Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 1 June 1889, page 1056



THURSDAY ISLAND (via Paterson), May 27. The cable repairing ship Sherard Osborne has arrived here and will repair the telegraphic cable to the mainland which was broken some days

ago. The R.M.S. Quetta sailed for London on Thurs day, the steamer Guthrie for Hongkong on Saturday night, anil H.M.S. Rambler for Port Darwin ou Saturday moruiug. NORMANTON, May 28. The Railway League is continuing its activity. There was a large attendance at the regular meet ing, when Mr. Nolsou's proposal with reference to the survey of the Cloncurry Hue, via Spear Creek, was fully discussed aud unanimously con demned. The Minister's proposal is viewed with much distrust here, as evidencing a wish ou the part of the Government to shelve the railway altogether. The strong trade winds blowing the water out of the river have caused the southern mails to bo again a day late iv delivery. HERBERTON, May 27. Alfred Leroy, who has confessed that he is an escapee from New Caledonia, was brought up at the Police Court to-day aud remanded to Bris bane. His written confession was forwarded by mail to-night. May 23. Mr. Peter Moffat, a nephew of Mr. John Moffat, of the firm of Moffat and Youug, was found dead shortly after breakfast on Sunday morning. Death was at first attributed to heart disease, but the medical inquiry proves that the deceased committed suicide by takiug poison. He had been very despoudeut since the death of his wife, aud his meutal distress was intensified by the receut death of his mother aud aunt. The young gentleman was extremely well liked, aud his death casts quite a gloom over the community. Important developmeuts have been made duriug the last few weeks at Moutalbion. Bouvonite, a silver sulphide, also containing 40 per ceut of copper, was struck, but little was thought of it at first. Subsequent assays, however, showed that it would average 300oz. of silver to the ton. Up to the preseut nearly forty tous have been sent home, 100 tous are at grass, and several hundred tons are in sight, all of which will average over 300oz. to the ton. The ore cannot be smelted on the ground, so that it will be shipped home. The copper aloue will pay all the expenses of raising, carriage, and treatment at home, leaving the silver as profit. This is the only discovery of sulphides made at Mout albion. and it proves the permanency of the lode beyond doubt The general output of tin and silver will be magnificent May 30. A report has been received here to the effect that a miner named Louis Petersen was killed yesterday at the Bismarck claim, Watsonville, by an explosion of dynamite. He was working alone at the time, and the sad occurrence was [not kuowu till tbe dead body was discovered by accident. CLONCURRY, May 25. William Murray, who was arrested, charged with the murder of Daniel Roberts, alias Daniels Rogers, at Eulola on the 11th instant, by shoot ing him through the brain, was brought before the local bench to-day, and committed for trial. COOKTOWN, May 27. The Seabreeze and Spenddrift have arrived from Sudest, bringing only six passengers. The news brought by each vessel is favourable, but there is nothing sensational. James Evans, who was with Mr. Edmund Watson when the latter was murdered by blacks on Pine-tree station on the night of the 11th instant, has arrived here. From the account of the murder given by Evans it appears that the blacks struck Watson with an axe on the mouth, knocking out his top teeth aud breaking his jaw. They also struck him with the back of the axe on the nape of the neck and the small of the back. The blacks were repulsed by the manager. TOWNSVILLE, May 23. A boy named John Henry Lancaster, aged 4 years and 9 months, was bitten by a death adder at Stewart's Creek this morning. The child was brought into town and treated by Dr. Clal worthy, but died in two hours and a-half after receiving the bite. The water in the Caledonia and Kama Coal Company's shaft has been overcome, and a cement wall is being put in to prevent further influx. Samples of coal from Mr. Will aras's mine, Cook towu, were exhibited here to-day. They appear to be of excellent quality. May 30. A meeting held at the Queen's Hotel last evening informally discussed the advisablenesa of promoting an association for the conservation and Siotection of Northern interests, and it was ecided to issue a circular embodying the views of the promoters. . At a parade of the Mounted Infantry last night Captain Johnson addressed the men on the ueg lect of the Government to provide uniforms aud equipment in time for the encampment, aud the men in response to a question put by him decided to present themselves in camp and then to retire. The men have coats and hats, aud some bridles have been supplied for the horses, and the depart ment promised to furnish further equipment for Tuesday next. To-day Major Haldane, staff -officer, telegraphed an accouut of the proceedings to Colonel French, who instructed him to inform Captain Johnson that if any attempt were made to carry out such flagrant insubordination by the corps refusing to go into cimp, the Government would be recommended to disband the corps forthwith. He further stated that the Head quarters authorities had done everything in their power to fit out the corns with the available resources at their command. CAIRNS, May 23. Much iudignation is felt in town owing to the arraugements beiug made by the Polynesian Department by which some sixty boys, who are about to leave Hambicdon plantation, will have the ohauce of spending their money in Mary borough or Brisbane, but uo chance of spending it iv Cairns. Orders have beeu given to pay the boys only about the day the steamer is clearing here for the South. __„._ „ „„ ROCKHAMPTON, May 23. A shower fell here this afternoon lasting a quarter of an bour, and o*32in. of rain was registered. The Rev. Hugh Cairns was presented with an illuminated address aud a purse of 50 sovereigns to-night by the members of his late congregation. At the Duaringa races to-day, a man named Sims rode against a tree in the Hurry Scurry, and was rendered insensible. At latest accounts he had somewhat improved. A stockman named Quoine, at C&lliungal station, was kicked behind the ear by a horse a few days since, and is now very ill. As he is too weak to travel a doctor has beeu sent for. May 28. The Rockhampton team of footballers left for

