Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 2 February 1889, page 198

Country News.


THE BARCOO (BARCALDINE), January 17. Tins weather still keeps fine and dry. The last few days have been very hot and sultry, lending us to expect a thunderstorm every evening, but

so fur our expectations have not been realised. Wednesday waa about the hottest day we havo had this summer; the thermometer registered 116dcg. in the shade in some houses, and remained over lOOdog. after 7 o'clock iv the evening. Tho nights arc al-o vory close and uncomfortable, the great beat of tho duy keepiug the air warm fur iuto the night. No rain has beeu reported from tho district. Tho grass still holds its own iv some places, but a few more days of the- present weather will destroy it. No stock movements have been reported from the district this week, but during the early part of it at Barcaldine 2100 graud fat wethers from Bowen Downs were trucked to B. D. Morehead and Co.,ltockliampton. These aro saidto average 701b. Tho past season's wool is now nearly nil down, ihc iimouut received this week not being more than 315 bales, but as Ecacousfield commenced shearing o;irly iv January, the first loads from that station are expected iv by next report. The truckings comprised 26 bales from Silsoc, 61 from Isis Do mis, a I from Portland, 111 from Isis Downs, 85 from Wcstlaud. A small consignment Qf kangnoo skius wore also despatched. Campbell and Co. report having sold in conjunction with Budge aud Co., at a satisfntory figure, 2500 well bred ewes from Alice Downs, to Mr. Avery, of Longreach. Monday was a red letter day for the Barcaldine Lodge of Oddfellows, upon tho occasion of the meeting of the district lodge hero, which was followed by a grand bauquet in the evening. Thero were a large number of delegates iv town, there being representatives of the Blackall, Aramac, Clermont, Springsure, Rockhampiou, Mount Morgan, Gladstone, Mackay, Bowen, and Copperiicld lodges present for the meeting. The provincial G.M., Bro. F. F. (Jelerraaun, presented his report, which showed that up to the end of December thero were 900 members on the district roll, as again 778 the previous December. Two uew loilgcs were opened during tho year— namely, those of Barcaldine und Aramac, tho former Laving fifty members and the lattor eighty-eight. Tho 1 aUincc-sheots showed that receipts to tbo general management fund amounted to £387 l'Js. 6d., the expenditure being £417 Ms. 7d., leaving a debit balance of £1008 Bs. 6d. To tho funeral fund receipts wero £232 lGs. 9d., of which £75 was expended for funerals, leaving a credit balavco of £889 4s. 2d. The widows and orphaus'fund received £1.51 12s, 4d., of which £60 was expended on account of widows and orphans, leaving n credit balance of £1198 6s. 2d. A long report fro.n the Government auditor was laid on the table, which recommended a readjustment of the funds. The auditors, iv reporting, recommended that, 'to meet tho wishes ot the valuator, the debit balance to the management fund be wiped out by borrowing the sum of £800 from the widows aiid orphans' fund, and £350 from the funeral fund, and putting the amouut to the credit of the management fund, the amounts no borrowed boing on tho security of the hall and furniture; a hall account to be opened showing receipts anil expenditure in connection with it, and the surplus revenue to be divided ot the end of each year proruta between the two fuudsborrowed from. Tho reports were adopted and tho proposals approved. The election of offices for the eusiung twclvn months was next procoeded with. The uunios of candidates for the positions of tho three district offices were read, ami after some disciuv-ion a ballot was taken for the office of Provincial Grand Master, there being three candidates, and tho re.uilt was tho election of Bro. 11. Morion, D.P.G.M. Threi nominations were received for Deputy P.G.M., and the ballot resulted in Bro. C. J. James, I\G. (Barcaldine), being elected. Bro. J. M'Kenzie was appointed i-orrcspondiiig secretary, being the only candidate. A letter of condolence and regret was authorised to he rent to tho widow of the late Bro. W. S. Hockiug, P.C.S. AballotresiilteclinMouutMorgnu beiug chossn almost unanimously as tho place where the next district