Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 26 June 1912, page 16



Miss Green, a member of the New Constitutional Society, and honorary treasurer to the Women's Tax Resistance League, London, having again refused to pay inhabited house duty for 14 War- wick Crescent, Paddington, her bookcase was sold at Messrs. Gill's auction rooms in Kilburn. Many sympathisers attended the sale, and the usual speech of protest having been made, three cheers were raised for Miss Green before the party left the auction room. A procession then formed up, headed by a waggon decorated with the colours of the Women's Tax Re- sistance League, and an open air meeting was held on the High-road, Kilburn. Dr.

Helen Hanson, who presided, spoke of the special injustice under which the voteless taxpaying women are suffering, and ex- pressed her satisfaction in finding that they are now combining to protest in this way.

In lei the tille ""anton d Berna li auen vero.ii i *«wiss sociit) of ladies num Uni g 1" m 1 îepie-.'mling ali pnito of tho ( nton of Urine his just boen foi inca in Ile Mu s eipilil to can) out a some what ongiinl seliemi on bebilt of gnl-3 ami women ihc object of the sdcielv is to prevent girls enlciinp* faetones, ufes iid Indes which ire ilready oyer troided with women workers and) -where the vivs aie therefor*» eui down to ti * ion-est limit Hie I elna society wants 5 rls to 1 ii n men s ti ades and to be rane bool 1 meiers, uupenteis, sign punt er« cliemi Is fumirs in ssenrß trav ellet», 4c Ouïs ne ilso advised to enter into ti ese 1 u mes-ses no1 only because thiv noild lw better mid ind 1 ecome m Jip« dent but ilso bec ruse the) would le of preil help to their futuie husbindi shorn ti e gills it is recommended should tie» c fiom «nong their own trade oi . rrore s cn a

The cternil fen minc conitinues to «tip) i great deal of space in tue col tuns of the Tokio Iicss, in flirt an mount of spice quite out of piopoi Ion to the repaid in which she is çen (rall) held m Iipan, where the principle ltira to be that vernon should bo sen ind no heird The "Kokumin Sbinubun,"

nnpoitint dad) paper, for ciimpl" "mplains time, the girlhood of the ptp «ent div is n it sitisfied with the homely ¿bits of its prindinothers but is iiibhint li el c\titcment, culture, and liislnon -ml incidental v huilnnds Ihc journal I* nts out tint callie bleeding npcu' lure poulti) farnnnc., sericulture, tiutK mel flow ei gardening ire all most bint ible occupitions fo joung ladies of the icon an eis Hut, nins the.«" is a notice l'c anel deplorable tciidenc) on the pait of modern v ? mg lidies to " pr-silivel) ¿le such occi pitiors and thev hasten on iver) occr-ion to "alúnate themselves fr m the enchanting and healthiui a-tmos phi of igneultuie "

Mis= Ohdvs T*r>tt and Mr A Macon «lie recently nddvsted a crowded pub le iT-ccting in tl> Towr Hall Wokingham, Ens-land Miss Tott contended thut »hie women rs a se«, lind nnnj e\eellen m ppcid lo IhcuKelves, that list dd tot in lid an average optitule for poll (Vs llieir sense of propoition m re iy«t of i alional ind lnipcnil affin« w itot on (he while ni good as men's ti id lin. rn t tint mon s seiioe oi proportion

n de teure (is it often was) did not menti millcis but, on the contrary, mide It all the less de u ible ti at women s totes should be added to men s, and tlercb) increi e our i at onal dingers Mr Maconochie emphasised the s gnificance o. He fact tint in the ji dement of many ible ind gifted wouen like the lady who hil jist idhessed tilt ni, the nlleged

'boon of the vote would he no boon to tramen but won d ne in iclinl bone both |o them ind to thw counti) as a whole

The lion Mr<= John Baale), in the* (ourse of m aihcle m the Woman's, Pbtfoim p ge of 'Hie St aid ti d' eojs - Hie lu ten) of the women's movement i emu.!) the Jiihtory of the giadual ennuiapition of women lrom the po it on of a Jnrch se\iehtiin to mm to ino of inda penitence of lum-an ii,d»pmdence witch i graelu-Ul) averting itself m VI fields utcpt e/lnt of pol tics and which even toe seem-, to be it last m sij^lifc Many uus«s hive eonUtbutel to this result, niiiif imong them the steidy growth .mons, women themselves of a \vi<h to tetreatel is lminin beings, fir-t, and as .fs-ble wivti mid moth i-, lit ivvird-,

