Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 13 February 1915, page 7



The South Brisbane City Council met yesterday with the object of electing a mayor for the ensuing municipal yeal

There were present Aldermen J Allen (retiring mayor), J L Hilton, A Gil lespie, J Davey, J E Burke, R W H Long, J Gaffney, P. J. Thorn, L. Stephens, P. Forrest, H. Neylan, G.H. Schofield, and the clerk (Mr A. Leney).

lhere were several interested spectators in tho public benches, including Messrs J

ilhn and J Huxham MM L A , ox Aldci mon G A fctivige/ W Ross, J? Nott, D 11 M Cullough, G Fish J Downe, Messrs

S Lamont and W Lees

Tho election to the council of Aldermen H Nejlan (No 1 Wind), G H Schoiieid (No ¿ Waid), i, Stephens (No 3 Waid), and J Gaffney (No i Waid) was an-


Hie retiring Major said that before let«

Ing the chair he would like to fitate tint Ins name had been freelj mentioned in connection with the coming election ol mayor However, he was not a candidate

I on tins occasion He mudo this announce

ment so that South Brisbane could go ahead with clear decks and elect its mayor in the nicest way possible

4ftei the ebon had been taken by the clcik Alderman Schol îclel said he had a plensnut duty to poilorm as lie was sure that m the nomination ho was about tj mai e he would please at least the mtjouty of the aldermen Ile nominated Aldeiimn


Aldeiman Gaffney seconded tho nomina


Alderman Davey was unanimously elect


Tich of hue aldcimen in turn con

gi ululated the now mayor on his elettion ,

to the oftice and nssmed him of simnott

Alderman Allen (the retiring majoil, who tv is the last to proffer his fehcit i

tions and ulvice, said he had held bick, not out of disrespect, but to see what the ether aldermen would say 'Hie new mai01 lind heard a lot of advice som» cf it gjod and some of it lad This li"* would lind would be the case throughout lus term of office and it would be his duty to sift out the tooti from the bad, tal iiij, one and leaving the othei Hie aldermen had said that they weie all going lo g ve the new mayo« then sup ]ioit ud so they would so lons as the niavor ibd whit thej wanted lins Ins

soft <-oap time The major would I now moic in a couple of months, moro at tin» end of six months, and still moie at the end of 1 is term of office Th» mayor v is tal ing the chair nt n tune vhich was moat crucial Last year had been a strenuous penod and this j tai was going to be woise lhere were two con tending parties in the council to be dealt with, and the question was whether the town was going lo have progress or stag nation Personally ho would much pieter increased rates to stagnation South Brisbane was quite able to pay its way and be o credit to the State (Voice from the back No 2 ) No 2 Ward had had pyjod worl done during the last j ear and would have good work done tins jeir if it wore willing to pay for it Ho honestlv regretted that the eitj should bo divided into four wards, and that the elect on of major should bo made practically a ceitainty, because the honour had to go round the four wards in turn Hie sooner that South Bns bone got out of the system of wards, and unid jpalousies, the sooner would better rvrogress be made He d d not care what any one muht say ho vas proud of his term of office, and if he had the mine taino to go over again, lie would do the same 03 he had done in the past, and he was sure that that would bo appreciate by both council and ratepayers

Tlio Muyor, in thanking the aldermen for their compressions of support, said that the progress of the citv was m their hands more than his If they would givo him the wind he would sail the Fhip He know there wore two factions m the connell (cries of "No, no") They had had to fight in the past in the matter ot rating, and tho reason thai

they wore £5000 behind was that tho Fmance '"'omm'ttce had not been ''game'

lo finance mutters tin It should have done. /It was disgraceful for llhem to incur expenses for whioh future aldermen would have lo find the money. Ho trusted that the year wopld be one of good prosperity, and he »ssured them all of his bpst endeavours. (App)ause.)