Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 3 January 1912, page 14


The veri miden deitli of the dishn guished Poitugue e medical woman Donn. Caroline Beatru angelo who has done so much in the ciuse of women has bien íepoited Donni Carobne Angelo who w Xs the vi ídow of Dr Tanuario Barrete), her loiiain liad ittended a meeting on Oetobir 3 of the League cf Portugue e Momcn Siffragist. of which she was piesident (and ilso the founder) -ind on aeturning home became sudden!) ill In spite of medical it tindance ind othn help she succumbed to the it tack two hours, later Mie leaver, behind her a little daugher Mina Kimba, S years old Donna Angelo vi is a n itiv e ot G tar h vi here "he foi

low id .hci me heal studies passing all eliminations with every honour and dis

tinction, ind obtaining the degree of

Doctoi of Medicmc Although onlv 33 )cars of agc when she died, tins clever woman had taken a very active part in the worlds affairs Among man) otheT offices she was piesident of the Society of Humamtv and the Society of Brotheihood At ihcr funeral, which took place it Lr-bon on October 4 the v arsons societies with winch she was connected wene all represented. -

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The "Bookseller" gives some interesting paiticulars respecting Hcsbi Stretton the well known author of "Jessica's Pirst Pia) ir-'ind many other talc«, whose death occurred a lew weeks igo, when «he had attained the age of 79 vear« Hei real

panic w ia Marali ^inith ind her father was a bookseller at kellington, Sliropshne but "he herself ivis born at Church Stretton, m that couutn Her nom de plume, Hesba '"Uielton," was made up of the initial letters of herself and her four sisters and ^tietton, her home In 1859, when quite )ouug she wiote a «hört sion foi the amusement of the famrlv

'ibis lim sistir «ecretlv sent to the editor

of "llousehold Word« " Charles Dickens, leeognising its merits, proinpl) sent a cheque for £5, and request foi more stone« It wa« not till vcars later that she made her reputation with a well known stor), "Jessica's Tirst Pra)er, ' which first appeared in the "Sunday at Home," and was afterwards published in book form. It proved phenomenally sue

cessful, it was tran-lated into many Eul opean language», and the Russian Min-ister of Education was bo struck with it that lie made it a class book, in all the Russian schools Its sequel, "Jessica's mother," and "Little Meg's Chddren," were ale.0 remaikablj suqcesaful, while ' Bede's charity" and "David Lloyd's Last Will" proved very popular with the gen-eral reading public 'lwice previously her death has been reported, and she waa thus in the rare position of having twice read her own obituary.

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Women are enthusiasts m whatever they undertake The) lose themselves in what they do, and that ib why many a wealthy woman with a business bobby is lost to her home Her interests are out-side it, hence she is lost in it, and feels

so She soon becomes able to feel onl) in touch with tangible things Then one see« j erhaps some pathetic sufferer who has built up a wall for herself that is cold, hard and impervious as the wall by which she is shut out of home is unwillingl) as inemcdiably.

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Mi « ELnribeth Dutchei m actue work et m the Women s Trades Union Lcigue movement has been nominated for older man of the Torty seiond M ard one of the "kid glove districts of Biooklvn Miss Dutcher is a graduate of Packer

Institut« and of Vassal College

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Ali« Beal nee Forbe« Robertson Hale with her bah) daughter leturned from Luiope to \raerica to take up her lee ture work for equal suffrage m thal eountrv On the yoi age over Mrs Hale give i suffrage address that made a deep impies ion on her fellow passengers

Mrs Mary Cartel of Shouldhim Thorpe a village in Norfolk who his celebialed bel hundiedth birthda) has nei r been in a railway tram ind has only once seen one She hat, i «.on living aged «event) four ind i dauc,htei with whom «he resides is «eventy

