Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 18 December 1923, page 14



Christmas is upon us, yet there are those of us who have barely thought of Christ-man presents. So it is the shops make their profits for we perforce must buy what we could make for half the price de-manded. All this week the shops will be filled will the "eleventh hour shoppers,"

who search feverishly for suitable gifts at suitable prices. And how many will make glad the heart of the stationer by "falling back" on the ever present calendar?

Delightful for gifts are some of the new French embroidery dressing-table mats. They are of fine creamy lawn, embroidered and edged with cream Valenciennes lace. They are obtainable in round or oval shapes and look charming on a glass-topped or polished dressing table. Some of the mats are employed to make dressing table receptacles and trays. A mat is placed under a glass tray, which has a banding of gilt filagree in one case, in another it appears under the glass top of a trinket box or again between the sheets of glass which make a quaint letter-rack. Some of the mats bear delicate festoons of pink rosebuds, and those would be most attrac-tive in a pink bedroom.

Candle shades or electric-light shades also make novel Christmas gifts, and the

shops are well stocked with these articles liut these should onh be given if }ou know the colour büiemc of the room they will adorn, foi the piettiest shade is useless in the loom it docs not suit If, howe\er, 3011 know what is wanted, a delightful ?\arieU of shades is readj for jour chooa mg Among the quaintest are the hand painted or btentilled ones-a blue one, bear-ing ti alls of wistaria, 11 black one with

scarlot figures steiiéillcd, another with a, Japanese maiden in a "vers blue summer | house," and htill one with pilm trees, black against the sunset

No\el too, are the coloured bedroom candles, golden mellow, blue, mime pmk, or gi ten, to suit j our room ind a box ot these mikes an out of the-wa\ ' pith.

The lament ot the girl who got onl} "one lnndkci chief 1 ist Chnstmis ' brought forth the secret that she alua}S relied on Christ nias hand! LI chiefs to stock her for the \eir" And of a truth there are few of ii« who scorn the Christmas lnndkerchiof Hie shops know this and thev are provid mg the most dnlifhtful h lnrikcrchicfs im agin lble Hie linen ones, of course hold pride of place J he} come in i huge \iuet\, ind pirticulirly attncti\c ate those of coloured line» with fine drawn threid work rr lund embroider} idnrning one cornel The brighlh coloured ones of cicpc de clune, deligntful in themselves miy be unod to make the daintiest of pon der puff bigs The handkerchiefs ma} be bought for 1/ or so, ind miv he quiekl} con\eiled into a puff bag, which makes

d iinti gift

Leither goods to be obtained now mike excellent presents Most attractne is the new raised design leather work, and m this

Bradshaw Guide cov era and telephone book covers arc obtainable Both these books, unadorned, are most unattractive, but with then leuther covers nrc objects of admiration Cases containing jiitience cards and bridge sets make plcabing gifts for the card plajer, and shopping books and diaries, with quaint]} elcsitriied loathci coveis, are most acceptable gifts for the busj woman

An inexpensive little present is a gift box of silk lingerie binni, containing four knots of different coloured braid, and with this might be given a ribbon threader A quaint present is a ribbon winder made of wood brightly painted 'Hie wood is carved in the shape of a young girl, veiy beautifully dressed lier clothes are of brilliant paintwork, and round her waist and outstietched arms lingerie rib bon ma} be wound

Coat and tliess hangers are never to be despised, and theie are few people who

would not welcome additional ones ni then viuidiobcs Amoi)g the. newest arc those showmg heads of schoolboys, on whose outstretched aims your drebscs aie to be hung 'Ihe boys weat the caps of an} school you cure to choose, and may be made to oula Othei hangeis show the heads and shoulders of Tathei Christinas wide t}od bibies old world beauties with high piled white nair, and "nuts" complete with tj egl its and glossy 'topper