meeting shall bo held ou Tuesday, 2nd July. Several small sums were voted for different purposes, aud after the installation of the newly-elected officers the lodge was closed in due form. The meeting was held in the morning, aud in tho afternoon a purple lecture was he'd and the degree given to several P.N.G/s qualified. Tho bauquet iv tho evening was n ••rent success. On Tuesday evening the Comet Lodge of Masons, Barcaldiiio, had uu importunt ceremony, which wus tho installation, of Mr. Sydney Sharwood, of Aram-ic. as Master of tho Barcaldine lodge of the order. Several members of the lodgo came in from Aramac to attend, and the P.M. and two other officers of tho Blackall lodge were present. A grand bauquet followed the installation ccrcmonios. A few aceidouts havo been reported this week. When the Aramac coach, which loft Barcaldine yesterday morning, had got about six miles from ti>wn, the horses suddenly shied at something in the road, causing the vehicle to up3ct and iujiuing throe passengers, one having the small hone of the aim broken, auotl.er his uosc broken aud some rather severe scratchings and bruises. The driver returned for another voaeh. Mr. IJ. Moss, of Blackall, was severely injured by falling with much forco upon a castor oil bottle, the neck of which penetrated 2in. into his flesh; he is fast gettiug better. At Aramac a man named Samuel Lyous was riding a skittish horse, and was suddenly carried under the veranda of a shop iv the towu, receiving a sovere scalp wound, which rendered it necessary to remove him to tho hospital. Ho has since been in a high sta to of fever. The usual monthly meeting of the Victoria Hospital Committee was held m the court-house, Barcaldine, ou Thursday evening, when the applications for the position of surgeon were opened .-md discusEO 1. The matter was eventually leferred to a sub-committee, consisting of Messre. H viand, Moody, and I'araell, aud the result was to'be reported at the next meeting. The tenders forpaintiug the hospital were agaiu adjourned, the hospital at present be rig too full to allow of tho work beiug done. It was decided to call the usual tenders lor supplies for ouo year, aud subscribers wero to be notified that their annual subscriptions were due. Tho election of Mi" Downcs as an auditor concluded the proceedings* Nothing fresh has transpired iv connection with the rates adopted by tho Carriers' Union, beyond the statement that some of the members were commencing to grumblo that the more moderate proposal of Rodgers at the recent meetiug was not adopted. It is likely that delegates will be sent to Charleville to endearour to form a union and induce the carriers to adopt the same views as the central union. It is also said the shearing at Beaconsfield has been interfered with by the station supplies not coming to hand, and that the union is not blamed, but the Rockhamp-ton merchants, who held the rations back when

the decision of the union was known, are. The endeavours of some of the merchants to induce local forwarding agents to employ''blacklegs" has caused considerable indignation. Some months ago a nice little sum was earned by a few of the Blackall school childreu by publicly perfoiming a little operetta named "Lan Tau," and this monoy was to he expeuded in procuring a library for the use of the school. After some delay in collecting the various works chosou, the library was fiually started for its destination. The case was placed on board tho Eurimbla, and when that vessel ran ou a reef, the books were badly damaged. It is reported vow that Mr. Murphy, member for tho distsiet, has kindly r Acred to replace the books, and thus assuage tho grief of the disappointed children, who saw tho library earned by themselves destroyed at one fell swoop. A grand farowell soin'-e is being hold this evening at Barcaldine to bid farowell to our late police-magistrate, Mr. A. M. Francis, and his family, who leave by to-monow's train for Southport. Over 200 iuvitatijus were issued, and uoarly all wore accepted. Cobb and Co. havo no reason to complain of want of support for their coach tunning between Burcaldino and Blackall, for moat of tho passougors and parcels still go by the old road. YEPPOOX, January 20. A meeting of the commit t--c of the Yeppoon Jockey