(ne e\ce s of women over men jn tis tountr) winch closed the 'one depart-ment in active life ' to m nj of them tie movement towai-ds the lugbei « »ti n (f women the develop Bent of tie factory P)stein and the (no iii di ippcorincp of many of the old c lit M,e înduslu s and he ton tecnent foicmg of women into the labour market b) «.lieei economic pie-sure Hie "illation foi womin suffrige cm, in my tpnon bp p opeily understood only m ration to tins gre it movement as a


Mr Tovnt e\ regioti r of \cw Zeilind Uiver-itv it i meeting at the l)ceum Hub s-pol e to tile Linpne Circle cn edu «ion n lis native land ard mentioned «at the foin UiuvciKitj Colleges drew no distinction between men md women Wents J hey weie equally eligible for «egrees md tlie examiners bid no means oi cel=tin«,iii hiii«» between theil papers as these weie «mimbi) signed by a number wcode min I" 1910 theie weie 1120 "raleriahntes of whom 450 were women "lot of tle«e weie de lined foi te ichera, W iii-iii) become doctois «ind some few

«wv era

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lae St P t i-omg coi íespon lent of tie

Kandirl states tb it 40 members of the '"ixii Drnm. hive ltTpieiited the Mini

W of the Intet lor to til e the appropnate «ps foi a full consider ttion of the elums «wonen to be given elector ii rights The «ni iel Ins leplitd tint I' p quc3tior is « which he does not propose to con r»Y Russian women 110 aw ire Huit, tiiilei preeent ciieuiuitances thev have » cliance of w inning m 1 campaign foi 'te vote lliey iie lnlenselv pi lelical

M ii" turning their eneigi s 111 othei ¡tact on« but thev do not lose sight of «goal nunv of them hope ultinidtd) to «tam IliLj follow the vvonnn s mov^ ".eut abioul with intense interest

Dr AlcMndei Li iga a prominent Toitu

i""w feminist rccentl) mtioduccd into w Portuguese I'uliauient a Bill which f Inraselt diaftod on women's rights wong other important things the Bill "» for a Married WornT s Pioperty


\ct, compciis ilion for faithlessness in a lovel and the recognition of the wife is co paient with he*, husband of then clul


* tt «4 .

The Shops Act 'sus a London c\changcl will give employment lo quilc a number of women is inspectors, who'-e dill} it aviII be to look aftci the interests of women woilcis The National Insurince Act, when it come» into foi ce in July ntxl wi'l oifcr f?oinetliiiu* like IjOO desnable posts to Avomen At the competitive co: aiiimalions held rcctntl} the qualifications of tin, candidats wele shown to be t cn mole satistictoiy than was evpeclcd

* » * »

It will probably surprise many to leam that the }Oimgest dailghtei of thomas De Quincey is still alive and living it Ken tington Tho ' Cln-istrai World" men tions that she has been in comparaliv el/ feeble health for some lime In nddit on to reminiscences of lier father and his eccentricities Mi°s Do Quince}, now in her 70t'iycai, has m in} mt»iesting lecoUtclions of the hteiury lights and universit} men of note who frequLiiled her father s house in Edmbmgh duiing hci girlhood m the earhei }cais of the A ictorian era

'lhere has just died at the Convent ni Woodstock load 0\ford, the fust Avomm to take the lebgious aovvs in the Chinch of England since the Reformai ion New man in 1S40 wrote of Pusey as cagpi about setting up «beers of mut}, and on June 0, 1841, Marian Rtbccta Hughes, tht diughtei of a Glouccstcishue îettoi, to )k Hie vows ¡is an Anglitan nun bli J was a woman of preat force of cliaiactei gioat cap icity for organisation ind gov ern ment, and remarl able cncigj Beginiiiri, m ii small house m bt John s sheet 0\ ford her sisteihood-with its schools for pooi orphin girls, for einleben of 0\foid tradesmen ind foi girls of the uppei classes its punting office (from AVlnch issued foi man} a ears a Coin cul AIagi7inn of considerable bleiai} raeul)- moved inlo a fine building, willi i simple but lu"e and beaut ful ch ipd md titcnsive grounds

No Russian women are to have votessuch is the linal decision caused bv th

forty aviso men ' composing t! e Durna Deputies »The arddfir of suffra-retlc- has received a cold reception m Russia si it able to the climate of the countrv Rus sinn women in many svays are not fo far

advanced as then English sisteie, and have sonic hardships of which they may justly complain, but the refusal to en franchise them is scarcely one

» » « .

