Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 25 January 1911, page 5






di meeting of the South Brisbane City Council was held at noon yesterday, the tuiaiiie»s being to elect a ..eayur lui- tec ensuing year. There were present : Alder-men G. A. ¡savage (the retiring .Mayor), J. Davies, li. Xeyian, G. 11. ¡»eholield, U. li. ülocksidga, A. Gillespie, vv. Ko»s, D. JA. .M'Gitllougu, G. A. Lowrie, J. E. jJitrke, J. Allen, mid L. Stepneus. There was u good uumduuee of the public, tlioso picseui including Jlessrs.-E. 11. .vlacuitney, J. Allau, and V. Hunter, M.M.L.A., Alaerman P. Fleuung (Urisbanc), Messrs. ii. IS. Wareham, K Baynes, and J. J-J.


The town clerk took the chair, and as returning otlicer announced the return unopposed ot Alderman J. Davies, .\. Gillespie, G. A. Savage, and D. JJ. -M'Cuilough as reprcseiitulives ot .\os-. 1, 2, 3, anci 4 Wurus lespectivety lor the ensuing three years. lu doiug so he mentioned Hutt the same geiitlenii-ii nail boen return-

ed unopposed turee years ago. The next I business, he sind, was tlie eleelion .of


Alderman Burke proposed that Alder-man'Gillespie be Ma} or for Hie ensuing


Alderman Schofield seconded th's j mut ton, und ou it being pul to the vote j Aldermen Savage, Allen, ,-iephons, HiirKe, Ross, (»ehoiielii, Neilin), and Gillespievoted tor it. llii» constituted a nuijoiiiy, and Aliteimuu Gillespie was ¡it once de-claren elccccu, whereupon he was conduct-ed to the chair b} Aldermen Burke and


Alderman Savage, us retiring Mayor, congratulated the- new Mayor on his ap-pointment. The aldermen ¡is a body, he s-uid, iiud every confidence thal the new Mayor wouid do ins best for South Bris-bane, and he wished him prosperity and a successful tenu. (.Hear, hour.)

Aldcrmim Schofield offered his congratu-lations und assured the Mayor of the sup-port of a majority of the council.

Alderman Hurke said it wa« the general opinion that the office of Mayor should go round the wards, and it was the turu of Alderman Gillcspie's ward. He was sure he would be a good Mayor.

.Aldeiman Allen stud they could look forward hopefully to a prosperous year under .Mayor Gillespie'« guidance.

Alderman Davies said that although he had not voted for Alderman Gillespie he would give bim all the support possible. Ile advised the new Mayor that financiifly he had a difficult year ahead. No doubt he would overcome those difficulties as ho had done in the .pim, but it would be un-

wise to revise the rates.

Alderman Dovvrie said he lind not voted for'Alderman Gillespie, as he did-not be-lieve in the office of Mayor going lound the words. l!e thought llie-be»t mini avalable should- be elected always. He would i.evei-thelp..s," ».ive tho new Mayor eve:y suy?port. - ."

Alderman M'Cirilou'h expressed views .simi.'nr to Alderman Dowrie, and faid he would vive loyal fiipptrtto t,.e i.ew Mayer.

Alderman "liYiss said he was sine Alder-man* Gillespie was capable of filling the position cu'.alriy and tfricienlly.

Alderman Neylun said some mijhl think the positiou should have goi.e io one who had no1 previously" occupied it, but he con-gratulated the Mayor, nficl hoped his term would be one of prosperity for teouth Bris-bane; "

Alderman" Stephens- congratulated the. Mayor and Mayoress, in .whom lu- Lad every confidence. He hoped alderu.mi wouid he kept strictlly within Hie pro; cr

bounds/'of debate.

Aldeiman Bh.cUsidge said it would not do, he'supposed, for bim to leave without a word, and so, as his ward colleague, le loiiirratuhted Alderman Gillespie. Peihaps he (Aldermen Bloek-ddge) fen soinewlut disappointed in not having beenepliiced in Hie position himself. Four )enrs ago Alder, man Gillespie hud, been Muv'c.r, and eight yeal«, ago he (Alderman 'Dlcick-idgl.') ltsd been Mayor. .Since then he bud done his

-bjesi'for tlfe council,, anti,ttvilM they.cxcupjT i ion. of .one -b*irh'-ni :,lr»f-5,"hV';Jjad hean ' Irai! thought,ITiat his linn hitd coiné lound again. He ha«, However, osked'no lnnn.for ¡i vote, nor had any one spuken to him on the .subject. He recognised now that it was a matter for serious coii»iderat.onhaving'done his duty, waited his turn'; anti his fellow aldermen having rctu»ed to put bim in -n question for lum, mid ho would have to seriously consider something else. He would not say, more -just-then, exce-pting to say that he thought 'he had not lund a fair deni at the hands of,Alder-man Gillespie, or the other aldermen. He recognised Hint, whilst his services .might be acceptable, to them as n colleague, tney were not iiivpnieiitly acceptable as Mayor, and poK-ibly the best thing he.could do .would he to get out and occupy his time somewhere else. Possibly some aldei-men thought- he had been in the council len -' .enotiih. At liny rate, he had made up his mind that he would not wail unother four years, and then .see if, the position would or would not be offered to him. Me con-

gratulated the Mayor on behalf r.f the' council and ratepayers, and trusted his

year would be successful.

Alderman Gillespie thanked the alder-men heartily and sinceielv. He had asked no mun for a vote, he said. He had al,w,tys done his best, and never shirked his .»liare ot the work. (Heat1, hear.) Under ,the new Local Authorities' Act they hud a hard task ahead, ¡uni he asked aldermen, to seriously " consider the matter ' of finances. On behalf of the Mayoress' and hiniS'jlf he thanked them, ami assured, them that he and his wife would do their best for South Brisbane. (Hear, hear.) As he had to leave this week for Mel-bourne to attend ¡i conference in connec-tion with the builders' labourers' strike, he would ask Hiern to appoint a Depntv

Mayor to act in his absence.

It was agreed, on the motion of Aldernina Stephens and ¡Schofield, that Alder-man Savage act as Deputy Mnvor duri iii: the year. I,

Al the invitation of the »Mayor, those present. then adjourned to the committee loom. Alderman Savage proposed the health of the new Mayor and -Mayoress, the toast being supported bv Messrs. Allan, Hunter, Macartney. MM.L.A.. nnd

J. M. Davidson. The Mayor' proposed tile health of the retiring Mayor, mid Alder-man Schofield propo-ed " The Visitors^,' coupled with the name of .Vdeimnn Fieuiiiig. .