Club was held at Perkins's Hotel. There was a fair attendance, and Mr. Jas. Atherton, the vice-president, having taken the chair, in tho abseure of the Hon. W. Pattison, the following report to the shareholders wai read: — li Tho sum of £129 16s. 9d. was received for the 1888 meeting, of which over £80 has bsen ex ponded in prizes. The course has been wideucd and improved, but additional clearing is required, to which it is proposed to devote part of the 1888 surplus. It is to bo regretted that many people put down their names as subscribers aud then fail to subset' be, as such a courso hampers the committee considerably. Your committee have to congratulate the members on tho late successful mooting." The secretary then presented the statement of accounts, which showed a balance to credit of £23125. 2d. On the motion of Mr. Whitman, seconded by Mr. Perkins, it was decided to place £20ns a fixed deposit for six months, instead of doing anything to the course at present. It was moved by tho chairman, aud seconded by Mr. Perkins, that an houorarium of £3 3s. be given to the lion. >ecretary to reimburse him for his expenses. Curried. It was resolved, on tho motion of Mr. Atherton, seconded by Mr. Whitman, that the names of Mr. 11. Atherton and Mr. J. F. Barry be added to the committee. A letter was read from Mr. A. J. Wood, signifying his intention of retiring f■ om tho committee. The resignation was accepted with regret. This concluded the business. Later en in the afternoon, in the new church, the largest and most representative meeting that has been held in Yeppoon took place. Mr. W. Broome, of Woodlands, was voted to the chair. The chairman, in stating the object of the meeting, said that some timo since a sort of Progress Association had been formed iv Yeppoon, and it had dove much gced work, but a stronger and more represents! ivo body was required; properly constituted, with a working committee and officers. They had met to effect this purpose, aud ho had no doubt from the large number of thojc present it x would bo most successfully accomplished. On the motion of Mr. J. F Barry, seconded by Mr. A. R. Croft, it was resolved, —" That au association be at once formed, to bo called tho Yeppoon Progress Association, aud that the so present enrol themselves as member.* at a yearly subscription of one guiuca. and that thoir names bo taken dowu at ouce." Tho following members wero then enrolled .-—Messrs. J. W. Power, J. Atherton A. T. Wood, W. Broome, J. Whitman, A. R. Croft, 11. Fnltcu, T. 11. S. Perkins, F. W. Hacker, J. F. Barry, S. Tucker, A. Meikle, and seve.nl other gentlemen. On tho motion of Mr. J. F. Barry, socondod by Mr. Whitman, it was agreed that Mr. James Atherton ho appointed president and Mr. A. T. Wood vice-president of the society. Tho following re lolutions were also carried:—Moved by Mr. Whitman a:.tl sccouded by Mr. Torkius,—" That a committee be formed from the members enrolled with power to add to their number, and that ilvo should form a quorum;" ou tho motion of Mr. Atherton, seconded by Mr. Barry,—"That Mr. Hacker be appointed hon. socvetary and Mr. J. W. Power hou. treasurer;" moved by Mr. Whitman, seconded by Mr. Cross,—"That^ this meeting resolve itself iuto v meeting of the Yeppoon Association, aud that the president be requested to take the chair." Mr. Atherton, having taken tho chair, said the first aud most importaut subject for discussion was the branch lino of railway from Tanby to Yeppoon. Mr. Powerhauded iv letters from Mr. It. S. Dibdin and Mr. R. R. Jones, M.L.A., stating that a petitiou from RockhuniptJu residents to the number of over 400 had beeu forwarded to the Governor, asking for the proposed extension. He also stated that Mr. Rocs Jones had told him that tho lino was promised as soon as the Government had got rid of tho present deficit. It was decidod that another potitiou should be drawn up and left iv Yeppoon for signatures of country residents, and that aftor lying thero two or threo weeks it should he taken round to the various sottlemeuts for frigutitures and tbeu sent to Brtsbaue iv time for preseutatiou wheu the House next met. The next matter brought before the association was the fixing of a sito for the public well. It was decided to inspect the proposed site