Lnd} Theodora Davidson, this years president of tile Tiench theatre Socict}, must be wtll pleased at being nssocicteel with so suctesstul an undertaking During the season the programme ivill include the si\ pieces b» well known authors never be fore pre tule el on unj stage Hie dtter mining bilan e is given to comedies, ol which there will be 11 ind eight farces will be included, and only one traged} On AVedncsch}s and feiturda}s there arc Molicie matinees Mlle Mjrinm Dcrovc h is already m ide her name among English audiences A special course of diction and of comedy is nnripunced, under the ducction of M Bou/m It is well Inown lint the Ring wishes all those about the Court to perfect their l'icnch King Ed Avaid at one time made a very definite pro nouncement on the subject, and there avis a stoiy to the effect tint on Hu» folloAvmg diy the cioss Channel boats were full of the finest floAAer of the English ansto


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The Nobodies' Club vats inaugurated ie ccntly m England it the Ilolboin Restiur nut It can scaicely be sud to have been definitely founded yet but the icception was so laigelv attended that it ought not to be long befoie the club starts on its cireer It will form i meeting plice foi cultured men and women of all nces ind creeds It is non political and nothing in the mture of dissension will be illowed to arise It is inning Aciy high but if 1 îrge numbers join much good woil ought to be done ind if o iccess a» tends the club in

england it ovoulel be aviII if similar clubSf nppeaicd in OAoiy counti} The members must be persons who bj then scientific, hteni} artistic profc-sioml, oi other in tcicsts and pin suits haAe something of Ailuo to contribute to the common Al eil 1 lie minimum ige limit foi men is 21, for

Ai omen 25

The leccnt Conference of the In-h A\o men s National Ilinluli "issoeiation avis tA\.tromclv I uccessful It was (remark able for the inteiest of the manv sub jeets di-cussed One point Avhicth aviII ie c en c special attention in the coming j eai

is th" condition af mil way station waitmp! looms ind railway carriages These lit lei are fiequenll} cleaned m a veiy pel fnnctory manner ai Inch is i colly worse than useless heeiuse it is a gpod maxim to let slc-pnif dust lie i "Ve s a ou are going to remove it altogether It i= a pitv al o, th it something could not be done town ils miking it possible to leiAe rai'vviA cain ige Avindows open a hen ti c}

ire not in u. c

» . . »

Co edncption (st}s a ov liter in the "AAro man s ironie Companion) has done moie than inj thing else to rob miniage of its

vttnctions by divesting the man of the most of li s old time glamour nnd romance lins earlv contact willi the other se\ on a footing of equaht} which the majoi 1} of ktI students more than maintain in tcllectiiaily has tended to pioduee that contempt of the much v-muted supenon y of man tint is is a rule rc-crved tor those poRtruptril di«~oienes which mde mariiagc su h an mleiesling Acn tnie Hie «AVTitei points the moid pailiciiliuly to lit Clime d -»tates where f-he savs the genci il éducation of the völlig men is on a lelativeh low ci plane One night have thought lint in snell cace the chance of being able to wen tie brtel s" va onie] have heen an overpowenng attraction Surely tv civ woman likes to think that =hc manages her Jmsb-ynd

The Si nod of the Canton of Gnsons in session it Coire, has decided to admit women as pastors and to illovv all parishes in the canton to choo e w o ncn

elergvmen, ai ho possess the ncces, ai y univcrsitv d "ices and mord eniihfici tions Ihis step waa taken because miny of the ¡-mallei and poorer paiHies and vil-lages, Avhere the salaries ofteicel to pas tors ire small, have been without a I spiritual leader for many a eats and the I luhubitonts have been complaining Arnon:;

those wh"> oftcitd foi smajco was a Gei man English lach the Pcv (Aliss) Cei

tnide a on Petzold Avho is an AI \ ot Edinburgh Umvcrsitv and his studied theology foi scvcial }ous at Ovfoid and Conn in TJniver tie '-lie hi however Knee appljmg foi i -*wi s post accepted a similai joition at the Umtali n Church Sm 11 Heath Bunin hu, nd Will piobiblv lcmaiii n J nJ nd

A.S the qiestion of nuinicipal f-anclic foi women is to be dcilt with by the Trench Chaluba ot Dep dies bctw ecu the pie cut date on 1 1910 the Union lim e aise pom le Suffi a^c le« 1 ciiitnu. ai d the Limites dricetcui jour le Suffrage des 1 emmes aie tiieiilat ne, i One tio lune among candid iles foi liiiuueip ii councils willi îegaid to wompi s n0' t to jinrlici pale in municipal aft ins

Mrs Ileniv lawcett was the pi mop ii speal ei a* the Popln lown Hall it i Oemonsti ilion held bv the Tondon "so ciety foi Womens Suftinge Ali» lawcett seconded the following icohition -

