Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 19 February 1910, page 16


The Archbishop of Brisbane will leave by tue mail train this morning for Allora. He will preach there to-moirow morning .nd evemng,"and will hold a confirmation service in the afternoon. The Archbishop , W.Ü1 return to Brisbane on Monday, and , will deliver the third of his Lenten ad-

dresses in St. Luke's on Wednesday after-noon. On Thursday his Grace vriii con-duct . a "confirmation service in Christ Church, Milton.

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? TJ.''^le news of the accident to Archdeacon Rivers, pablislied in yesterday's "Courier," was received with general expressions of regret, especially in Anglican circles, the Archdeacon being widely known and very popular. At the tims of ?the' accident he was on a general visitation of the parishes in the northern part of the Di/jceso. News fiom Gympie received at Bishopsbourne last iriglat was to the effect that Archdea-con Rivers was slowly recovering conscious-ness, and the doctor was more hopeful.

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A meeting of the parishioners of St. Mary's Church was held on February 12, when it was decided to fall, in with the propugal to present a testimonial and ad-dress to Dr. Carroll on the occasion of Iii» consecration, to bo held shortly in Lis-more (writes our Grafton correspondent!.

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The services at the Brunswick-street Methodist Church last Sunday were laigily attended, the occasion being the anniver-sary of the Christian Endeavour Society. The Hw. J. Williams oiheiated in the niorning,vand Mr. J. II. Harrison at night. A very successful meetina v\as held on 'Monday night, when the secretary's retort showed an increase of 15 active memoers, and a most encouraging average attendance during the year.

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At a church meeting held in the Wind-sor Congregational Chuich last Wednes-day evening Hie letter conveying the call from the South to the Rev. J. J. Willinga was read. Mr. Wiliings slated, however, that the had already declined the invita-tion. This information was also conveyed to the Bowen Hills Church al the meeting an Thursday evening. Much satisfaction has been expressed at tim pastor's deji


The Rev. M. Higlett, who has^ resigned ' übe charge of the Albion Baptist Church,

will close bis pastorate at the end of the

present month.

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The Brighton-road Congregational Church, rendered vacant by the drpartu.e of, the Rev." A. J. Griffith. M.A., has addressed an urgent call to the Rev. F. Binns, of the Redfern Congregational Church, New South Wales.

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Fresh interest is being aroused by the work of the Weat End Gospel Mission, ¿"udging by the increased attendance. Last

undny the congregations were much -" larger than for the yabt two months.

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The, meetings in connection with the Coug'ogüiiuiial Un.on 'f Autitraletia, were very successful (sayB a ¿southern pnper^. -Tlie paper* and uddresses were of a high order, but the projiamme was too crowded to udmit of proper discussion. As <i result of the meetings, it i< likely that 'more uniform action wil be taken by the

vni ¡oils State - Unions in the mutter of training men and safeguaiding the en-trance to the Congie4,kvUonal ministry. Considerable stimulus was given to the home and foreign mission work of the chinche-, and able papers, bciring on the piescnt theological tn-nd of Congregat on.ilisin, wer j by Reis. J. Reed Glasson and M. L. John-.on, B.A. The quettion of union of the chuicucs received sympathetic treatment, and the following resolution was unanimously carried :-" That this union expresses, eveiy s>mpithy willi the efforts being made iii New South Wales and Victoria to arrive at some ba-.s o union between the Methodist, Presby-terian, and Congregational Churches, ap-preciates the spirit in which the negotia-tions are being conducted ami earn.stly hopes that as a result of tl^e negotia-tions, it I o.jes Ulah,'> as a J result of those. , negotiations, lit may-'btfuome possible to di) belter work for God." The iesoiiitioci wai

proposed by Rev. W. 'L7 Pattison, and seconded by Rev. Dr. tipyan, ' ,

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.'At the invitation of Mrs. C. S. Fiaser, / of Roscrea, Harcdurtfstt eetr, Teneriffe, the