Brisbane to-night. The following are the names of the players composing the team:—T. Smith, Jinks, G. M'Biyde, A. H. Palmer, Grant, Matheas, Tompson, Cunningham, Considine, Dickie, Thomas, Sims, Headrich, Cousins, Wolsch, Gorrie. and Schmidt. May 29. The president of the Chamber of Commerce received a letter to-day from the committee formed to oppose the construction of the Port Alma Railway, proposing that a ballot should be taken ou the electoral roll of the two munici palities to settle the question, and offering to pay naif tho expense of the ballot. A reply wilt be sent to-morrow. Eighteen ounces of gold have been brought in from the Rosewood diggings, said to have been fouud iv the alluvial workings at Wheelbarrow Gully. The gold includes pieces from loz. down wards. The gold is coarse and waterwom. The uew theatre and hotel built ou the site of the Theatre Royal by Mr. Charles Nash at a cost of £3000 was lighted for the first time to-night. The theatre is expected to be opened about tho 10th June. The following telegram was received from the mauagcr o! 'he Conran's mine at Norton to-day: —''Started tho now ore crusher yesterday, and it crushes beautifully. Inferior chloride of lime delayed chlorination, but will have gold iv bauk at latest ou Monday next." Recent correspon dence from the manager shows that wheu the ore "crusher started the works would be ia full swiug, and as sufficient ore to keep the crusher , going for fifteen months is said to be iv sight, it is expected that dividends will be declared monthly, beginning in June. MARYBOROUGH, May 27. At a mass meeting of coalminors held to-day at the Bui rum Bridge it was resolved to call on the Government to place a prohibitive duty on New South Wales and other coal, and an execu tive committee was appointed to carry out the resolution. May 2S. This afternoon the Victoria Hotel, a two-storied woodeu building in Lennox-street, was totally destroyed by fire. The premises were insured for £2000. The origin of the fire is not known yet. GOONDIWINDI, May 23. The races were held to-day. The weather was splendid but there was only a moderate atten dance. The following are the results :— TiiiAL Btaju_.—Corustalk, 1; Tipitome, 2 ; Conrad, 3. Hurby Scubet.—Paddy melon, 1: Orphan, 2. Tows Plate.—Wauderer, 1; Corustalk, 2; Moselle, 3. Pony Race.—Busy Bee, 1; Matchbox, 2. Stewards' Handicap. — Wanderer, 1; Rsd Lancer, 2; Gaylad, 3. ST. GEORGE, May:23. The bazaar, which terminated last uight, was a great success. The total proceeds amounted to £2-50. GYMPIE, May 29. The mauager of Nos. 7 and 8 Mouk'and Tribute reports getting a dynamite boxful of specimens from tho Monkland reef. The Wilmot Extended report getting 50oz. in specimens during the last two days. THARGOMINDAH, May 30. Mr. James Osborne, jun., has rcsigued his seat on the Bulloo Divisional Board. The date for tho receipt of nominations to till the vacancy is the 18th June. Mr. Edward Hammoud, of Hammond Downs, near Windorah, met with a serious injury by falling from his horse. Doctor Fitzgerald left hero yesterday to attend him. Several