immediately after the meeting. Mr. Broome thou moved,—"That steps be at once taken to have a public pound established iv Yeppoon." The motion was carried. Mr. Bony moved,—" That the president be requested to write to the Minister for Public lust ruction, asking wheu steps would ho takcu for the establishment of the State school, thero being uo suitable accommodation for tho childrenintheprcscutprovisionalschool." Carried. On tho motion of Mossrs. Whitman and Barry, who stated that they had it on good authority that it was the intention of tho Government to offer for sale by auction the laud ou tho flat used as a recreation grouud which had once been reserved for public purposes, it was decided that a telegram should at ouce be despatched to the Minister for Lands, requesting that tho laud alluded to should bo reserved for public purposes aud not sold. It was decided that the next uxeetiug should be hold in four weeks, and after a vote of thanks to the president au adjournment was made to the site of tho proposed well, which after some discussion was agreed to. THE WARREGO (Chai.li:vit.lk), January 21. But for isolated thunderstorms that havo occurred throughout the district it may be said that the drought is still with us, added to which tho prolonged heat has no parallel within the memory of the oldest resident. Whero thoro is a shado temperature of 108deg. at 2 p.m., it is considered a comparatively cool spot, and never at night-time does tbe mercury siuk below iiOdeg. Until general r.iin- comes reports of rainfall can bo taken with but little ennnurascment. As an"

instance, the Warrego ran for a - distance of forty miles last month — from tho junction of the Yo Yo Cie.-k to Dillalah station, but the water merely came from the head of the creek and Brad'ey's Creek. Of course the filling up of the waterholes in the river-bed has been a relief, particularly to carriers arriving at the terminus. Three stations I know of in the district have but two waterholes bet we n them. CharleviKe aud tho immediate neighbourhood have been fortunute iudeed, but there is plenty of stock to cat tho gross, the roads being alive with stock from pastures that have given out. At ono period during the month there were no fewer than 1C0.00.) sheep iv the neighbourhood. S.xty-tivo points of raiu fell last week. The cattlo trucking yards are at last completed, but thoy have beeu constructed on a very inconvenient plan, and strong requests have been mado to the department to have an alteration made. Drovers complain bittorly of the loss of time occasioned in trucking, and the knocking about fat cattlo for market must nocosaarily receive. The Brisbane market is at present being noarly wholly supplied from tho far West, and the trucking of stock from here promises to assuiuo large proportions. Already the resources of the Railway Department have been taxed. Tho Hon. J. C. Smyth has been uegotiating for the trausit of 16,000 sheep from Ayrshire Dowus to Jimbour. At present the department ore only able to mpply two trains a week; each convoys about 1400. A curious loss of 600 valuable rams happened last week close to Charleville. The rams had been bought on Talgai station at an average price of from 3 to 4 guineas each, and were trained to here, en route for Cambridge Downs. They left here all right in charge of the drover, but had not got ten miles along the Adavale-road when by some peculiar misfortune the whole 600 got lost in one night. Immediate steps were taken to recover them, men being paid 2s. per sheep found. About 500 have been recovered, but a great many of the remainder must have perished. Very little interest appears to be taken in tho annual elections of the Murweh Divisional Board. There are six vacancies, with a probability of a seventh, and it is evident that the majority of the new board will be new members. Mr. Peddle, of Biddenhara station, has been nominated for No. 2 subdivision. It is anticipated that the board will have about £3000 available for improvements during the year. The new division of Adavale, however, has taken out a considerable slice of western country. Cobb aud Co.'s coach now connects the Southern and Western Railway with Wiudorah, and saves four days over the route via Rockhampton. When the drought breaks