The fir«t vvomaif to occup) i university chdir in Germany is Traulein Woher loi some years she in« been pnvit docent at the Lmv ersit) of Berue She had a bril

liant university career and is now called to Leipzig to be extraordinary professor ' there and to edit a periodical devoted to the mathematical and experimental sciences Her own specialitv is chemistry Fraulcin AVoler somes of a scholarly farm!) Her father a Swiss Citholic is professor of history in the Universits of Berne Her grandfathei on her mothers side was a professoi of theology \t Berne she lias been lectur mg on the problems of physical chemistry»

and of its application to biology She is

an earnest féministe and has woiked

in suprort of woman suffrage in "-"ssitzei


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The Tourth Ecumenical Conference o£ World W ide Alethodism his just been, held in Toronto It lasted fourteen davs Man) women delegates attended coining from England Australia, and all parts) of tbe world The Conference lasted four teen da) s but it was only once upon the thirteenth afternoon that nfn) woman appeared on the programme 'rat after noon was devoted to Woman's Work in the Church Airs W I naven presided and ¡Mrs Jane Bancroft Robinson and Airs lucv Rs der Meyer spoke If women did onl) one thirteenth of the woil' in the churches most of the churches would collapse even this small representa tion of women marks a gain M t! e Con ference in London ten years a0o worntn bad no part at all At the ne\t Con ference ten vears hence they will be re presented much more largely

A A otes for Women Conference is now m session at Turin Italy the president being Signora Eindia Alariana The pro rnoter« maintain that the question of wo-men s enfranchisement is of such present day interest m Italy now that the Cham bei is about to discuss political reform The Italian press refers to the leaders of the mosement as mtellectu ill) di«tm guished and «ocially important

lhe s ita! epoch making posver of New Orleans resides in its women declares the Daily Item of that cit) Within a few )ear« they hase gisen New Orleans i splendid sewerage svstem compelled tho enactment of - child labour law in Louis 1 nna and al o compelled the enactment

of a compulsor) education law

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Of the eight Massachusetts delegates present at tie National Suffrage Con sention in Louissille all but one wero college graduate« The «ingle txcc¡ tion (Airs H S Liiscomb) was the mother of a college gul and vs-is herself a gradu ate from a famous finishing school

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Dispatches from Berlin state that tim Prussian Silser Cros« of Aient for women and maidens has been bestowed upon Mr*» Anna Woerishoffei of Now York in recognition of her distinguished services in the field of social betterment

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AIi«s Gail laughlin has been appointed a member of the Colorado State Board o! Pardons She received notice of her ap pointraent from Governor Shafroth at the close of the California suffrage cam paign in which she wus an active and able participant A message of congratu lation to the women of Californn was liso sent by Governor Shafroth Miss Lauglin his returned to Denver to resume hei law practice

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The monotony of purely educational work for woman suffrage has been en= livened by the arrest, imprisonment, and release of Miss Clemence Housman, writes an English correspondent, for non pay- ment of the habitation tax. Miss Hous-man a year ago refused to pay this tax, which was only 4/6 (1.10 dollar), and during the year has had sundry notices served upon her, the cost of which brought the amount up to between twenty five and thirty dollars. The Gov-

ernment offered to eonpromise, but Miss Housman remained firm. At length she received notice that she would be ar-rested on a certain day. This was made the occasion by the Tax Resistance League of a protest meeting and a tea at the home of Miss Housman's brother, Law- renee Housman, the noted dramatist and noted suffragist, for Mr. Housman is al-ways speaking and writing for this cause

and has thoroughly identified himself with it as his own.

One of tilt most pre minent social re-formers in Amenca is Mi s lvate Barnard (of Oklahoma) who is i menibei of tho ?senate and bus the official rank of dm missionei of ti e Department of Chanties and Correction« with el ambers m tbe senate buildings Beginn c, a do/cn ¡ears ago it tho age of l8 the Alillgate Monthly tells her cms ide oi Le'all ot the poor suifeiing oi'tes-i d i d de feneele-s in the newly op ntd «( iithc n re serves of Okliihoma Ali«s Barn ii tis won-derful self devotion has joteia d ni cr

ous refom^s m the -> id lions of the masse« She is rcspon ible for three pro visions m the State Constitution of Okla-homa and 32 laws in the Statute Books, most of which were fought at every turu by laige and powerful corporate interests Of stirring oratory statesmanehii breadth of vision and widest sympathies Alisa Barnard is universally known as Kate** far beyond Oklahoma boundanea.