Hint tews nieelnig of voters in the con stituenev of Popiai and otiléis dtcplv re ertt Mi fciQiic} Buxtons dcpaituie tiom his hitherto conif-tent suppoit of ti» pi ncirle of womens Riiffnge, ni I uigcntl} begs lum to do all m his powci to insure the inclusion of women in Hie promised Government llcfonn IWl Mil

said recent events had once mole lllus trated the dilemma m winch the women i movement found itself H they behaved well and in a law abiding manner lucy were toidi that they showed no desne to jxrecso th" ote If on the othei hand they biokc out into lawlessness the) were treated as children w HS* did not descrv e lo have the fi incluse I isk Mi Bunton, ' she conclu led, to follow m the btepï of tint ancestoi of his who did so much to secuie the fieedom of slave«, and help lo put into the li inds of tile worn n of laidland the powci to protect themselve'" md assisi in punf)ing the laws of their land B) giving: women the I"uliamentairv vote I thinl von do some Hung to auuse in them a seme ot nitional ícíponsibitit) md give them i higher Pen°e of the duties to the St it

winch devolve upon them as wives mel nntliTS '

* » « .

Srcal ing at a drawing room meeting he! 1 undei the auspices of the Kensington blanch of the Womens Soci ii ind Polili

eil Union, the lion Mis llaverficld dealt with sweated female labour 1 he undci

cutting of mens wages b) women was, ah» said, an economic evil wnose le bidts ifleclcd men as idversel) as women Women weie often binned foi compelinj at lowei wa^es with men, but it wis the piessurc of economic necessitv that drove most women into the lank» of vvagj earneiB, and no woman asked to be pud as little as 10/ for a 'week's -\\grk at 10


or 11 hours i eiav T'ai vas du" t<o th» fact that womans labout avis îïrumb]., paid foi it a low ct ntc than that clout bj mon, niesp"ctive of the cipacity of the wollun a\oiker Hie setting up of uni

foin wage standards irrespective of the sex of the worl cr Avas one of the objects nought to be attained bl llios" who d'"

mundell Hu vote foi women- and one tint would net he attuned until women lcecived Hit fi incluso on the s une bisis i» men

AA hen Romanes n mv jra -, io show 1 bv experiment lint women cm icid much faslei than men, ovbereis men have moro décision of "hinclci he sup] lied no p,c plaiiation ot Ins discovciv ímic'i in e\| lm ition was given bv Mi Jin es Ciichton Brown in his pipsidcnliil addiess to th

Chill "-tin«} Mjtittj at the Umveisity cf London In woman he =avs the postcnoi region of the bl uti receive-» i richci flow ot irteuil blood in men the intciioi legion The ovorl of the two i prions of the binn is diffcicnt Hie po ten n legion is munlv seiiBOt-} and conteincel with -«ecing mel, hearing The mleiior region nipludcs Hie speech centie the highci inhibitor} con ties which nie concerned with the aviII

Hld the association centres conceined Aiitli appptitie and dcsiips based upon nilpiiiil sensations Iheic i° Su Tames tlunl = a cone pondonce between the liclici bio id «iijiply of the postcnoi legion of tlip binn in women and tbtir debt ile poAvcrs oi

sensuous peiceplion, rapidity of thought, <md elliotonal t>eiisibihty, and between the ueher blood bupply of the anteuoi legion in men and then gieatei originality on the hie,hci levels of intellectual woik, the l calmer judgment, and strongei will

Eustace and Nellie MJc3 conti íbute to m I ndi<-h eontempuiai-) an artille on the subject ol a pioposed Council or Parba ment of Women, vvluuli is sometlung lil«« yin "National Council of Women llere is an outline ol the scheme -Whereas billi

cito tie collective opinion of women s to m ni) most -montant matteis bos not ei ni eleni ly ind pui>liely evprcs-ed, it is proposed to lfcccrt an and publish the opinion of women on matters that coneein the vulliic of all soits md conditions of men, women, -nul childi en, li) means of --a icpiiscntdtive Council of Women, elec ted 1) women, and i paper, to be calle 1 (piov ision lily) ""Womens Opinion" (Hie co opci ttion of existing societies, &c, would doo be nivit d )

. » » »

TI e qualifications of women who would be ele lois the methods and Conditions of Hie elections, the numbei of council

1 ir«, the ni lees anil the times for meetmt,-, the urotidme at meetings, the finan cml support required, and othei details to be discussed, is soon as convenient, by a provisional committee The Council of Women, will not elami legislative or exe cul ive or othei official authority lhq influence of the Councd of Women will

depend mjtnjy upon tue peoples i (?cog-nition that the published opinions of the)

Council of AVdnmi no sound b-daneecT" mel pi, and ii the »cn c tun j in accoicine-- witu the billie-t ideals of am1 honoinable, enliirlittiipd, and gieal uationf mel Emmie lu nlhei avoids the deamoiis o 'lit Co in ii of Women will bej published is opinuii- »iiAîc-liono, .md a» i ael»i 01} counsel*- ,,