Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 5 May 1883, page 709

Football Clubs.


The seventeenth annual general meeting of tiie Brisbane Football Club was held in the Brisbane Gymnasium on the 26th ultimo, when about fifty gentlemen were present. The chair

was occupied by Mr. George MarkwelL, in the unavoidable absence of the president, the Hon. K. I. O'Doherty, M.L.C. The minutes of the last general meeting having been read and confirmed, Mr. Thomas Welsby, hon. sec., read the annual report, which was as follows :— Your committee have much pleasure in presenting the seventeenth annual report of the club. In consequence of an interruption during the months of July and August your members were unable to play the whole of tho games that had been arranged in the usual season's fixtures. The total number of matches that took place under the Melbourne rules was seven, resulting as follows:—Four won, two lost, and ono drawn. This your committee regard as satisfactory, considering tho impetus that had been given the game in 1881, and also the increased strength and position of the other city clubs. Two Rugby games also were played with the Wallaroos, both of which your players lost In the Intercolonial (Rugby) contests that took place in Sydney your club sent eight representatives, and it is a matter of congratulation that so much praise was given not only to the team combined, but to individual players. Should the New South Wales footballers be enabled to visit Queensland during the present season, it is to be hoped the Brisbane club will do all in its power to return that kindly spirit and good fellowship that was so notably shown to all the Queensland players whilst in the sister colony. Owing to the increased number of junior players enrolled, your committee were enabled to send out a second twenty, the number of matches played by them being four, three of which went to their credit. Your committee would advise that strenuous efforts be made this season to keep up the interest of young players, by giving them every opportunity of meeting other juniors, for nothing tends so much to the promotion of a club as the encouragement and help given towards those members who may not be enabled to play in flrst-oiass matches. The combined sports passed off very creditably in October, your members being but fairly successful in some of the oventa. The funds still remain unsatisfactory, owing, no doubt, to the heavy strain brought upon the club at the opening of the season. Your committee trust that the ensuing season may be a prosperous one, and that your members will act with one accord, not only to advanco the interest of the olub itself, but to render the winter pastime the most pleasant recreation that can be desired. The foregoing report was adopted on the motion of Mr. H. Mac Donnell and Mr. F. Foster. The next business was the election of officers and committee, with the following result :— President, Hon. K. I. O'Doherty, M.L.C.; vice-presidents, Messrs. J. O. Bourne, K. Burrell, and G. Markwell; Hon, secretary and treasurer, Mr. Thomas Welsby; assistant secretary, Mr. F. Baynes ; Committee, Messrs. H. Pritchard, F. Foster, J. Morton, C. J. Budd, and F. Baynes. Twenty-six new members were elected. Wallaroo Football Club. The annual meeting of the above club was held last night week at the Oxford Hotel, the president, Mr. John Hardgrave, occupying the chair. There were about forty members present. The hon. secretary, Mr. J. Stafford, read the following report :— Your committee have much pleasure in sub mitting their third annual report. During the season of 1882 seven first-twenty matches under Melbourne Association rules wero played wlth the following results—three won, and ono last. Under tho Rugby rules two matches wore played, both of which wcro won. Your committee feel satisfied that tho above good results are mainly due to the more united play shown on the field by

the representatives of your club, and trust that during the ensuing season you will attend practice regularly, and so maintain the prestige you have so well earned. Owing to the visit of the Rugby team to Sydney, where they were most hospitably treated, our programme was not carried out in its entirety. In the combined football sports held in October last, your success was quite as assured and remarked as in the previous year. Out of sixteen event you secured eight first, five second, and five third prizes. This, wo think, is highly satisfactory, when we remember there were four competing clubs. We have much pleasuro in congratulating the committee who brought the last annual sports to such a successful issue, and commend the zeal and untiring energy displayed by Mr. T. Welsby, the secretary of that committee. At our last annual meeting it was resolved that to promote esprit de corps, trophies should be awarded to the four players who should preeminently distinguish themselves, and the choice now lies with you. Your committee, while thanking Messrs. Shaw and Co. for their handsome offer of a valuable cup to become the property of any club winning nine matches in succession, cannot but wish that their terms had been less stringent, as among olubs evenly matched the conditions imposed may leave the trophy unclaimed for years; and yet we cannot but admit that, after winning six of the required nine games, we must put ourselves in an invidious position by complaining now. Your committee would wish to impress all members with the necessity of putting forth their best efforts during the ensuing season by regular practice to win the few matches requisite to secure the cup you have so long and trustily hold. Your committee desire to thank the president, Mr. John Hardgrave, for his handsome and useful gift of a dressing tent for the use of tke members. The report was adopted. The treasurer's statement showed a deficit of £1 14a. 7d., against which there was the amount of £2155. due for subscriptions. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers, with the following results: President, Mr. John Hardgrave; vice-presidents, Messrs. Pinnock and O'Connor; hon. secretary, Mr. J. Stafford; hon. treasurer. Mr. P. Hardgrave; committee, Messrs. Ransome. Pratten, Boyd, Macintosh, F. Hardgrave, and the secretary and treasurer. The following business was also transacted: Caps for the best players during the season were awarded to the following :—T. Pratten, E. MarkwelL F. Ransome, and F. Hardgrave, and an honorary cap was accorded unanimously to Mr. A. Ricketts. Twenty new members were elected. A committee consisting of Messrs. Ratcliffe, Kennedy, and O'Carroll was appointed to act with the general committee in looking after the interests of the second twenty. It was decided to call in all subscriptions towards putting a memorial over the grave of J. Panell, and after a cordial vote of thanks to the chairman, the meeting terminated. EXCELSIORS. The sixth annual meeting of this club was held at the Globe Hotel last night week. The chair was occupied by Mr. T. T. Kennedy, and about forty gentlemen were present. Printed copies of the annual report were distributed. This having been read, its adoption was agreed to unanimously. The report was as follows:— Your committee have much pleasure in submitting their fifth annual report. During the season five first-twenty matches were played, resulting as follows: One won, two drawn, and two lost. The second twenty played four matches, winning one, drawing one, and losing two; the. small number of matches played being accounted for by the visit of the Rugby team to Sydney. The annual football sports were held in October last, at which the club gained four first prizes, four second prizes, and one third prize. Your committee have to congratulate the club on the successful issuo of the same, the latter due in a great measure to the efforts of the secretary, Mr. T. Welsby. Your committee have to thank an "old member " of the club for his presentation of trophies, which have been awarded to Messrs. Finlay, Blattery, Moore, and Kendall, respectively. Your committee regret the loss of Mr. J. A. Finlay, and Mr. P. Kendall, whose services and zeal on behalf of the club, during past seasons, are already too well known to need further comment on the part of your committee. The treasurer's report shows the olub finances to be in a very flourishing condition, there being a credit balance of £7 3s. 11d. In conclusion, your committee can only hope that their successors in office and the members of the olub will put forth their utmost endeavours to promote the interests not only of the olub, but the Melbourne rules in particular during the coining season. The election of officers was the next business. It was resolved to invite the Hon. P. Perkins, M.L.A., to accept the position of president of the club. The following were elected to serve on the General Committee: Messrs. Moore, H. Perkins, and T. Slattery. Match Selection Committee: Messrs. Marlow, Slattery, Perkins, Moore, and Kennedy. Mr. W. F. O'Carroll and Mr. J. Welsby were re-elected secretary and treasurer respectively.