Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 10 September 1923, page 12



Unreservedly Accepted.

Inquiry Into Murders.


PARIS, Sept. 8.

Inter-Allied as the district is, a purely Greek character is given to the Janina murders by the Conference of Ambassadors in a Note to Greece. The document stipu-lates, firstly, that the Greek Fleet shall render a salute of 21 guns at the Piraeus to the Italian Fleet, which will enter the port, followed by the French and British war-ships, which shall be included in the salute. Secondly, a funeral service shall be at-tended by the Greek Cabinet. Thirdly, military honours shall be rendered to the slain upon embarkation at Prevenza. Fourthly, there shall be a deposit of 50,000,000 lire as a guarantee.

In addition the highest Greek military authority must apologise to the British, French, and Italian representatives at Athens. Secondly, there shall be a Greek inquiry into the murders, which must be supervised by a special international com-mission presided over by a Japanese, and which must be completed by September 27. Greece must guarantee the commission's safety and defray its expenses. The con-ference requests the Albanian Government to facilitate the commission's work in Albanian territory. Thirdly, the conference requests the Greek Government to com-municate its complete acceptance imme-diately, separately, and simultaneously to the British, French, and Italian represen-

tatives at Athens.

In communicating to the Council of the League of Nations the text of the Note to Greece, the Ambassadors' Conference pays a tribute to the Council's high spirit of justice, and its anxiety to maintain inter-national harmony. The Conference says that the minutes of the Council's meeting on September 6 were of the most valuable

assistance to the Conference.

Router's correspondent at Geneva states that the Council of the League of Nations is unlikely to further consider the question of Janina reparations, pending some inti-mation from Athens and Rome in response to the Note from the Ambassadors' Con-ference to Greece. The question of the evacuation of Corfu and the competence of the League to deal with it, remains. As the satisfaction demanded from Greece is practically identical with the suggestions of M. Politis and the Council, it is not thought that Greece will decline to comply, or that Italy will object. The situation generally is viewed hopefully.

The Conference of Ambassadors has selected Lieutenant-Colonel Shibuya (mili-tary atache to the Japanese Embassy) to preside over the committee for the super-intendence of the inquiry into the Janina


"Situation Better."

Proof of Greek Good Faith.

(Australian Press Association.)

LONDON, Sept. 9.

The Athens correspondent of the "Sun-day Express" states that Greece has accepted the stipulations of the Ambassa-dors' Conference without reservation.

The "Daily Express" correspondent at Athens interviewed the Greek Prime Minister, M. Gonatas, who declared that the situation was better, because Greece had given every proof of her good faith. "What, after all does Italy want? First we ac-cepted the League of Nations, and then the Conference of Ambassadors, and now the Hague Court." he said. In reply to what Greece would do if Italy refused all of these, M. Gonatas replied that Greece would then expect the League to enforce its decision, as provided by the Covenant M. Gonatas denied the statement that the Government had asked the Serbians for military assistance in the event of a con-flict.

"King's Job Rotten."

Greek Ruler's Lament.


The special correspondent of the "Daily Express" at Athens has just interviewed King George of Greece, who said:-"It is a rotten job being a King! Having tried it for a year, I know. A military man understands nothing about politics, and I only hear what I am told. In the army it is customary, when someone docs some-thing he should not do for an inquiry to be held, and if he is guilty, then he

punished. Signor Mussolini seems to have reversed the process. We have been mobilised for 12 years, and I thought we were going to have a period of peace. Our people are just like your soldiers who

were shell-shocked-their nerves are all gone!"

The King continued:-"As far as the Italians are concerned, we trusted them. My brother, who is a naval officer, saw the Italians at Corfu a month ago when they disembarked for excercise, and played football. "Our relations with Italy were growing cordial. We had just concluded the Greco-Italian economic agreement. Now I am told that Signor Mussolini has said he wants to show the Balkans what a great power Italy is. The Serbs are in-dignant at the idea that Italy is ready to

attack them at Fiume."

Italy's Intention.

