesting perhaps sometimes tho,t all the fiibB and tiouble xvere vam, but ever industrious and eainest in his advocacy of xx hal he behex ed to bo sound economically and politieallx He bad the siving sen"c of bumoui and he could say bitter things but there xxas nrely any venom in hu words Early he learned that a soft answer ttirnoth away wrath, and ho rarely proxoked xyhero ho could circum xent 01 pacify Uiongh îcserved in mun nar he xvas never difficult to approach, oi fi tgid or inconsiderate There arc many who in bis death xvil] lament the pass ng of a courteous, unostentatious, and kindly gentleman and a citizen xxho gave of his best to the service of his country. The deceased gentleman, who leaves a widow and one son, was attended in his last illness by Canon D J Garland-an old friend- who was with him when he passed




The following "Government Gazette Ex traordinary" was issued last exening -Chief Secrctaiv's Offioe, Brisbane, 29th March, 1915 His Excellency the Gover-nor, with feelings of the deepest rojret, announces to the public the decease, at noon to day, of the Honourable Andrew Henry Barlow, member of the Legislative Council of Queensland By command, D

P Denham "

"Chief Secretary's Office, Brisbane, 20th March, 1915 The funeral of the lato Honourable Andrew Henry Barlow xv li take place tomonoxv (Tuesday), 30t'i Mardi The funeral procession xvnll be formed in front of the Cathedral, in Ann street, at 3.30 pm, and xviH proceed to the cemetery at Toowong by xvay of Wick haim street. Queen street North Quay, in tile folloxvmg ordoi -rho cross bearer, tho officiating clergv, tho Most Rcxerend Dr Donaldson (Archbishop of Brisbane), the bodv pall bearers-lions D I

Denham, W H Baines, W T Paget, T O'&ulhvan, K M'D tirant, J Tolmie, the chief mourners, his Excellency the Governor, the members of the Queens Jana _In__tr_\ _h_ ¿udaes. the President

and members of the Legislativo Couniil

the Spnikei and mcmbeis of the legislativo Afhemblj, ínembois ot othei Legislatures, mcnibem of the Lniyerbity Senate officers of Ilia Legislative Council ofticois of the Logis latnye Assembly tho Hausaid bUff, officers of the Defence 1 oiee tho public hcivice the foicign consuls the niayoi und corpoiation of Pnsbane tho imjui und coipoialiou of South Biibbaiie the mayor ml coipoioition of Tooxvong othei municipal bodies civilians The xvhole ot

Hie piocesoion will bo undci the direc I

tion of the Commis<nonci of Pobco (Majoi I ililli) who xxiii albo direct the mode of foi mitton on ami ii at tho pince ot in tennent D 1 Denham "

Chief Secretary s Office Brisbane, 2Dth Alauh 101J His Excellency the Govcrnoi Ins bee« pleibed to dtt-ecf that ill tim public depiutnienits in Brisbane bo closed to monow out of respect to the memory of the IToiiQui iblc V H Billow By com n ind B V Denham " I


A beivice will bo held in the Cathedral nt ?> o clod this afternoon ninth tho ii lends ol the dectased gentleman nie Hl\lied lo attend The body of tbo late lion \ H Billow xv ill be lemoxeil linvalely from his late lesidenee lo tbo t iilicrti 0 pu A to the service ihcic riipicxvillbeabcixic in tike late honoui abli tcntlcinan's les dence at an cniliei boin at xvhicb only relatives will bo llesint, the deccised's friends ae&etubliuK

at Hie Cathedral I


A notification issued by the Oommis sioner of Pollco and publiblied in an other coliimn announces that all vehi rular traffic (including the tiam ser vice) except the cortege will bo BUB

Pended duilng tbo passing of tho {unoial procebslon along the louto set out From J IS until after tho passing of the funcnal procession all xrhl cular ti-afllo ia probitiitcd In Wickham terrace from ii» Intersection by Upper Hdward street to ita Juuction with Wharf street Ann street from Ita Intor boctlon by Creek street to it3 iunction with Queen street and Wharf street from itr intersection by Leichhardt stroet to its junction yrltb Ann streot


The Premier (lion D T Denham) sud yesleiday feome weeks ago Mi Barlow met xvith an accident Ho slipped coming down the steps leading fiom the xerapda of his house, and in the fall injin ed bim self-to my mind ho xvas nevei quite lum self agnin I was hopeful the change and leal in In irania would, have restored his noalth and reen ered his keen niterebt in publie affairs, but I am undei the iln pression that he never rccoxcicd hi» health and vim Mi Barlow xyas i icmarkablo man, widely read and a keen student of yvorld politics and especially questions af feeling Austiaha Ho xxas an invaluable helper, and I shall miss him gieatlj Ho niay be said to have died in harness Ho was piesenfc at the fust Lxecutixe meeting piesidcd over bv his Excellency Su Hamilton Goold Adams on March 19 Im mediately the Govcrnoi had retned Mr Ballow collapsed-a slight seizuio Ho was taken to his home at Toowong Hap pily he Hufffoied no pam, and this morn ing, tit noon, ho quietly pasbed ivvav A public funeral has 'been arranged A funeral service wil| bo held to morroxv (Tuesday), at 3 p in , m the Anglican Cathedial ihe inteinient xvill talo place at the Toowong cemetery "



In the Citv Council yesterday afternoon tho Afayoi said it xvas hm pam ful tnui to lefei to the death of tho Hon A H Barlow, xvhich had occurred txvo hours previously Although ho xvas ripe m yeais, his death carne as somewhat of a shook to the community Ho xvas a man xvho had done good sei

vice to the State He thought it would be fitting to record their sympathy and condolences xvith the familj

Alderman M Master m moving that tho condolences of the City Council bo for warded to the family of the c. ceased gentleman. Bald that he had known Mr Barlow foi 49 years. He was a man xvho had rendel ed yeoman service both m tho Legislative Council and also m tho Legis-

la tixe ^"semblv

Alderman Jenkinson seconded tho re solution, xv Inch xvas agreed to, tho alder-

men standing m silence i