Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 12 May 1883, page 726

Country News.


ON Saturday, the 24th, a well attended meeting of the Northern Territory Progress Committee was held at Port Darwin camp, at Which the following resolutions, amongst

Others, were brought forward and carried :— *' That the attention of the Government Resident be called to the fact that out of the 3000 Chinese miners in the Territory only a very few have miners'rights." It was stated that only forty had been issued for the current year. ,r That the warden be instructed, through the Government Resident, to publish I monthly report, as reliable information can only be gained by Southern speculators through $his medium." "That the Government Resident be requested to have placed on the Estimates the sum of £1000 for a standing bonus for the discovery of a payable goldfield." March 30.

There have been a few very good crushings since my last. The Spring Hill Company Cleaned up last week, getting 288oz. of amalgam off the plates alone from 80 tons stone. On the Pine Creek line of reef, Mr. Jansen obtained 3860z. from 20 tons stone, and Mr. Ingham 360z. 13dwt. from 17 tons stone. There is to be a new battery erected on the Union reefs, which will be a great boon to claimholders on this line. At present there is something like 800 tons of good stone at grass awaiting crushing. The new rush has turned out a duffer, all tho Europeans having returned. They say there is J old there, but it is too patchy, and too long a istance to carry their dirt to the water. Last Saturday 450 Chinamen were taken out by one Of the prospectors, who is to receive £1 ahead if they are satisfied with the place ; he gives them a fortnight's trial. The whole of them

.have returned, but I hear this is only a ruse to , get their money back, and that tney intend now they know the locality to go out again reinforced by a large number of brother cninkies. We have had a few smart showers this last week which have done a lot of good to the crops. The maize here is remarkably fine and a heavy yield is expected this year. The Chinese are trying rice growing with great success, and a Chinaman of some note told me that there would soon be a large number of his countrymen employed in its cultivation. I hear that Mr. Philip Saunders, who arrived here a few months ago from Western Australia overland, has made an offer to the Western Australian Government to organise a prospecting expedition to tho North-west district on certain conditions. Mr. Saunders has a most favourable opinion of the gold-yielding quality of some of the country he came through, but was prevented from prospecting it thoroughly for want of water. Mr. Saunders is a man who ranks amongst the premier prospectors of Australia, and it would be a great advantage securing his services. Since his arrival here he has occupied the position of manager of the Mount Wells No. 1 Tin Mining Company, and has thoroughly prospected their claims with grand results. The manager of the Pioneer Tin Company (Mr. Daniels) reports very favourably of the company's several properties. The stream tin here has not been touched, as the wet season ended so much sooner than was expected. The want of water is. one of our greatest drawbacks; but there is a most suitable place in the gully to make a dam, whioh work will have to do done before work can proceed properly; the expenditure will not be very great, as there is a large quantity of clay close at hand. I expect to hear shortly that the company are prepared to place machinery on some point on tne M'Kiniay River, which is only distant two and a-half miles by a level road, suitable at small expense to run a tramway over; and it is to be hoped the company will not be behind the times and erect machinery, kc, of an old pattern, as the progress in new machinery for crushing purposes is fast superseding the old stamper batteries. What is wanted is the new centrifugal pulveriser, which will crush two tons per hour, without making itself suggestive of Pandemonium, as the ola style does with its stampers. I have lately been prospecting the selections east of Mount Wells, but with little luck up to the present, as the length of the grass just now prevents one seeing the formation of the country sufficiently to make a thorough prospect, so we shall have to wait for bush fires. Mr. V. T. Soloroan has sold his half interest in the Mount Wells and Snaddcn's Creek selections to a Queensland firm, at a price which both parties seem satisfied with, and it is to be hoped that under the new ownership operations will be commenced at the Mount which will make it a paying concern, and that they will lose no time in erecting good and improved machinery.TOWNSVILLE, TOWNSVILLE, April 30. The proprietors of the Townsville Daily Bulletin have announced their intention of issuing a weekly. The Standard, which is issued twice a-week, is coming out as a daily evening paper. In the meantime the Herald is taking It easily in the face of a morning and evening daily. The public are curious to snow what the pioneer paper of the distriot is going to do.