a farther saving of a day will bo made between Adavale nnd Wiudorah, as the service will be made a two days one. The fare from Wiudorah to Charleville is £7, tho coach leaving the former place on Saturdays. The annual report of the Charleville School of Arts Committoe was read at the annual meeting held on Wednesday last, and showed that the affairs of the institution were in a very pros-perous state. Besides new furniture having been provided, 200 guineas had been raised towards the building fund. The building or reading-room now used is an unpretentious humpy that in bygone years served as a provisional school. The report concluded by stating that plans of a pro-posed new building, to be built in sections, had been obtained from Mr. F. G. D. Stanley, archi-tect. It has been decided to build the hall first, and specifications are to be asked for. Mr. Aeschimann, one of the leading hotelkeepors, has offered to supply all the timber necessary on a year's credit without interest. A good public hall is badly wanted. Tho following office-bearers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, R. G. Casey, M.L.A.; vice-presidents, Messrs. Moore and Lockett; hon. treasurer, J. T. Bell; com-mittee, Rev. H. M. Shuttlewood, and Messrs. Wildie, Hanlon, Hall, Agnew, Fassler, Marks, and Fitzwaiter. The acceptauco of a tender for tho Charleville bore is anxiously looked forward to. The private boring plant for Murweh station is now on the ground, aad operations are to lie begun at once ou the dry country at tho back of tho run. Should the exploration for artesian water be successful at Charleville other stations will tako the matter up. Several deaths from heat apoplexy havo occurred this summer. A startling case happened yesterday. A young fellow uamed John Williams, a blacksmith, boardiug at the Metropolitan, who outwardly appeared to be iv robust health, complained of tho heat after having been out for a drive. After dinner—at which he ate nothing,, but seemed well—he wont and lay down iv his bedroom, on which the afternoon sun shone with full force. An hour after* ards he was found breathing his last. Medical skill was of no avail, Tho Adavale and Charleville police have been unable to find the missing mau Titzherbert, who left Adavale ou the 4th instant suffering from tho effects of drink. It is feared ho has perished on the range. A man namod Buffroy had a uurrow escape. While suffering from nelirimn tremens he was caught on tho Ward and chained until tho arrival of the police. Ho broke away and tr veiled twenty miles before he was secured. When brought into town he war in a very low state, but is out of danger. Under the heading of accidents there is quite a chapter to tell. A child named Douglas was severely scalded on Friday last, through upsetting a pau of water in which some eggs had been boilod. Mr. James Bradley, a selector, broke both his kneecaps while felling a tree, and lay an hour on the ground helplessTiefore being found by a passing drover. Mr. W. Mark?, tho owner of a saw-mill in towu, had the centre of his face from tho tip of the nose seriously wounded tlirough au emery stono breaking while he was sharpening some tools. Tho stone, whilo revolving, broke into four pieces. No serious result is auticipatod. The other day a lad named Walter Lucas while oiling the hot-air engine at the town well got his right hand carried between the cog-wheels. The first finger was so crushed that amputation was necessary. At Adavale, on the dth instant, an old bushman named James Russell committed suicide in a Chinaman's gar. en by shooting himself whilo " suffering a recovery. ' Deceased at one time had cousidoiablo means. Perhaps if there is any truth in the report going around towu that a trial survey of a proposed railway between Charievillo and Cuuuamulla tho Brisbane papers will let us know. The report, it is understood, emanated from a person who stated that he was oue of the survey party. Sporting matters aro quiet just at present, but au important match is to bo run off for £100 on tho Charleville racecourse, on tho 21st February, between Paradox and Johnny Sam; distance, li mile. Both horses are well known. An attempt will be made to get up a half-day's racing, which should set the ball rolling towards the aunual meeting. Two old residents of Morveu have left it. Mr. Band, the hotel and storekeeper, butcher, baker, aud blacksmith there, ha? sold out* and has

