Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 13 February 1912, page 4



A meeting of the South Brisbane City Council was held at noon yester-day to elect a mayor for the cur-

rent year There v.ere present -Alder-men Gillespie (retiring mayor), J Allen, Hilton, Schofield, Neylan, F C Dent, Rosa, M Culloiigh, Downe, Burke Ste-phens, Savage, and the town clerk (,Mr. A. Leney )

There were also present Messrs J Allen, Hunter, and Bouchard, MM L A , the Hon A J Thynne, MLC, and several other ratepayers.

The retiring Major took advantage of the opportunity to tliank all those citizens who had so promptly responded to the letter he had sent out in connection with the strike trouble. He expressed his per-sonal indebtedness to all the gentlemen who, for the past fortnight, had worked so hard night and day for the preservation of peace and protection of property. If they had not come forward and worked as they had there would per-haps have now been a different tale to tell in South Brisbane. He also thanked his brother aldermen, all of whom, he be-lieved had been sworn in as special con-stables while he referred eulogistically to the efforts of the clerk (Mr Leney), who had spared neither time nor trouble, also the councils staff generally for the help they had given (H¡ear, hear )

The Town Clerk took the chair and an nounced the conditions of election.

Alderman McCullough nominated Alder man James Dowrie as mayor.i He was not, he said, following the usual system of nomi-nating the senior alderman. He did not believe in such a castiron system, and, in fact, was prepared to go as far as to sup-port the election of mayor by popular


On a vote being taken Aldermen McCullough, Allen, Dowrie, Neylan, and Savage voted for the nomination, which was therefore, lost.

Alderman Stephens nominated Alderman Burke, who was, he pointed out, not only the senior alderman but a man of wide experience and capacity and one who en joved the confidence of all (Hear, hear )

Aldermen Stephens, Gillespie, Dent, Hil-ton, Schofield, Neylan, and Ross voted for this nomination, and Alderman Burke was declared duly elected as mayor.

Alderman Burke expressed hi hearty thanks for the honour done him. He was proud to be mayor of South Brisbane, and would do his best for the city during his term of office (Applause )

All of the aldermen tendered congratu lotions to the newly elected mayor, and an adjournment was made to the committee room, where the toasts of " The King," 'The Mayor," and "The ex-Mayor" were