The minds of those interested, in shipping are at present set at rest by the receipt of a telegram from the Colonial Treasurer, stating that the harbour works will be proceeded with without delay. Owing to the rapid increase in the number of buildings, and the opening of new streets, the council have made an additional draw on the waterworks loan account of £2000, tb enable them to extend the pipes and supply water to those who are residing in the more populated streets. The A.S.N. Company's steamer Glanworth brought the usual number of passengers on Wednesday last, among whom were his Honour Mr. Justice Cooper and associate, with several members of the Bar. The Circuit Court was opened the same morning. Mr. Hume Black, the member for Mackay, is paying us a v isit; he continues his voyage north in the Glanworth. and will visit Herberton. On his return he will make a short stay in Townsville, and visit Charters Towers before proceeding south again, being desirous of inspecting the mines on that field. The committee of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association are actively working with the view of making this year's show a great success. At their last meeting there was a good attendance of country members. Mr. Rourke, of Dotswood, offered to erect jumping hurdles for the contest free, and arrangements were made with Messrs. Horn and Peterson to strike off the medals. Application will be made to pro-Slaim the sth of June as a public holiday in townsville for the occasion. ' The Criminal Sittings occupied the court all the week, the following cases being tried :— Henry Hart, charged with wounding Henry Beard, found guilty; and, in consideration of strong extenuating circumstances, sentenced to be imprisoned until the rising of the court. William Edward Fulton, tried for rape, pleaded notguilty, and was defended by Mr. Milford. The alleged offence took place at Cardwell at an hotel, of which prisoner was proprietor, and the accuser was Emma Grager, a German girl, employed as a domestic servant. The case lasted the whole day, a great number of witnesses being examined. No one was called for the defence. The jury, after consulting for nearly two hours, returned a verdict of guilty, with a strong recommendation to. mercy. Sentence, seven years' penal servitude. Ah Jam, charged with wounding with intent, was found guilty, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Edward Camra was next charged with committing a criminal assault at Herberton upon an aboriginal child of 7 years of age. The crime was the most atrocious that ever came before a court, the evidence which followed being most revolting. Verdict, guilty; sentence, penal servitude for life. There is to be an amateur race meeting on the new Railway Racecourse on the day following the Pastoral Show. Nearly £200 will be provided for prizes. Six various races arc in the programme, and every provision is made for a good day's racing on the oth proximo. TheB.I.S.S. Romaarrived at the anchorage in Cleveland Bay on Thursday afternoon at halfpast 4. The mails were landed and delivered the same evening. The immigrants to the number of seventy were also landed and placed in the depot. The annexation of New Guinea is commented on favourably here, and thought to be I wise precaution on the part of our Govern-

ment Owing to the close proximity of Port Moresby to Queensland, it will no doubt be a settlement in future for some of our own people who arc living north. The Caxton Club entertained the members of the Bar who are on circuit to a supper at the Imperial Hotel on Saturday evening last. Tho table was very tastily laid out, and every requisite provided, by Mr. D. Buchanan, the proprietor. A most enjoyable evening was passed, while our guests were loud in their praise of the beautiful climate at this season of the year, and congratulated us on the businesslike appearance of our streets. The Bulimba with the homeward mails arrived in the Bay very early on Sunday morning. After receiving a large quantity «.<f galena ore, tallow, and wool, she left again for the North en route for London. The exports from Townsville, from the Ist to the 27th April inclusive, amounted to £34,307, and the imports to £53,497 for the same period. A petition is in course of preparation to both Houses of Parliament praying for the removal of the Supreme Court from Bowen to this town. It will be very numerously signed. HUGHENDEN, April 30. THE continued dry weather and scarcity of water is becoming a serious matter with us, and unless rain speedily sets in the majority of tho squatters will have to travel their sheep. All improvements on stations arc <tt present at a standstill from the same cause. Another great drawback to our prosperity is the want of communication, and the Government are greatly to blame for the manner in which they allow the contract for the Norwood section to be carried on. Very few men are employed, and, if this state of things continue, it will be years before the line reaches Norwood. Mr. Clements, the Government surveyor for this end of the line, was in Hughenden a few days ago, and stated that the permanent survey would be completed in about two months, when we hope to sec tenders called at once for this section. The town is rapidly progressing, and good buildings are going up in all directions. Mr. Henzell, of the firm of Henzell and Thompson, of Mackay, lately purchased twenty-five acres of land, which he will submit to auction on the 9th June, as suburban building allotments, on tho time-payment system. Tbe land is situated on a