opened business on the North Coast line: and Mr. £. A. Murray, the post and telegraph officer, has been removed to the head office. The Rev. H. W. Shurtlewood, who wal selected by Bishop Webber in England for mission work, has sketched out a system for visiting tho various townships West as far a<i Thargoniindah during the ensuing twelve mouths. The scheme has been printed and circulated among the stations. He has also cstab'ished a braueh of the Chun h of England Teajperanco S.x-iety here. Archbishop Dunne is to pay us a visit early next month, wheu the Catholic Chapel will be consecrated aud a confirmation held. Business is dull, and a revival of trad'? need haidly be expected until after a gcuera! rainfall. UPPER MARY, Jauuary 21. Ihe drought is making sad havoc with the crops. The sugar-cane, which at other times was able to withstand the fierce heat and drying winds peculiar to this season, is now showing signs of giving iv. Indeed it looks as if the cane ou the higher portion of the fields is already doomed. A few evenings ago there was a storm of wind, but it settled down'in a few hours afterwards to the normal steady breeze liom the south, east, with clear cool nights and scorching sunny days. It is paiuful to have to write in this desnouding tt-no, but to those depeuding on* agriculture for a liviug, it is very hard to be cheerful, and it would be wrong to represent the aspect of affairs in any other light. The young maiz>* may be put down as a decided failure. Most of this crop is from one month to six weeks old, and all of it that wade v good start in the first fortnight of its existence would still pull through if the rain came now. The waterbole.* are still fairly supplied, but the Brass is scorched up. Perhaps the cause of the grass having failed so soon is that it was all very juicy and luxuriant after tho December rains ; and besides, as it was all what might be termed burnt feed, it had no stamina to stand the drying weather. Of course it is very- natural to expect a change, it having been the rule in former droughts for the rain to come cither in this month or the next. Tn the Eidsvoltl fiell things arc looking brighter. The Mount Koso is 'still holding out well; the last crushing gave an ounce to the ton. and with such n large body of crushing stuff this speaks well for tho miuc. The other claims on this field are all promising, and t cir yields would be consideiea voty 10 nnneiiitivo if they were situated within the rea-h of good crushing batteries. The reason the miuing industry is touched on in this letter is that the people about Maryborough, as well as those engaged in agriculture, invested freely in these Holds, and of courso are much interested in their development* IPSWICH, Jannary 28. The Murphy's Creek Turf Club held their second annual raoe meeting on Saturday last in the presence of a fair number of spectators. The following are the results of the various events:—Trial Stakes, 1 mile: Williams's Camellia, Bst. 1 lib, 1; M'Donald'sDemi, Bet. 91b., 2; Kynock's Garryowen, Bst. lllb., 3; Fisherman, Waterwiteh, Loafer, and Locomotive abja started. Publicans' Purse, 11 mile: Williams'! Lottie, Sst. 121b., 1; DolhW*s Meteor, 9st., 2 ; Kynock's Barmaid, Bst. db., 0.; Sepoy also ran. Pony Race, 1 mile: Lady Isabel 1; Pet, 2 ; My Fancy, 3 ; other starters, Rowdy and Tiny. Murphy's Creek Handicap, l; mile: Williams's Lottie, Sst. 91b., 1; Gilbert's. Despot, Bst. bib., 2 ; Gentle's Bandy, 7st., 3 ; Meteor, Toowoomba, and Admiral also started; won in n walk. Hack Race, 1 mile: Fawn, 1; Mazurka, 2 : Lady Isabel, 3 ; seven started. Foroed Handicap, I.', mile: Kynock's Barmaid, Bst., 1 ; O'Brien's Toowoomba, 7st. 41b., 2; Miller's Waterwiteh, "st. 41b., 6. Fuhermau and Lassie also ran. On Saturday afternoon a muster parade of the local company of the Queensland Scottish Rifles was held at the drill-ched, when twenty* three members assembled under Lieutenant M'Leod. After being inspected the men were put through manual exercises and dismissed. I am informed that the strength of the company has recently been reduced to forty-eignt; but, as nearly all of tbe