Veils and glovts uiukc acceptable pre> nciits, and the stockB in the shops show man} suitable for gift purposes 'Hie most attiactive veils ure of sill ninon or gooig ctte, und are bound with a fancy ribbon these veils aie easy to make, and a piece of georgette li }aul square may easily be bound with fane} ribbon in a verv short time bv anyone with nimble fiugerB Among the gloves, certainly the most spec u ones appeal at the silk glove conn tei s UtiL gloves lavishly cmbioidcred and e}clcttcd ma} be seen, and some with iiobstitch in blue and red are novel Some show brilliant linings, and u pair of grev silk gloves had scalloped gauntlets lined with sein let silk White kid gloves, em bioidered with blue forget mc nots ure to

be obtained in a citv shop but, mtur alh mough, have not leipt into popu lint} ' lhc man} v-incties of washing kid and doeskin glo\es make excellent f,ifts Shulcs of grev ind fawn as well is white ueam and vollow may now be ob tame 1 m washing kid both in gauntlet and short length st}les lhc glo\es wash and weir well ind their shipe survives nuincr

ous visits to the tub

An exhibition of onimelled woodwork held m Melbourne list week b} Miss Madge 1 reemm and Miss 1 Ima lloich aroused in terest and ga\e min} people an oppor tunit} of purthihing presents from the dib ph} of I lmo work I nut bow Is cnam elled black, and then punted with designs ot mi\ed fruits mtumn lcivcs and Howers were novel is were the slim painted cindlcsticks ind qunntly Binned ind enimelled vises \mont the pnnllcr irticles were tillie mpkil rings tigii

ctte bot s and howls powder jars and bowls, tobacco jars ornamcntil bur combs buttons, lntpms med illions pic ture ind photogriph frimes cird boxes ind a host of other things, all highl} enimelled and then deconted m sink ing colours and designs The work is most

onpinal m idea and design and mikes omi I nentl} suitable ind uncommon Christmas




Tlie Victorian Women Graduates Asso-ciation wishes lo announce that the Amen cm Association of University Women is offering a fellowship of the value of l.OOOdol (nominally £200), to enable the holder to carr} on research for a year in some country other than her own during the academic jcar VßirVßS The fellow ship is open to all members of associations or federations of univtrsitv women form ing branches of the International ledera tion, and tho award will be announced about Mnrch 1824 The fellowship will be tenable at anj approved university or m stitution in a country other than tint m which the "fellow' has received her pre nous education or habituilly resides Ap plications should bo sent to Mrs Stnig nell, hon secretary, Austrihan Indention of University Women, 105 Collins street, Melbourne, as early as possible, and not later than January 3 Each candidate must describe a pim of rcscirch and muBt submit a dissertation or published work, in addition to any other evidence which she ma} desire to offer of ner fitness to undertake the proposed research Further information ma} be obtained from Mrs



The quartcrlv meeting of the Victoria Leigue was held in the League rooms on December 11 Air O M Williams, who has resigned the office of honorarv tren surer owing to his departure for ] urope, was given a heirty vote of thanks, and the committee coi dully welcomed Mr L Rus sell, of the Bank of New South Wales, Collins street, who has consented to take Mi Williams s place Votes of thanks were passed to those who had worked on the ball committee, to whose devotion and eneigy is owing the magnificent result achieved The names specnlly mentioned were those of Ladv Miller who acted as president, Miss Edna Armytage, who did splendid work as lion secretar} Mr J Alston Wallace, bon treasurer Mrs Harry Lmmerton, Mrs Langridge Mrs Gilbert Lodge, Airs Walter Uajles and Mrs Walter Sinclair The vice-president (Lad} Miudslcv) said that the victoria League was to lie congratulated on the fact that at the very disturbed time at which the ball was held it had been able to cany through all arrangements bo successfully The accounts were not quite settled }(t but it was expected that £800 would he added to the funds of the League The committee accepted with reglet the resig nations of Airs II 1$ ITiggms and Mrs Cheny, who will bpth be absent from Aus triha next year A large number of new members was elected It was announced that at the conference to be held III las mama in January Ladv Masson would at-tend as delegate and speak on the subject of the New Settlers' League Mrs 1 rink Murph} and Miss Stott of the lttci ature committee, also hoped to be able to at



Tlie Countess of Stradbroke, president of the William Forster 'try Boys' Society Lodi Charlotte Rous, and the mayoress of Prahnn were present at a linen gift teu promoted by Ladv Rutledge, Victorian president of the societ}, in aid of the Chf den 1 arm Home foi Boys recently pur chased bv the board of management An mtcicsting progiamme of musical items was arranged bv Mrs Barrv Thompson, a

member of the committee Included in the man} gifts recen id vi ere 120 tow els nearly four dozen pillow cases table cloths, and other useful in tides Min} friends who could not be piesent sent cheques with which useful articles for the bo}s' comfort weie purchased lath Rutledge m wel coming lead} Stradbroke outlined the oV îects of the bov s fu m home The refresh menls weie subscribed for bv friends of the societ} J hanks were expressed to the women who assisted both in the pro gramme and in preparing and serving re-freshments Chief among these were Mrs