nico riso, near tbe proposed railway station, and commands^ fine view of the town and country. We aro much pleased at the arrival of Mr. Cobden, lately manager of the Mackay Standard, who comes amongst us with the intention of starting the Hughenden Ensign, in the pastoral interest The first number will likoly appear on the 3rd of June. The plant will be entirely new, and, from the well-known ability of Mr. Cobden to ruu a paper, it should be a great success. A very pleasing ceremony took place last Tuesday at the court-house, when a purse of sovereigns and an address was presented to our late police-magistrate, R. C. H. Uhr, Esq., on the eve of his departure for the Cloncurry, he having exchanged positions with Mr. Moran, the P.M. of that place. The exchange was at the wish of Mr. Uhr, who had been offered the Cooktown P. M. -ship. After a residence of five years in this district, Mr. Uhr leaves with the goodwill of all classes, and together with Mrs. Uhr, will be much missed by the people of the district. The presentation was made by Mr. H. W. Hardwick, who in a few appropriate remarks, regretted the departure of Mr. Uhr, but trusted it would be for his benefit. Mr. Hardwick then read an address, more fully detailing the esteem in which Mr. Uhr was held, and tho good wishes of tho subscribers for his prosperity in tho future. Aftor reading the address, Mr. Hardwick said it was now his pleasant duty to present to Mr. Uhr the purse of sovereigns (£125), subscribed by fifty-aix of the inhabitants of the town and country, and ho trusted that at some future time they might see Mr. Uhr again amongst them, when he would receive a hearty welcome. He then called for three cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Uhr, which were heartily given, and their healths drunk in bumpers of champagne. Mr. Uhr thanked all parties for their kindly feelings towards himself and Mrs. Uhr, and he could safely say that during his residence in Hughenden he had done his duty to the best of his ability without fear or favour. He was sorry to leave them, but would always bear in mind their generous feelings towards him and the handsome present that day made him. In the evening a ball was given to Mrs. Uhr in the court-house, which was well attended and a very enjoyable time passed. CHARTERS TOWERS, April 28. On Sunday morning last the people in the Vicinity of the Dan O'Connell lease were •hocked by the discovery of the dead body of a man named Robert Brown Nesbit, under circumstances which showed clearly that a murder had been committed. The body was lying at full length in a dry watercourse close to the Dan O'Connell mullock heap, with a bullet wound in the right temple. From the natural position in which the body was found, and from the almost total absence of any blood about the wound, it was evident that the body had been removed to this spot from the scene of the murder. The police were at once communicated with, and the body was soon after removed to the hospital morgue. A post-mortem examination was made by Dr. Paoli, who discovered the bullet close to the vertebral column. The bullet was flattened out almost to pieces. Before evening, " from information received," the police arrested three men named George Pratt, John George Middleton, and William Simpson on suspicion of having murdered Nesbit. They were brought up on Monday, and tho evidence of the arresting constable taken. The prisoners were then remanded for eight days. From the evidence taken it appears that poor Nesbit was drinking in town on Saturday night with one at least of the prisoners, and that they came home together to where the prisoners live (not a hundred yards from where the body was found), where they had more drink until between 12 and 1 o'clock. Prisoner Middleton previous to his arrest admitted that deceased came to his door between 1 and 2 o'clock and rapped, saying, " Get up, Jack ; I've got schnapps." He told him to goaway, as it was time lie was in bed. Deceased remained at the d tor und sang him (Middleton) to sleep. Prisoners Pratt and Middleton live together, the latter being :i married man, as is also the prisoner Simpson, who lives close by. A Colt's revolver belonging to Pratt was found in a box with one chamber lately discharged. The other chambers appeared not to have been loaded for some time. The foregoing is the substance of the evidence given by the arresting constable, but it is said the police are now in possession of other evidence of importance which may enable them to bring tho guilty

party or parties to justice. What the motives were which led to the commission of so foul a crime is yet only a matter of conjecture; but it is to be hoped it will soon be cleared up. On Monday evening last a concert in aid of the Roman Catholic School fund was given by the choir of that church, assisted by a few local gentlemen, together with Mr. and the Misses Rooney and Professor Schienbein, of the Austrian Band, who came specially from Townsville for the occasion. The large hall of tho School of Arts, where the concert was given, was crowded to its utmost extent. The music and singing were of a very high order, and of its kind was certainly tbe most successful amateur performance ever given on Charters Towera.News News has arrived here within the la-jt few days of the death from fever, at Mourilyan Harbour, of Mr. William Lang, for many years an employe in Mr. Lissner's store. His Jtartner, Mr. Patrick Burke, an old miner, also rom here, was similarly affected and died on board the Victory, at Dungonoss, on his way to Townsville