The Canowie Flock and Herd.

The sheep and cattle from the Canowie estate, South Australia, have played such an important part of late years in the improvement of the flocks and herds of Queensland that the follow-

ing description of the herd by a well-known Queensland breeder in Western Queensland who recently visited the estate will be read with interest:— Canowie is distant about 120 miles north of Adelaide, about midway between Hallett—a Btation on the Northern Railway line—and Jamestown, a large township on the Fort Pirie Railway line. Canowie station is situated in an amphitheatre of green bald hills, whioh surround it on the western side, the eastern opening out into a broad valley. The country around is bare of timber, with the exception of plantations of various kinds of gum trees that have grown up within the last ten years. The estate consists principally of rich land, well suited for agriculture, about 60,000 acres in extent, freehold, and depastures 60,000 sheep and about 1000 pure Shorthorn cattle. The sheep are considered equal, if not superior, to any in South Australia; are noted for the weight and high value of their fleeces, and are considered by many well suited to the saltbush plains of the interior. The cattle are well worthy an inspection, and are fine level-fleshed softcoated animals that would do credit to any herd. Judging by the large number of roans in the herd, it is evident the manager, Mr. Goode, is partial to that colour. I was particularly struck with the softness and wealth of hair in the herd, which I have not seen equalled anywhere, and whioh goes to prove that all Shorthorns do not develop sleek coat* in Australia as has been stated. Among the bulls I noticed Tuohsia's Duke, the latest importation from the Glenroy herd, Victoria, a handsome rich roan bull, and the sire of some very promising young bulls in the stables. Heir of Clarence 4th, bred at Canowie, a prize- taker, is another very superior animal. The Canowie herd dates from 1858, and is descended from oows bred from imported stock. The first sire, used for two years, was bred by Mr. C. B. Fisher, from imported stock, Mr. Fisher subsequently regaining possession of him. This bull was succeeded by two imported sires, one of whioh—Premier—left Borne very valuable stock, prominent among which was the bull Economy,|one of the best and most impressive sires in Australia, his stock being remarkable for the uniform excellence of their coat, colour, touoh, symmetry and substance. After a service of six years in the herd he was exohanged for the bull Grand Duke, bred by the Hon. A Soott, at Mount Browne. This sire left two young bulls—Dukes Ist and 2nd —which aitfr being used some years in the herd were sold in Adelaide for 140 and 150 guineas respectively. In 1871 two bulls—Heir of Clarence 7th and Duke Carlo—were imported from England; and in 1873 two more—Princo of Clarence and Duke of Hazolooto 20th. These bulls left many prize-takers, male and female, among which were the noted bulls Canowie 2nd and Heir of Clarence 2nd and 3rd. In 1879 the Booth sire Beau Benedict was imported together with several Booth cows, whioh have been bred separate from the rest of the herd. The most reoeut infusions of fresh blood wore from the herd of the Hon. Wm. M'Cullooh, Glenroy, Viotoria. Everything about tho flock, herd, and station denotes scrupulous oare and attention, and ample provision is made for the storage of food for the stock in the form both of hay and nil age. Tho managor, Mr. Thomas Goode, has been in charge of Canowie for over twenty years, and to his mature judgment iu duo tho orodit of having worked up tho herd to be one of the very best in Australia. The Canowie Merinos have been bred in line, without admixture of other blood, for a great many generations. The type is well known in Queon«laud as a very strong Hound Merino. That thoy aro a very profitable class of sheep is fully evidenced by tho fuel; that during last season the clip of .52,331 sheep on the estate gave the extraordinary average of 91b. 14joz. of wool per sheep, and over 31b. 13oz. per

lamb, when the clip wu very dean and bright. The Oanowie flock has had a remarkably suooessful career ia the showyard, and the clip ia considered one of the best heavy combing wools used at Bradford.