\V Gill and Alis W Watson


Every military and Red Cross institution has its share of Christmas gaiety, owing to the generosity of the Red Cross worker. This year the central depot, in Lonsdale street, is providing a Christmas gift of socks, cigarettes and tobacco for every sick soldier, and a present for every sick nurse. A Christmas dinner of poultry and ham will be served in every hospital and convalescent home. Other Christmas goods, including ox tongues, fruit of all kinds ingedients for Christmas puddings, soft drinks, icecream, and 80lb of choco lates, are being sent to the hospitals this week Swallow and Ariell Ltd have given enough Christmas cake to provide Christmas tea in every hospital. The little childien of sick and crippled soldiers will receive this week gifts of toys given and collected by members of the Junior Red Cross circles. One little country circle de serves special mention, as the small mem hers collected £1 by most self sacrificing efforts and sent it as their Christmas gift to a sick soldieirs family. In addition to these gifts local Red Cross branches are ar ringing extra festivities in their own hos pitáls. In some cases the party and Christmas dinner will be held before Christmas Day, so that patients who obtain leave for Clhristmas may also share in the gcneril mirth J lie Caulfield Red Cross is arranging for a Christmas dinner and a grand concert is to be held on Thursday December 20 at the Repatriation Hospital Caulfield. On Wednesday December 19 a Christmas dinner and concert will be held at the MacLeod Sanatoria under the

auspices of the Eltham and Greensborough

Red Cross branches. Christmas festivities in the military mental block at MacLeod ure being arranged by the Ivanhoe Red


The Alphington Red Cross is holding a Christmas dinner and a band concert at Bundoora Repatriation Farm, and the Brighton Red Cross is giving an evening party at the Anzac Hostel on Wednesday

December l9. The soldiers in the Austin Hospital will be given a Christmas party and a band concert this week, and Fair-field Red Cross is arranging and supple menting the party tea. Similar parties are being given in even Red Cross home. The committee in charge of the blinded soldiers will hold their special party at the Lady Helen Club on Thursday evening.


Arrangements for Christmis at the Clnl

dren s Hospital are will in lund Sevcril societies mid individual well washers have aliPidv sent tO}s and lifts to the

and among the special parties winch will tile j lace in the minis this vi eck will be the anniiil Christin is afternoon given bj tlie stuff of the Mate livings Bull on I Inn sd iv December 20 in the Ormond ward lins is nhnvs a gili div for the child patients On Clinstm is Diy the wards will be decorated with balloons flowers and streamers bv the nursing stiff while the vin led excitements in ringed bv the I indlv incdu ii stiff will include a Christ-mas tiee t no1 singing and lather Christ-mas who will visit nell ward in turn with hiH sael of siuprise gifts It is sin ill won der that the little patients nlwu}s remem her Christin is at the hospital as a red letter da}

The nurses lind jntients at the Ard houinc Hospital ulwajs arrange the decora tion of the ii irels at ( liiistm IH time and tins veni the iivuli} between the nurses and patients m diffeient muds is evin keentr thin ubiul 1 verv patient in the Hospital will receive a little present on

Christmas morning owing to a eenerous gift from Alt A P Danl s (president of the Hospital) and Air 1 Hine} Mete ilf (vice presidmt) Ihe looiik and South A arn section of the Alelbouinc Hospital Red Cross auxilian Ins sent a cheque to provide poultry and ham for both Chi ist mas and >>cw A car s du} Other gifts to-wards Christmas fare luve been sent bv other branches of the iiiixiliuiy and imnv individu ils to help to mal c Clilísimas time in the Hospital h ippicr Ihe minuit portv for the st iff and p itichts vi is held I ist weck but Dr A 1 1 loi d is ai ranging for St Paul s Cathedral choir to visit the Hospital -and sing carols at Christmas-

time, and the Rev Cyril Barday is also

er the. tirjoir from SL Mary's Mission*

Pitzro}, to give a cirol programme in the


( hnstmas will be celebritcd giily in the Alfred Hospital A Christmas party will be given on l'nday afternoon, December 21 in the children s wards, under the di roction of Airs Bmv lhompsou Hie