a few days afterwards. Both men left here not very long ago, and started business at Mourilyan Harbour. Their career has been cut short by the malignant fever which prevails in the Northern coast lands at this season of the year. Great regret is felt for the death of these men, as they wore both long and favourably known here. Several other deaths from fever are also reported from there. The malignant nature of the fever now prevailing on the Johnstone River must be a source of great dread to those selectors who have taken up land on that river, and no doubt will seriously retard the progress of that district. The prospect at present is far from encouraging to settlement, as few white men will care to risk their lives in clearing those scrub lands while they can find employment in much more healthy districts. LOWER BURNETT, April 25. The aphorism, " a feast or a famine," so applicable to Queensland, is quite appropriate this season in this part of the district, and more especially to the grazing industry. Grass and water are abundant, with plenty of fat cattle to enjoy it; but I cannot say so much for buyers, tho demand being far from encouraging, the ruling prices at the station yards being from £4 to £4 10s. Had it not been for the impetus Siven to the trade by Mr. Hooker boiling own at Maryborough, consuming 100 head per week, together with the twin establishment to bo erected at Gladstone, there would have been a further decline. It is not so with sheep, which are proving very remunerative about hero, meeting a ready sale at Maryborough at from 9s. to 10s. The sugar mania is still raging lower down the river, notwithstanding tho last unfavourable season, but the great drawback is the scarcity of labour. Even the selectors under the 76 Act who are trying to comply with their conditions are put to their wits ends, and some of thera to their pockets' ends, owing to the high price of labour, and the contrary for cattle. They complain bitterly at the extra expense they arc obliged to incur over and above the fencing in all round, which is money wasted, for which many of them may probably have to pay 10 per cent, aud difficult to get at that. A relaxation of the improvement clause next session is fondly anticipated. The Gayndah farmers seem to be very jubilant about tho encouraging prospects of their district becoming famous'for wheat-growing, which with a little perseverance is bound to bo a success. In politics there is but little to chronicle. We fully expected that our member, Mr. Baynes, as announced in the Queenslander, would pay us a visit in company with the Premier. The impression is that his views on the Transcontinental scheme not being in harmony with those of either Sir Thomas or his constituents; that combined with the rumours that the hon. 1 gentleman intends to become a candidate for South Brisbane, may account for his absence. Another Brisbane man has signified his intention to become a candidate, and has promised to treat us with a lecture shortly, both at Gayndah and Nanango, on the " Rights of Man," bnt the electors about hero seem to be determined that they will have nothing more to do with Brisbane, and prefer supporting a local man this time. BUNDABERG, May 7. Yesterday morning our worthy policemagistrate (Mr. Robert Johnstone) met with a serious buggy accident. He was driving his family home from Christ Church, when a sadden swerve caused the pole to break and tho ponies to bolt. Mr. Johnstone attempted to put his foot on the brake, but missed it, and fell out, the vehicle turning over on him, and the family being spread around on the ground. All escaped any serious injury except Mr. Johnstone, who was considerably hurt iv the hip and generally shaken. The full extent of his injuries is not yet ascertained, but thero appear to be no bones broken. The planters are preparing for active operations, and Millaquin stands in readiness to receive the juice. By this time next week all the crushing mills will be iv full work, and the season promises much profit. The entire mills arc also getting underway, Rubyanna and Sharon having commenced satisfactorily. Although early in the season, the density ranges from 6 to 8° Bcaume, but this will improve during the next six weeks. The cane at Fairymcad will be operated on on Thursday, and a large well-grown crop bespeaks a good profit. It is estimated that 7000 tons of sugar will be made in the district this year. The estimate is high, but if the return even falls 1000 tons short the reward will prove consolatory to those who lost last year through not being ready. Two new mills—Dr. May's and Messrs. Denny and Buchanan's—are to lend their force this year to the total output. Our Land Commissioner, after a five years' trespass on the Immigration Department for office accommodation, has been obliged to quit his long-known quarters. The only building available was an empty auction mart in Targostreet. This Mr. Geary has secured and located himself therein. It is supposed here that some day the Lands Department will provide quarters for their officials in some way adequate wherein to transact the £8000 to £10,000 a year busiucss. The Customs, without half the revenue, manage those things more liberally and quickly. Locally, this is about the only branch of the public service that gets mostly what it asks for. The crop of oranges is very encouraging, considering the dry season. This fruit grows and yields well hore, and with a little care would form a rrotitable market commodity. The mandarin thrives best, and just now this species is very plentiful.

