Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 4 August 1910, page 6



fie current p-og-amim: at the T&2at-o Bornl can onlj be repeated to-iuept cují Co morrow muht as On batunßv there mill be an entire elrange, arel Ulis» leihe Power <souorette) ¡mel VIr ¡Wa Moid (enciman and ex»ii«itin) will io n the compani In addition new moving racttn-rs wall be' shewn .\ lance audience gathered in Hie tlicatro lan rj-ght find the varied «pee nit cs vv-re hcartilv eniovea Tue seines of Broun and ¡Robinson were kec-nli np preciatrd, and -imoiKr other verv p .pillar items vere the contributions of the Trjvares, Kelso (Brothers, Tito D-is-olla eVIr Frank lung, tile 1 -uiiirp, oliss Florrie Ranger, llarloive f-isten,,

enid elliss Pturl lovell


There W03 a good attendance at West's -ver Oljinpij vestonUv afternoon, when Ibe usual nu Invveek matinee vvlia given The varied pro «r-amine Mas well received, applait-c being ire eiuent oiKl ¡nearti Teure was anoUver U'ge audience in the vening, when the programme vus ímallj pre-uited Phc pictures dealt wiih, a -vvide range« of suojects, aiid nil tilt films proved yes} ettn-ctiuc It is announced that rhe weekly change ot rircgratnme will oe seo milted this Dvenirg, Mlhen the principal leature will be a scnsatioral series .entitled "Boifalo J»U.'V V>t leUJI ^J i. . ' IvING'S PICTtjREÇ

The Ijceçm nos well filleij,lasjt pglit, when IvinsfifTittBres prt=ente3 a icrj attractive pro-gramme, the flinn, dealing with dramatic scenic, comic industrial, and other subjects "The bn changing Sea" was one of the be*t of the dmnatic subjects, some excellent scenic views being introduced ¿mon? other popiUar items were ' Hie It in in the liol," ' The Bride of the Haunted CVtle " "Victor Boats on Hie Danube,"

V s,r(iinijn Love Utair, ' 'The Child an 1 the tiddler ' "The Gip1} Girls Love,' ami "Prison before Starvation " The illustrated sonpi were alvo -well received Hie picture» wall be exhibited again this evening

. Tilt IvLNt. OF avlÜOMA "

The-c «iii be vnlv two more opportunities of ¡w sncysinj; the popular musijal pUv, "Ice hai~s of tsuclonia," as vhe piece will only be pre-sented to night and to morrow night, übe Utter being the concluding perfonnarre of the sejsua The play has been d-vcrfns good houses ail the weeli, .md last evening »as no exception The two acts proved to öe brimful of intereslintí I scenes and amusing incidents and the generous testified to the enjoyment of those vacsent Considerable interest wus er.meed in the '"?Danse des Apache»" :n toe second act, and Mi« Sargent tuid ilr alert Gilbert were wonnl} applauded for their performance


Mr J C AV tllianison has decided to in-augurate the season of the Boral Coolie Opera Osnijunv at Mit. Jlajcátv's Theatre next batur da) everanff -with a sinei revival of " Tne Orchid," yviuch. avis a bigger suocess on its recent revival m Melbourne than it was on ita ¡irst presentation A llelbpurne oantemporor} writes - -Leery peint is tallen, and every neinber encored Dir Bertie Wright, Jlr Langford hjrbv, and iMiss Florence 1 le iully justit} choir Knghsi reputation m thor original parts, -wtailst ili-s Florence loung, Mies ¡Fannj Dango, Nellie Wilson and Connie "Milne keep up ihe reputa-tion of the Bov al Cannes, and aid considerable* in the oucceas >>f Hie piece Tiie revival of 1 Tile Orchid' tnav be regarded as the crown ing Riicccss of the Melbourne season." " The Orchid" will be plavcd for sit nights only The box plans are now open at PttUng's


