Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 23 June 1911, page 5








The celebration of the Coronation Day of his Majesty King George V. was marked by the ceremonial and .dervotional observances appropriate to an occasion oí Empirejvvide importance. The boisterous weather conditions of the previous day had moderated, and the day was one of royal brightness land genial sunshine, albeit there was a crispness in the air which made brisk movement agreeable. Tliere was nothing, therefore, to detract from the success of the functions which had

been arranged for the occasion, but, on the obher hand, everything to induce a general participation in them. There was a complete suspension of business, and in that sense the day throughout the State was kept as a strict holiday. Queensland generally, and as one people, joined in loyal celebration of und rejoicing over the Coronation. (Everywhere t|!io promise oí the new reign, happy in its assurance of a continuation of the good of the post, was the chief thought sug-gested, emphasised alike by public devo-tional services. State ceremonial, and pic-turesque display. With a real loyalty great assemblages joined in the stirring words of the National Anthem, "God Save the King," which on this occasion lost all colour of formality, and assumed the fer-vour of a national prayer. Aa befitted the occasion, the day began wdbh, a levee by his Majesty's representative, Sir Wm. MaeGregor. This was iheld in the Legis-lative Council Chamber, and was one of the largest and most distinctive ever held in the State. Then there was an .-im-pressive service' in the Anglican Cathedral, 03 well as services in other 'churches. The afternoon was dignified by a united ser-vice in the Exhibition Grounds, which was attended by a vast assemblage. Pre-ceded by a remarkably well ordered and

imposing procession, this was undoubtedly the feature of the day^s proceedings-« truly remarkable recognition by all sec-tions of the community of the devotional ade of the Coronation. In the evening, appropriately given up to public display and rejoicing, there was a fine display of fireworks in the ¡Domain, while in the city itseH many business places were illuminated in honour of the occasion.

The city presented a thoroughly holiday appearance yesterday. The main streets were hung with flags, and State and private 'buildings and the shipping on the river were gay with bright liued bunting. The exception-and the fact was freely commented upon-was found in the abso-lute dearth of decoration in the case of Commonwealth Buildings. Wherever there was a flagpole there ivas a flag, and in some instances buildings and ships were elaborately adorned. The

chief efforts were in the direotion of day-light displays, and though there were fewer illuminating schemes carried out than at the celebration of the Coronation of the late King, what there were were striking and picturesque.. Queen-street waa especi-ally bright in tibe 'radiant sunshine, and far and near national flags Waved and flapped in the breeze. The Executive Buildings and the Treasury Buildings were lavishly adorned in this way, and the .effect WOB most artistic. The ship-ping in the river followed the «ame ex-ample, and while in the daytime they were a bl'aze of colour, at night their spars and ropes were picked out with thousands of glistening lights. The Pyramus pre-sented a dazzling sight at night, the hull, spars, and funneb, being outlined in electric

lights. The Town Hall was decorated with considerate taste, with flacsand palms, and lower down the main thoroughra?« the most attractive displays were those of Finney, Isles, and Co., tM

New.Zealand Insurance Co., and the Brisibane "Oounier." There was. a window

display, in the premises of the Australian Kodak'Co. (Baker and Rouse), which'at-tracted the attention of paasers-by. Por-traits of "¿he King and Queen were ex-hibited under a crown-shaped dome, from which rich coloured curtains fell. Above the veranda in coloured lights wa« a de-sign comprehending *he letters "G.R.,'V with tie words underneath, "Kodak's beat wishes." Ftnney's extensive arcade was prettily festooned, which gave a

channing effect. - The design adopted by | the (New Zealand Co. was also a very etCective one. Long lines of coloured lights hung from the hugh frontage, and fell in graceful curves to einher side of the build-ing, while over the spacious doorway there was a concentration of effect. The deco-rative ironwork crowning the "Courier" verandas- was interlaced with coloured drap«ng8, on which were stamped the like« nesses of the King and Queen, while over the corner worked out in coloured lights were the,Royal initials, the whole dc8;gn forming a'conspicuous feature in the stieat decorations and illuminations. There were few premises unadorned. Allan and Etirk's, Chapman and Co., Pike Bros., and Birry and Roberte, were all brightened with flags and drapings of the national colours. Back from wie main thorough-fare were not a few attractive displays. Penhaps the moat elaborate of these was ! at the Railway Offices, where the design ¡ for illumination took the appropriate form | of a locomotive worked out in color/red

lights. The scheme followed at Messrs. Hoffnung and Co.'s was highly effective. Each division of the different stories was marked by a line of roil, white, and blue, while over eaoh doorway was bung a golden crown. Over the main entrance was a device, which included the initials G-ll., a glittering Imperial crown, and a, rihiold enclosing portraits of the King and' Queen and the words "God Save the King." The premises of Kronheimer, Ltd., was ¡hung with notional flags, which were

effectively -draped over the doorway and the Windows, while a transparency had inscribed upon it "God Save the King.'' The A.U.S.N. Co. sheda, not far distant, | were hung with flags and bunting, as also were the principal wharves of the Ade-laide S.S. Co., the Howaivl Smith Co., I and such of. their steamers as were moored

thereto. In the vicinity of Ann-street the principal displays were those of the I Salvation Army and the Fire Brigade, which both attracted a good deal o? at-

tention. Tile dome of the station was swathed in red, white, and blue, and at effective intervals were decorative drap!ings with flays, while at tile comer there was a design in golden letters of the letters "GIR.'M." over the brigade's motto "Heady, Aye, Ready." Tho now People's Palace, fast approaching completion, was elaborately trioked out with bright coloured flags and hangings, and appro-priately patriotic devices. (Beyond the ri ty proper there was more ¡reliance upou

fl*gs^ and decorative displays were lew and far between. Mesar«. M'Whirter and Son had a Ooronaition window, which looked well both by day and night. It wis furnished as a throne-room, while approaching the Royal chairs were richly robed waxen figures of peera and peer-esses. Messrs. T. C. (Bairne and Co., like other large business houses, hung ¿win their flagstaff the national flags.