On Wednesday last Mr. Albert Dean, of the I Commercial Hotel, died very suddenly. He was a young man, 34 years of age, and leaves a widow and seven orphans. He was generally respected, and was well liked in business. His funeral was largely attended. The Colonial Treasurer has sanctioned tho gravel punts from the dredge being towed up . to town so that the sand might be utilised by tho council. This will prove a boon to contractors, as the difficulty and expense of obtaining gravel causes much inconvenience and expense. It is better to use the spoil this way than casting it out in some other part of the river where it is likely to require re- Jrcdging by-and-by. The Treasurer has also granted us a five-ton crane for the Government wharf. This is much needed, as heavy sugar machinery now has to .be taken to North Bundaberg, to be unloaded and conveyed from thence to the plantations in punts. Considering the Railway Department have two lying in the yard uselesn, the Government might exercise economy in using one of theso instead of ordering one specially for the wharf. Red-tape might not allow such a proceeding, however. The main local question debated conversationally since tho Premier's visit has been the Transcontinental Railway. That question has effectually put in the background alt others. There is a general feeling in favour of the ; work, but the anonymous pamphlet has to some degree unhinged some men's minds. There are very few who deny the desirability of the scheme, but the terms of the agreement puzzle them. Tho Chamber of Commerce has joined issue with Maryborough iv obtaining a daily mail service to and from the Burrum and Bundaberg.. There is a daily train mail to the Burrum from Maryborough ; so the extra distance by coach to here would uot be very much, and the increase of postal matter and commercial intercourse make the request wholly justifiable. We cannot be too closely interwoven with our sister town either commercially or socially. | WIDE BAY, May 1. The formation of the district round Tiaro into a shire council is meeting with strong opposition from the divisional board, and one of their employes has written some very caustic attacks on the scheme in the local papers. It is a pity that, just as peace was about to be declared, and the bitter wrangling to cease, a new war has broken out. Even the threatened lawsuits (there were three begun) seem to have been shelved, and but for this " you're another" scandalising there might have been a peaceful separation of the subdivision*. lam not sufficiently acquainted with the reasons pro and con. to give an opinion, except that if a subdivision really wishes to start in business on its own account it seems absurd to hold it as if in a trap. On the Maryborough and Gympie Railway hundreds of tons of loading are accumulating at the various sidings and stations, and this though a minimum of convenience is afforded to consignors. Special trains for Ministers or officials aro of frequent occurrence, but special trains for the practical purpose of removing accumulated freight are never thought or. . Generally there is one freight train a day, with a load as heavy as defective oft-repaired engines can drag, but the great mistake is the attaching to the passenger train so many trucks of timber and goods as to render the journey perilous. The time-table allows four hours for the sixty : miles, but of lato it has not been safe to run through even at this creeping rate, and trains are often half-an-hour or more late. It is almost certain that, if the heavy goods and passenger traffic continue mixed as at present, it must double the coat of maintenance of the Sermanent way, and will assuredly cause a readful accident. On an up gradient frequently the passenger train can only crawl along about four miles an hour. Time thus lost has to be made up on the down inclines, and the curvet being frequent and sharp renders such speed highly dangerous. MARYBOROUGH, May 5. The Municipal Council at its last meeting received an application from Messrs. Howard - Smith and Sons for a lease of the Victoria and„ Queen's wharves, for seven or ten years. The applicants point out that at present "the mercantile community, with themselves, are inconvenienced by the limited wharfage accommodation provided." They therefore offer a rental of £400 per annum, should such term of lease be given, and promise to make considerable improvements on the property. A majority of tbe aldermen agreed that it was desirable to meet the proposal on equitable terms, and a committee was appointed to carry out the proposed arrangement. Two members of the council dissented on the ground that the wharves should be put up to public competition. A remarkable letter was received from Mr. Price, M.L.A., intimating that it was the wish of large numbers of electors that the representatives of Maryborough, Wide Bay, Burnett, Mulgrave, and Gympie should be called upon to express their opinions upon the subjects of land grant railways and the labour supply, so that the will of the electors might be known prior to the meeting of Parliament. It was resolved to intimate to Mr. Price that the Municipal Council was not a political body. The Tiaro board have appointed a committee to prepare a report of the peculiar circuin: stances of the late divisional election. This has been done in consequence of the receipt of a letter from the Minister for Works asking for information. The Bararabah board has made an overture for joint action, so that tho Widgee division may be successfully interviewed on the subject of the latter board's obligation to assist in maintaining roads in which tho three boards have common interest. The .Antigua division cannot agree to the propositions from the Burrum board as to joint maintenance of