members of the 'Jireh »Baptist Sewing Guild assembled a few days ago to do honour to-'lhetr president, Mrs. Walton, who will shortly leave for Sydney. 11b. Hooker - (secretary), on behalf of the ladies, presented Mis. Walton with a ban 1bag and set of cake forks as a token of their love and esteem. The recipient feel-ingly responded. During the afternoon dainty refreshments were served. . Those present wcie : .Mesdames Walton, Cham-bers, Bui-nnrd, Miu-fin, Sands (2), Craw-ford, Wilkinson, Morgan, Flemming, Cook, and Hooker, Misses Walton, Sunds, and Taylor.

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Dr. F. Innes gave an address on mis-sion work at the Aïbert-Btreet Church Christian Endeavour Society on Thursday evening. The Rev. G. E. Rowe presided, and there was a good attendance.

Sunday last was' a busy day for the superintendent of the Joyful News Mispion., At 0.45 lie conducted service at athe Diamantina Hospital, at 11 lie offici-ated' at the Mission Hall, Brunsvvickstieet, and at 3 at Stafford on Kedron, «lhere he conducted a memorial service in 'the Methodist Church for tllie late Mrs. Masters,, one of the oldest members of the church, and an old identity of the d strict. Rev. J. B. Johnson was formerly minister of the church. A large congre-gation was present. At nig'it Mr. Johnson conducted the People's Service in the Volley, this service also being. well at-


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Since the arrival of Evangelist Mudford on December 2, under engagement to the Brisbane Pmreh of Oiris»; there have boen, seven converts baptised, and one member . restored, and un increased interest in all

departments'of Church work.

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Evangelist Wren, whose engagement will cease at the end of April, lias intimated to the Boonah Church of Ohrist that ho will not be open for re-engagement with

that church.

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Mr. <3. n. Browne, evangelist at Bel-more, Sydney, who is visiting Queensland for his annual liolidays, last week con-ducted a series of successful ' gospel meet-ing« in the chapel at Mount Tyson (via . Pittsworth), and íb now conducting a 15

days' mission with the Toowoomba Church of Christ.

The annual report of the Toowoomba Church of Christ (Evangelist John W. Par-slow) shows that there have been 48 de» cisions for Christ, and 13 others received

'into tlic fellowship since January. 1009. The additions have more than doubled the membership. Tile income for the^-ear was £275/10/: Sunda* school membership in-creased by ¡55: i.V. Society membership by '40 (a net increase of 14) ; Boys' Club roll by 52; and 0 students. New officers have been appointed, and open-air services, preceding, the Sunday night chapel meet-ing, have been commenced.

Lieutenant-Colonel Saunders, the archi-tect and secretary for property affairs "of the Salvation Army, arrived from Na-

tional Headquarters, Melbourne, last week on his annual visit of inspection, and also to complete arrangements for erecting the new People's Palace, which the army authorities propose building, on the corner of Edward and Ann streets. The work will be commenced in March, under the personal supervision of the Colonel. The plans Ireveal an imposing sfructurc of three stories, with a basement entering from Edward-street.

. Brigadier and Mrs. Wimtar conducted the annual harvest festival services at Toowoomba on Sunday and Monday last, which were successfully carried out on the plans arranged by Adjutant Mathers, the officer in charge.

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The Queensland Evangelisation Societv reports that Evangelist- H. Wright has finished his work in the Goombungee dis-trict. He 'left brisbane List night for Maryborough, where he will supply the Baptist Church for three weeks. This week Evangelist T. M'Coll has been con-ducting special meetings in tho Congrega-tional Church, Moorooka,

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There will 'be no meeting in the Y.M.C.A.. Building to-night. To-morrow afternoon an cvancelWic meeting for men iráll (be heM in the building, when the Rev. E. N. Merrington, M.A. oí Sydney. iwiH ka the sneaker.