horses are training for the races, which are likely to be a great success. BLACKALL, May 29. Mr. Towner reported to the police last week tho finding of the body of a man four miles from Blackall on tho Tarobo-road. The police magistrate and Constable Bell proceeded to tho spot indicated, and found the body with tho head and hands separated from it The skull was quite blue, baviug evidently been eaten by fish. The place where the body was found had been submerged during the flooded state of the river. No papers were found on the body by which to identify it, but a billy with the name of •■ Pat Hogan" scratched on it, 195., a tin of sulphur, and a pot of ointment were found on the blankets alongside the body. .._ .. „.. ADAVALE, May 29. The first meeting of the newly -formed divisional board took place on the 26tb instant, whan Mr. E. B. Learmouth was appointed chair-man and Mr. Donald M'Neill clerk of the board and clerk of works. Instructions were given to the clerk to write to the Minister recom mending the appointment of Mr. Alfred J. Skinner to the vacancy on the board, five nominations only having been received to fill six vacancies, and also re specting tbe apportionment of assets from the various boards from which the Adavale Division was formed. „..~_. .. „„ ALLORA, May 30. The Clifton Divisional Board held their meet ing on Monday and transacted a large amount of business. The rate for the year was struck at 9d. in th. pound, tha same as -^ear.^ Mr. W. Wood, proprietor of the Golden Fleece Hotel, and who was for several yoars mayor of Dalby, died suddenly last night. TOOWOOMBA, May 27. At the Monthly Laud Court, held to-day be fore Commissioner Warner, eighteen out of thirty applications for laud were approved of. The successful applications represented a total area of 6576 acres. BEENLEIGH, May 30. Thirty-two gallons of milk put through the separator at Beeuleigh during the visit of the Ministerial party here last Monday has turned out 191b. of butter, or lib. to 168 gallons of milk, as against 1*92 gallons which was required to produce lib. of the butter exhibited during the Ministerial visit, while the average in Victoria is stated to be lib. of butter to 2*67 gallons of milk. Thirty-two and a-half gallons of milk set for cheese turned out 43Jlb. of chee-e.

The A.U.S.N. Company's steamer Rockton, chartered to take home the shipwrecked officers and men of the United States war vessels wrecked during the lata disastrous hurrioane at Samoa, arrived at San Francisco on the 20th May, after a smart passage from Apia. She took altogether 25 officers and 447 men. On Saturday Mr. J. P. Larson, drafts man in the office of the Chief Engineer of the Southern and Central Railways, who is leaving for a trip to England, was presented by Mr. Gartaide, on behalf of the officers of the "long room," with a gold albert and locket. The gentlemen present united in wishing bon voyage to Mr. Larson.

Printed and Published for the Bkiibakb Niwbfafbb Gomj-amv, Limited, by Tbomab Woodwabd Hill, al the Quetuslandtr Office, Uueen-etreet, Briabaae, Queensland.