certain] roads. The trouble is to be handed over to the Minister for Works. A large number of residents consider that the sentence of eighteen months awarded to the young man Hodgkinson by Judge Harding is excessive. A memorial embodying this sympathy is being numerously signed for presentation to the Executive. The Pollard Liliputian Company havo been E laying during the week to tho largest houses nown for some time in Maryborough. The shareholders of the All Nations Gold Company, in special meeting, have decided to ask the ussistance of Mr. Watt to push on the experimental crushing of stone now lying at the Sydney Mint. Strange to say the Mint authorities declare that they have no plant for successfully treating mundic stone. An assay Only can bo obtained. Mr. Price, M.L.A., addroaaed forty Wide Bay electors at Mungarr on Saturday last. Ho spoke for some time on the subject of coolie labour. Referring to the Transcontinental

line, he was in favour of the land grant system, but he could not support the present agreement, and would also give his vote for tramniittingfthc question to the electorates. Mr. Palmer purposes a deliverance on the great political questions during this month. It is distinctly asserted that our junior member will attend the next meeting of the Liberal Association, when the "Transcontinental" will form the subject of discussion. The development of the coal industry is n< t rapid. The Torbanlca mine could place 2(0 tons per week on the new railway, but tie department have only enough trucks to tale sixty tons. It is probable that the Gjueenslai d Coal Company's rolling stock—about seventy trucks—will be lent for service until the company are ready to deliver their own coal. It is said that the main seam of the company's mine cannot be reached for two months. The immense pumping power available is kept fully employed in keeping down the unusually large flow of water. A coal-shoot has been constructed by the railway department in the town. No intimation of a time-table is yet given for the Burrum Railway. Tho labour schooner Heron reached this port on Monday, 30th ultimo, with eighty-three Polynesian recruits. The voyage only extended over6sdays. All the "boys were obtaiucd from the Solomon Islands, and without any reported difficulties. Labour for sugar culture continues in great demand. High premiums are offered, yet the arrivals are but as " drops in the bucket." Very large areas of fine sugar land would be tilled but for the uncertainty of labour supply. The ordinary labour market is also ill supplied. Large numbers of men are working twelve hours per day in the foundries, which means for the employers the payment of 25 per cent extra wages on the four hours overtime. The Railway Servants' Benefit Society now numbers sixty-seven members. The nucleus of a relief fund exists to the amount of £6*o. Mr. Thorneloe Smith, jun., whilst practising with a revolver, accidentally fired a bullet into his foot. A respected resident, Mr. Hector Gillies, whilst driving the engine of the Coal Company at Howard, dropped down dead. It is reported that 55,000 secdlin" kauri {>incs have been successfully planted at Frazcr's sland. Business is dull. The " fourth" pasted over however, without any commercial sensations. Stock agents report an inactive market. Fat cattle havo declined to an average of £4 6s. Fat wethers are worth 9b. Little business in stores. The weather is appropriate for sugar planters. Crushing will be early. At Antigua the remarkable outcome of .10* density for this Keriod of the year gives great hope of a grand arvest for planters. Next week our town will be exercised with the diligently worked up show, and with a monster bazaar which the ladies have prepared in aid of the Girls' Grammar School. NERANG, May 7. With the general public, summer is chosen for excursions to the seaside where, in escaping the city's heat and turmoil, they seek renewal of life—inhaling the salty breezes, and a dietary change of shell and sea fish, which together is accepted as a renovator for debilitated nature; but, in my humble opinion, no other time affords such excellent advantages as the Queensland winter, when the temperature is more even, and the ocean breeze carries a bracing zest; boating is then, more enjoyable and, ofcourse, fishing becomes a pleasure, and everything tends to invigorate the system. In road board matters, the discussion on the, alteration of the boundary line of Subdivisions Nos. 1 and 2 took up much of the time at their Saturday's meeting ; with a better allotment as to portion of road to care of each subdivision it passed. The valuator's work was also accented. From him I gathered that the total income will bo little short of £3000 for the year. Greater care it is to be hoped will be taken in future works. Some of the culverts erected since the establishment of local boards are showing signs of wear in such a manner that, a comparison with Government works would scarcely be admitted. With our farmers the low price of maim in causing a tendency to hold in anticipation of higher prices ruling. Potatoes are completely out of marketj in fact, there are no vegetables to be had. Local oranges and limes are coming forward. Borne very nice oranges from Mr. C. Batten's Carlton farm have been selling; and a parcel of limes from Nutninba camo in—tho finest I have seen, and should prove of value in the Brisbane market. Guavas have been plentiful this season. Tho drainage works, continued from time to time on the swamp lands of W. Stephens, Esq., are vastly improving the estate, and must in a few years largely recoup the owner. Business in the district is fair, and with a mild winter everything should be prosperous. LOGAN AND ALBERT, May 7. We arc and have been enjoying the most beautiful and balmy