men are stalwart and serviceable-looking, the corps prosents a most creditable appearance. CABOOLTURE, January 23. [from orrt TR4.VELi.rxo corrkstondkxt.) The township of Caboolturo at tho present time presents a somewhat busy appearance, owing principally to an iiittux of navvies, draymen, and others employed by Messrs. Jcs-or and Co. in the coustiuctiou of tho sscond and third sections of the North Coast Railway. Tho length of line to be constructed comprises 38' milos 34 chains Of links, and extends from Caboolture to Yatidina, includiug deviations, the contract price Icing £1G9,3b1), or nearly £4000 per milo. Tho second section extends from Caboolture to Mellum Creek, or Landsborough, a distance of about 10 miles, and, according to contract, is to be completed by the Ist of January, 1800. The earthworks aud clearing aid in full swiug, and as there aro no great engineering difficulties in this portion, and very littlo heavy bridge work, the contractors are sanguine of finishing their work well within timo. This portion of the line is under tbe personal supervision of Mr. Jesscr, assisted by Mr. Murphy. Nearly all the cuttings ou the section are in progress, bridge'timber is being tiolivered on all bridge sites, and preparations are being made for pUo driving. A saw-mill is being erected at the sixmile Creek in orehr to facilitate the cutting of slcopers. On the section uudcr notice the cuttings average from 2000 to 7000 yams. The third section of" the line, from Landsborough to Yandiua, embraces somo very heavy work, and the clearing is of an especially arduous nature, being nearly all heavily-timbered scrub, to walk through which is a revelation. As a specimen of rich tropical vegetation it cannot be surpassed, unless perhaps in the far North. Timber of all kinds is in abundance—iron and stringy bark, bloodwoou, hi 'ckbutt, tallowwood, turpentine, mahogany, and tho ever-proscnt gum-tree. Rich tree ferns and tall elegant palm-trees nre to be met with at every turn, while staghorn ferns are to be seen in all directions. The scrub is alive with birds and insect.life, whilo water, clear and cool, is to be found"at every milo or two. Messrs. Jesscr ami Co. informed mo that they have never encountered country so richly timbered or so well watered. When the line is opened, travellers arc certain to break their journey, to collect somo of the botanical treasures so plentifully growing hero. There are some miles of graceful palm-trees, />oft. to 70ft. high, growing on either side of tho line, and it will shortly be un easy matter to transfer 6ome of them'to the Brisboue Botanic Gardens, together with specimens of tho very fine tree ferns wliich are growing so luxuriantly. Five gangs are at present actively engaged clearing, on day work, while portions'ef the line have been let by cnu.' tract. There are two heavy pieces of tunnelling'

to be dealt with. No. 1 tunnel is met with at the 53*d0-mile peg. and is 102 lineal yards in k-iigth; work has already been commenced here. No. 2 tunnel is some three miles further on, and in measurement is some 174 lineal yards. Both tunnels penetrate spurs of the Blackall Rauge. The princ'pal bridges ou the sections span Mooloolon, PayutfrV, aud Fetrie's creeks and also the Maroochie River. The cuttinsrs on No. 3 section average from oODO to 20,0 V) yards, and two years is tho stipulated contract time for the completion of the soctiou. Mr. Geo. Bond is in charge of the whole section. The stations between Caboolture und Yaudina are to bo as follows :—Beerburrum, 40-mile peg; Landsborough, 51-milo peg: Mooloolah, 54-mile peg; Eudlo Creek, 57-inilo peg; Palm-tree Gully, 10-milo peg; Woombye, ij2-mile pag; Petrio's Creek, G -mile peg; and Yandiua, ,0-mile peg. Nearly 500 men aro at present employed by Messrs. Jesser an • Co., and tho contractors expect to have tho lino opeued for traffic before the next two years havo passed away. Thero will theu only remain a short section of fifteen miles to construct (from Zandina to Cooruu) to complete the line as far as Gympie. Established near the towuship is a very busy saw-mill, tho property of Mr. A. Johnson, which gives empl ymeut to somo ton meu. Thero is iv use a 20-horse powor steam engine, used for driving several breaking-down, grooving, aud