Will Evacuate Corfu.


ROME, Sept. 9.

The Prime Minister of Italy (Signor Mussolini) has formally accepted the Note of the Ambassadors' Conference to Greece, in a communication to the conference, in which he reaffirms his in-tention to evacuate Corfu when Greece has given full and final satisfaction to all de-


Signor Mussolini, interviewed by the Rome correspondent of "Le Matin" de-clared that the conference of ambassadors'

inquiry into the Janina murders might I nrrivc nt three conclusions. Firstly, that the Albanians were responsible. This was very improbable, but in that event certain parts of his ultimatum might be modified, and Greece would be held only to a ter-ritorial responsibility, which was less grave, and the extent of which could be

determined by the conference of ambas-sadors. Secondly, that the assassins were Greeks. In this event, the conference would undoubtedly be entirely in favour of his demands. Thirdly, that the assas-sins were Greek officials. In this event, presumably, his demands would be in-creased and strengthened by the supple-

mentary sanctions.

Signor Mussolini added that Italian opinion was deeply shocked by the British view, especially the threat of a blockade; but nothing would make him recoil or accept a compromise with their national honour. [The reference to "the blockade" apparently refers to the American report that Britain had offered the League of

Nations the British fleet to enforce the League s decision if necessary. A high British official denied this report]

Mr. Lloyd George Sarcastic.

(Reuter )

LONDON, Sept. 7.

Mr Lloyd George, in a speech at the Welsh National Liberal Council Llandrin-god Wells, spoke "sarcastically" of the promised tranquillity brought by the Go-vernment. He said that Italy was strang-ling Greece and Britain was not allowed to interfere . he rejection of Britain's sourd advice that the matter must be re ferred to the League of Nations was not only a rebuff, but might very well be a deathblow to the League. The practical acceptance of Signor Mussolini's offer by the Ambassadors Conference meant that the British Empire was being snubbed out of Europe. Owing to its present policy

the Government was being out-elbowed forcibly, amidst the sniggers of the world.

Greek Troops Move.

(Reuter )

LONDON, Sept. 8.

According to the 'Daily Express cor respondent at Rome, Italian seaplanes report that Greek troops are moving to wards Zante and Gephalonia in order to resist any Italian occupation. Greek troops are concentrating on the Albanian frontier, and the Albaniaus arc mobilis


Italians at Corfu.

(Reuter )

ATHENS, Sept. 7.

It is reported that 1,000 more Italian soldiers have been landed at Corfu, and that an aerodrome has been constructed to accommodate 30 aeroplanes. The search-ing of houses by the carabinieri continues to give rise to incidents. It is understood tkat the police cadet school will be sup-pressed and that the British instructors will be relieved of their duties.

The officer in charge of the Epirus inquiry has returned to Athens. He is of opinion that the murderers were pro-bably Albanians.

Consulate on Fire.

(Reuter )

ROME, Sept. 8.

It is reported here that the Italian Con-sulate at Patras has been set on fire by

the Greeks.

Clues to the Murderers.

ATHENS, Sept. 8. According to the Australian Press Asso-ciation representative, there is a report that during the Greek investigation of the Janina murders several objects which had been dropped by the assassins were discovered. It is alleged that there are clues pointing to the guilt of Albanians who have their headquarters in Scutari.

"Italy's Act of Brigandage "

Speaking at Wesley Church yesterday afternoon Mr. Meredith Atkinson said tint Italy's action towards Greece was the first serious strain on the worlds equilibrium since the formation of the league of Na-lions. The Mussolini Ministry had com-mited a crime against the world by taking the action it had done. The bombardment of the island of Corfu was an act of brigand-age that could not be tolerated. By defy-

ing the League of Nations Signor Mussolini had broken the covenant signed by his nation in 1919. He was apparently backed by some superior power and in his (Mr Atkinson's) opinion signs were not want-ing that that nation was France. The League of Nations was now being put to the test and provided that Great Britain stood solidly behind the League he be-

lieved that a crisis would be averted.