weather during the pane fortnight, and there is not the slightest appearance of frost as yet. The grass is getting a little brown, but it is more from the dry weather than from any other cause. As a consequence, fat cattle arc plontiful and in grand condition. Messrs. Collins havo sent a large mob to Qucensport from Mundoolnn, and also a large mob of fats, trucked from Roma, to same place. Thero are a good many inquiries for purebred cattle, and I have heard of sales at very satisfactory figures. Land to select has been most eagerly looked! for for tho past month, and much disappointment is felt that the Government do not throw open the land on the head of tho Logan for selection. Prices have been offered for freehold land in these districts that a few years back would be thought fabulous, but holders seem no way desirous of selling. The near advent of the railway to those districts may have something to do with this. The calling for tenders for the construction of the first seotion of the Logan Railway as per Saturday's (Sourier has given great satisfaction,, and has demolished the current rumour that the construction of this line would oq held iv terrorem over thelieads of the electors until after the next election. Great as the boon of the completion of the first soetion of the railway may be to those living down the river, it must not be forgotten that it is absolutely uueless to those who want it moat, via. the residents of the middle and upper Logan and Albert districts, and until its completion to Logan Village, tho end of the second section, it will pot benefit us in any way. While being realtor* thankful for such an early start being wade» with our railway, we depend on Mr, Norton, to pnsh on the calling for tenders for its continuance to Logan Village and Beenteigh, as the heaviest part of the undertaking—namely,

the bridge over the Logan—may entail some delay. The surveyors nave been up making some slight deviations near Beenleigh and Logan Village lost week. While on the subject of railways I think it is a very good opportunity to get them to connect the survey from Logan Village with one of those already surveyed to Beaudesert, the terminus of the proposed Logan line. Signs of prosperity meet you in every direction in the shape of new and permanent buildings, and many more are kept back through the scarcity of timber. Mr. Drynan is building a new hotel at Logan Village near the proposed site for the station, and there is a probability of a second ono being built near the same placo. They arc building a Roman Catholic chapel at Kerry, Albert River, and I am told that Bishop Dunne intends visiting Southport and Nerang very shortly for the purpose of opening tho new chapel at Southport and to hold confirmation. Our show is to be held at Bcenlcigh in September, and money has been substituted for certificates for second prizes. It is considered by many that it is very injudicious not to advertise the programme of tho show in an agricultural paper such as the Queenslander. Mrs. Sullivan, the teacher of Tambourine school, has resigned, and Miss M. A. Wheelor is appointed in Tier place. A meeting was held at Tambourine yesterday for the purpose of appointing a committee for Tambourine Mountain Provisional School, when Messrs. M. Yore, T. Callaghan, and John Price were nominated. The much-spoken-of cricket match between Tambourine and Flagstone Creek Cricket Clubs came off on the Tambourine ground on Saturday week last. The day was beautifully fine, and there was a large attendance. The Flagstones wore captained by James Oats, and H. Harrop did the honour for the Tambourines ; and he having won the toss sent the Flagstones to the wicket to the bowling of B. Flanagan and David Watt, who were never in better form, the three first wickets falling for 0, the innings closing for 16, four ,of which were byes. W. Barnes, with 5, was the highest scorer. The Tambourine men went to the wickets to tho bowling of W. Harrison and G. Dennis. The most noticeable feature in this innings was the splendid display of cricket made by B. Flanagan, Harrop (captain), and G. Franklin, with 35, 22, and 10 respectively to their credit. The innings closed for 81 runs. Potts distinguished himself most for the Flagstones, bowling three and catching three. The Flagstones then took the bat, to the bowling, as before, of B. Flanagan and D. Watt, and having 05 to get to save a one innings defeat. W. Barnes and B. Harrison played extremely cautiously, till at length Harrison was given out leg before wickot after scoring I. Auld took his place, when the same cautious play was adopted, and stonewalling was the game ; the utmost efforts of the bowlers to dislodge them were in vain, and it seemed that after all the game would be a drawn one. The Tambourine captain was equal to the occasion, however, and changed tho bowlers, himself taking one end and A. Flanagan the other. This wns most disastrous to the Flagstones, as Flanagan in his first over bowled and caught Barnes—who retired with a well-played 11 —and accounted for six more wickets in a very short time. The only player who made any stand was Joe Ball, for 10, when a hot one from Harrop sent him to the shade, the innings closing for 43, thus giving the Tambourines a victory by one innings and 22 runs. The Flagstones play Watcrford on next Saturday near Waterford, when they hope to retrieve their laurels. The Tabragalba board will hold their next meeting at Beaudesert, on Thursday, the 17th instant, when important business will come before the board. The health of the district is excellent. IPSWICH, May 5. A SPECIAL meeting of the council was held last night at half-past 7 o'clock to consider the applications for a manager of the waterworks. There were thirty applicants, most of whom had forwarded