planing machiues. I noticed thut nearly all the machinery in use was of American mauuta turc. A braucli of the Royal Bank has rec ntly been established in Caboolture, Mr. Scott acting as manager. At present the bauk busiuess is being carried on in the hotel parlour, uutil such times as the new premises, now in course of construe. tion, are completed. Au Anglicau church is beiug erected, and several minor edifices. Amongst the industries recently established may be ni' ntioned an aerated wa'er factory, conducted by Messrs. Munu aud Whitman. The post offico business is conducted iv a room not moro than 12ft. by 12ft., and hoie the unfortunate* official (Mr. Parker) has to recei»e an I dispatch all letters and telegrams conduct the savings bank business, aud attend t> quite a multitude of other things. Last ycur nearly £:5000 passed through his hands in connection with the latter brunch ; some 1700 letters are dealt with every month, to say nothing of newspapers anl telegrams. From this it may bo gathered that Caboolturo is urgently in want of a new post office The polioe iiuartors also demand reform. The acconimo lation afforded tho present officers ia wretchedly inadequate, one policeman being compelled to sleop in tho solitary coll. The divisional bard office and tho courtbouse are roomy aud comfortable. Tho publichouse, blacksmith's shop, aud several stores complete the township. Large quantities of timber ore daily scut from Caboolture to Brisbane, and the railway station usually presents a busy appearance. The country around Caboolture is looking dry, and on tho whole presents a barren sterile appearance. REDCLIF FE, January 23. The peculiarity of all new colonies—uamely, the rapid growth of townships—when they once make a start—is fully exemplified iv this vow fashionable watering place Three years ago we remember when visitors wore fow and far between. Now we have a large and we 1 conducted hotel, generally crowded. Villas ore springiug up ou every side, and the great cry is ••wautof accommodation." Messrs. Hatchett, Deozeley, Walsh, and Tubbs must recently have turned some hundreds of disappo;nted would-be visitors back, and at tho Woody Point Jetty, where some two or three traps used to meet the steamer, over forty might have been counted last .Saturday, and on the same day the beach was quite crowded with promeua lers. It does seem an absurdity that the-.e vehicl-s, nearly ail of which came from Red-liffe, should have to'travel two miies to meet a steamer when we havo a good jetty here at which a boat could land her passengers in perfect safety.A A somewhat bitter feeling exists in tho neighbourhood on account of only two members leaving the divisional board tbe first year, as it is felt that some of those remaining in no way represent tbe opinions of the neighbourhood. The Key. J. Sutton, who is once more amougst us, will bo one of the new candidates, anel with his assistance and that of tho Pin - members wo trust that the anomaly of the Redcliffe Board offico in Queenstreet will be rectified. It is also stated that Mr. Crowe, mining ageut, of Queen-street, will stand for election. Great indignation is expressed at the trolly on the Redcliffe jetty still being unchained after the two very serious accidents which have lately happened. A number of young women and servant muids rush it backwards and forwards regardless of tho comfort and safety of the many proraeuaders. B>th the shooting and fishing are good, although it is feared the latter will be ruined if those young nion who are the happy possessors of a drag net do not learn to use it iv. moderation. Many complaints are made by res dent ladies of the habit certain persons have of bathing near the jetty iv a state of nudity. Surely our poliee-sergoant could put a stop to this nuisanco if he would stroll round during high tides on S-iturdaya and Sundays. Wo have the promise that tho bill for our railway will bo brought iv early next session, and it behoves those who intend building in this place to take the opportunity of securing land before this is an accomplished fact, otherwise tiey wilt hav> to pay fabulous prices. It is hoped that the Natone (now the Southport Railway is open) will tako up this route, as the Garnet is nowadays most uncomfortably packed.