The varied collection of films screened in the Foresters' Hall, Valley, lost night, was viewed bv a large audience, and the mam fine sets were watched with the greatest interest Some of the more popular items were "Lieut Rose and the Gunrunners," ' Benares," "Capital v Labour," "Tenderfoot's Triumph," "Love and Dut}," and "Hie -Angel of Dawson's Claim " The programme will lie repeated to night,


The Besses o' til' Bjrn Band will revisit Bris bane for a short season, commencing next V\eJ ncÂdaj eiening, submitting fresh programmes on that and four subsequent evenings at the inhi-bition Grounds A special pcriorniance is an nounced for bnturda} afternoon at the exhibition Hall The perforuiance» will be under the direc-tion of Messrs J. and N Tait As au exposi-tion of brass band music the performance given b) the Beasts o' th' Barn Band Is deserving of ver} great praise Lverj member of the band is à picXcd instrumentalist, and the conductor, Mr Chris. Smith, has so trained lila fdrces m the sense of tone-colour that the tint, of light ond shade are judiciously restrained and well propor

tioned I


St. Leon's Circus will commence a short Bris bine seobon on Monday night at the location in Elizabeth street. Iii«; compon} is headed b} the St Leons, on acrobatic tioupe, and among the other artists are the Jtcntfros, Hone} and Cherry (g}innasts). Miss Phiiipina (lad} somersault tiller), Grandorts and Clueito (pantomimists), Sole Sisters (ceiling and wire walkers), clowns and

dummies, and others. The braes band is said to be an important feature of the show,


A varied programme will be submitted at the Amphitheatre, in Wickham street, next Saturdav night, when ¿ohrab Effcndi, tile Egrptian magician, will appear in conjunction with t!i5 Macmillan Lnteuainers One of the features of the entertainment will be the sensational performance of Mr Carl Schultz, who, it is announced, will appear in a realistic hanging act. 4s some patrons mav prefer not to witness this act, the management has arranged for It to take place at the close of the Performance in an adjoining teni", and it is announced that the gallows may toe inspected before the act takes place Owing to the danger attending this feat it will ont} be performed on Saturdav night.


Barton Brothers' combined show is billed to open it the Central Jiaf.way Station iiext Satur-dav night for a season of »even nights only Since the last visit to Brisbane it is announced that the compau} has been reorganised by the introduction of 20 no« artists. A special feature will de the buckjumping exhibitions, and inducements will be offered bv the manage-ment to countr} visitor* It is stated that £50 will be offered to any one who can sit the outlaws Sandfl} or Sk}siraper for three minutes in a pole} «adelle Other buck»umn,ra with the show «re Bainev, the South African mule. Mick} Mulga, Tommy Burns, Cobbiet}, and Dangci. .


In the biograph adaptation of 'The Life and Adventures of John Vane," to be presented at the Centennial Hall on Saturday night by Mr. Edward Carroll, the comic element is not for-gotten, for the scene in which Vane is shown

bailing up a Chinaman and discovers the booty hidden in the horse's tail, and the various ruses of the Celestial to avoid detection of the plant are not without their humorous side. Most attention however, is paid to the sensational. The story will be told by Mr Albert Lucas.


A fe tival of music will be held in the Exhibition I oncert Hall next rhursdaj e ening, \ugest 11 The artists alreidv engaged are Mr Philip Newburv (tenor), Madame Lmil} Spada / american «oprano), and Miss Hílela Itobert* («olo pianiste) Other engluements are pending md Mr Hoben Ka} e has been engaged as musical c'ircctor The box plan will be on view at Paling s on Saturdav morning


On the Glieteway Pink, South lin-bane, to-night, the Brisbane Bowing Club will hold a skating evening Competitions for graceful skating In addition to the general skating are on the programme *i largo attendance is ex-pected '


It is announced b} advertisement that the Woolloongibiu Oonünentals will be resumed at the Brisbane Cricket Ground r-"xt Satúrelanight \ varied prig-rammo has been arrai gi 1

and it os anticipated that the Continentals will become as popuiir as tiiev did last season