numerous testimonials, and it was a quarter to 1 o'clock in the morning before the matter was decided. The various applications were road seriatim, and eight were picked out; this number was again reduced to three. At this point tho tug of war commenced, and a long ana animated discussion ensued regarding the qualifications of the parties in question. The choice ultimately fell upon Mr. Jamos Clements, an employe in the railway workshops. A number of the employes engaged at the Ipswich woollon factory met at the Railway Hotel last night for tho purpose of presenting Mr. Berry, the late manager and secretary, with a handsome marble clock as a mark of their esteem for the able and courteous manner in which he had discharged Mb duties during his term of office. Mr. Berry thanked them heartily for their gift, and felt that he was not worthy of such a testimonial, as he hod only tried to do his duty to tne company and all Eirsons employed by them. After the presention, a very pleasant evening was spent by -the company. The Polk Company opened in tho School of Arts to-night in the " Stratetrist." There was only a moderate audience. This is no doubt owing to the high prices charged for admission —namely, 55., 35., and 2s. Tho people of Ipswich do not believe in expending so much money on an entertainment. The ruling prices here are 35., 25., and la., and any company attempting to charge more than that may expect to meet a very thin audience. The members of the company fully maintained the high encomiums passed upon them by the metropolitan Press, and everyone present indulged in a good hearty laugh. The women —Johanna Heffernan, Susan Honan, Nora Horan, and Ellen Lydia Honan —who were charged with the larceny of £34 from the residence of Ferdinand Huch have all been discharged. Mr. Alfred Foote. of Messrs. Cribb and Foote, stated that he had changed a £20-note for the youngest of the accused, but had paid it into the bank with other moneys. The prosecutrix did not know the number of any of the notes, so that its identification was a matter of impossibility. SURAT, May G. THE town is full of racehorses, owners, trainers, jockeys, and mctallicians ; hanging on to their skirts is an "ignoble army of what is known to the initiated as " pushes." The last-mentioned threatened to be a nuisance by making use of unparliamentary language in the streets, but our new chief, Arthur Macdonald, was equal to the occasion ; ho went for them tho first night, and lodged Beda, the onelegged acrobat (who has a fine command of the vulgar tongue) in durance vile, and the next

morning the police-magistrate shot Beda to the tune of £2155.; and having, established a funk, Mr. Macdonald has had no further trouble with them. The police have since been reinforced by two. Benhamo's Circus will be here on Monday, and perform on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. From Surat thoy go to Roma and return to Brisbane, playing at Yeulba, Miles, and tho principal places on the road. They were highly spoken of at St. George, and were extensively patronised. There are eighteen racehorses at Mr. Phillips's Tara's Hall, four at Mr. Lawton's Royal Hotel, and two at Mrs. Naylor's Commercial Hotel. Mr. H. H. Smallridge sold tbe admission to the racecourse paddock to Mr. T. Jones on Saturday for £20 10s., and if the weather keeps fine I anticipate a grand meeting. CLARENCE AND RICHMOND, May 5. There have been a few showers of rain this week, with alternate clouds and sunshine. The nights are cool and pleasant, and tho mornings foggy. There is abundant "grass everywhere on runs and selections, and stock are in excellent condition. The prospects of the winter are also very fair. Tho cottage hospital recently erected at Lismore is succeeding pretty well, and only requires local patronage to make it a popular institution in that town and surrounding district. The inhabitants of Maclean, Lower Clarence, are endeavouring to erect a cottage hospital in their rising town. At a public meeting lately held there an influential committee was formed to collect funds for this purpose. On Wednesday evening last, over seventy gentlemen entertained at a grand banquet at Southgate E. W. S. Hayley, Esq., J.P., on his departure from the Colonial Sugar-mill there to the management of that same company's larger mill at Chatsworth Island. He was also presented on the occasion with an address, signed by seventy-four persons. The Grafton Lighting Company recently purchased a lot of land for their works, and entered into a contract with Mr. Coward for the erection of gasworks, offices, &c. The provisional directors advertise a meeting of shareholders on the 23rd instant for the election of directors, &c. It is high time a town of the importance of Grafton should be lighted with gas. The Grafton Rowing Club—the only one of the kind in the district—held a special general meeting on Tuesday last at Rush's Hotel. From its report it appears that at the present it has thirty-six active and fifteen honorary members. It is about to give orders to Mr. Morrow, of South Grafton, to build four 22ft skiffs; and has just issued a programme for its fourth quarterly regatta, to be held on the Queen's Birthday on the Clarence River, near the City of Grafton. It offers some valuable prizes and trophies to successful contestants. A considerable number of the citizens of Grafton met at 8 o'clock yesterday evening in the Freemason's Hotel to present Mr. R. Page, late of the Grafton Argus, with a complimentary address, accompanied with a purse of sovereigns, on the eve of his departure to Casino to take charge of tho Richmond River Express. The Montague-Turner English Opera Company, numbering thirty-five performers, arrived at Grafton yesterday. They will open their entertainment to-night.