Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 8 February 1908, page 6




At noon ye'tcid.iy lhe memlicis of lim South Brisbane City Council met to elect .(^ Mayor for the municipal year 1Ü0SO. Theic were picsent : Aide i men J. Gar-aton (Acting Mayor), R. H. Jlinton, G. Jl, f-'chufichl, T. W. Huiifhard, .1. Davie*, A. Gilli ipie, O. H. lilockiidgc, J. E. Burke, G. A. Savage, .1. H, Charlton, A. Sheiiici, and the town cleik (Mi. Lenin).

The town cleik. at Hie icqucsl of the Acting Mayor, took the chair.

Alderman illonchiutl moved that the «lileniii-n adjourn lo the committee room till 12.30 for (lie purpose of electing a M.ivor, as had been done last year.

Alderman Shearer seconded the motion. Alderman Burton objected ; the elec-tion of Mayor should be conducted openly, and the public should know what took place.

Alderman Shearer : You did not object on the lost Occasion.

Alderman Burton : Ï did, in a mild ovay. Alderman ¡Block» idgc- : And you. are protesting in a stronger way this time ,

The motion on being pul was lo«t by ü votes to 0, Aldermen Burke, Burton. Garsden, Davie*. Savage, anil Schofield voting against it.

Alderman Burton proposed that Alder-man M'Cullough (who is absent from the Stale) be elected Mayor.

Alderman Charlton seconded die motion. He said he did «u becaim« 'he understood that the position was given to the wardH in turn. The last four elections proved tihat tlhis principle had .been followed. Alderman' Bloeksidge had at 'the last eleç. tion of ¡Mayor urged that this system «honlel be followed. He t'liougbt thal nny member who had ehoVvn ability in the discharge of the duties of alderman should be eligible for tilie position of Mayor, and he considered thal Alderman M'Cullough would adequately Jill-'the position, (lleur,

'hear.) .- - - '

Alderman Davies, in supporting the mo-tion, said the principle of the Mayor-alty going to the wards in rotation lind been initialed ¡by kim »onie years ago, and bad been followed by the' council ever since. (Hear. Lb ear.)

1 Alderman Shearer supported the motion, which, on -being put, ova« carried by nine o-otcij lo two. Aldermen Bloclwidge and Gillespie o'O'tiiig against tile motion.

Alderman Bouchard desired to tertder his congratulations to Allderman M'Cullouglî* upon being elected to the position of Mayor. Ho (Alderman Boiiclilird) recog-nised Hint it was some time «ince a repre-sentative of No. 4 Ward 'had been elected an Mavor. «nil while lie did not ugrec täiat (the office of Mayor ¡Jioulil be .handed down by rotation, lie thought No. i Ward ovas fairly entitled -to it. ? (Hear, hear.) His only regret-and ho did not say it out of disrespect to any other alderman, ova-3 thnt Alderman Fish ovas not a member of the council, so that he miglît have 'been elected Mayor. Ile would liave been one of (the most capolble mayors South Brisbane had ever bael. (Hear, hear). .

Alderman Bin ton also congratulated Al-derman iM'Ciillougli on being elected Mayor, mid observed that a sympathetic man was wanted in the chair. He asserted that lhe reason Alderman Fish did not get the portion of Mayor was that he " went off at a tangent ovhen a' matter ovas not in his little particular area." Alderman Bou-chard should take ti lesion from* Alderman Fish.

. Aldermen Davies, Charlton, and Gillespie ddded t'heir congratulations, I'ho ex-Mayor promising to assist Alderman M'Culloiigih

in every way ne could.

Alderman BoucJharJ. moved Mat Alder-man Gillespie be appointed Acting 'Mayor until the return of Alderman M'üiillough.

Alderman Shearer seconded the motion, which ovas unanimously agreed io.

The healllh of the newly-elected Mayor was then drunk in the adjoining i-oom. " it may be explained that Alderman M'Cul-lough was called away to Melbourne to see his father, who was seriously ill, and ¡3 ox-peeled to return to Brisbane early next ?week.