tertmiment will include a Cbnstmis tree, a distribution of to\s to each silk child and a piesentation of pennanent toys for eich vi ard On Chnstmis eve the patients will be entertained at the usual cirol pirty and musical evening given by the Btaff, nurses and voluntary helpers, under the supervision of Dr J 1' Major On Christ mis Div the wards will be decorated, and eich patient will receive i present from the Toonk and South A arro branch of the Mfred Hospital auxiliar} lu addition to the usuil ChriBtmis fare the Prvhran uuxibarv is providing bpecnl Christmas poultry for cvcT'one at the hospital

Hie committee of the Foundling Hospi

tal and Infants Home, Berry Btreet¡ Last Alelbourne, li is arranged for a Christmas treat for tile children to be held this after



The various girls guilds of the Young Women s Clmstian Association at Chnst maa time arnn(.e entertiuimenta of some

lind to give pleasure to small children or do something to help someone less fortunate than themselves The A M JJ s'

entert unod 50 children at a Christmas tree and tea, tlie Coo-cos ' took 25 chil dren to the Zoo the Hoorahs ' had a party for 20 children at Centril Mission L}on street the Kookaburris a part} nt the Children s Home, Middle Bngh ton the Ulm Birds entertained 50 children at the neglected Children s Home

the Progressives give a party to 60 children at the Neglected Children s Home tin Boomerangs provided half i doren nightdresses for a gill going into hospitil

and the Pioneers provided clothing foi i fimil} of eight children

The holiday camp at Seaford has ar ranged to hold a sports day for the chil

dren of the schools in the Mordialloc to Frankston district on December 29. On Christmas Day a Christmas dinner is held at the building in Russell street, Mel bourne, and any girl who is away from home and has no friend with whom to have her Christmas dinner, will be wel

comed. On Christmas Night a party will be held there also. Every girl who comes is asked to bring a gift, and every girl


List weck was a happ} one for many of the little children attending tho Free Kindergartens, for most of them had their Christmas trees and annual entertain monts On these occasions the mothers are isked to come, and thev receive the pre Bents Hut tho children have made at the kindergartens for their patents \fternoon tea is served to visitors and children, and the childrens songs and gimes help the afternoon to pass happilv Occasions of this kind help the kindcrgirtners to make Borne return to the niothers for their wirm und friendlv eo-operition with the linder cartens dilling the Jour In mun} of the kindergartens similai githermgs are orgin ised for children who have passed throudi the kindergirtenb and aro members of guilds asbociuted with the kmdcigarions

Mr Hugh Wini hu Invited the members ot Hie Friendly Union of So] liers Wives ind Mothers to atte 11 a dress rcl carsil of I ittlc Nell) Kelly1 at the New I rincess TI catre on iriday evening Detember 21 Mimi era disiring to at

tend the rehearsil are asked to fomird stampc 1 and addres ed envelopes ti Mrs Muathcr W11 liimstown for tlckeU of idraitLanec

The lloisewivcs Association 430 little Collins street will lo close 1 from baturlav till Wed ncsila} week A 1 Irosses can now be obtained from the association of fruitgrowers belling Capo goosel errlcs at M u lb an . blick currants at 1/ a 11)

lal Iv 1} le has for sale for the benefit of the _ roe Kindergarten I nion a nice collection of autumn flowering see Hines coming on and mnnv readv all from seed collected 1 y herself from the 1 est plants She has giant African marigolds tall tren ii marigolds asters phloxes on i snap dragons Slot ka and Iceland poppies are coming on for Januarj Si e abo lias roots of herbaceous plant* for anjone li(,inning a garden

Tlie I alance sheet of the Pigmalion charity mitinee organise 1 li t! e lion Mrs Pitt ItWcrs an 1 the Sv iney Ilepertorv Theitrc in aid of the Qieen Victoria Hospital appeal has just been made piblic When txienses arc paid tile mitinee committee will 1 e able to present a cheque for £1 720 to the horpital fund

Thla brautiftil frock of noa green silk bonne ?how* noiel beading in green.crjstal, mauve, and blue beads.

' Illack ratin bound with cire braid makes tliifl quaintly-shaped bat with its et iii up-turned brim at the back. The arrangement of the osprcttea is original.