Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 3 February 1906, page 6




Aldermen J. Davies (retiring Mayor), G. H. Schofield, T. W. Bouchard, A. Gilles(pie, G. H. Blocksidge, J. M'Dougali. D. B. M'OUHOURII, J. Lang, G. Fish, R. E. Bur-ton, J. Garsden, and A. S. Lang, and the town clerk (Al. A. Leney) attended a special adjourned meeting of the South Brisbane City Council at the Town Hall yesterday for the purpose of electing the Mayor and committees. The town clerk took the chair. Aldermen Lang. Bouchard, McDougall, Schofield, and Burton were nominated in turn, but in each case the support was insufficient. Alderman Bou-chard moved an adjournment for a week. This was seconded by Alderman Blocksidge. Alderman M'Cullough moved an amend-ment, that the representatives of the dif-ferent words choose a candidate and subunit the names to the Home Secretary for his decision. He felt that it was no use continuing the farce. They had seen five aldermen put up no fewer than three times, and some of them four. The pro-posal was defeated. Alderman A. S. Lang was again nominated, but without result. Alderman ,Burton was then again nomin-ated, and the nomination was supported by Aldermen A. S. Lang, Garsden, Bur-ton M'Dougall, Blocksidge, Gillespie, and Schofield. Alderman Schofield then con-ducted the new Mayor to the chair. The Mayor returned thanks for his election, and promised to make an effort to fill the position to the credit of South Brisbane. Alderman Bouchard offered his congratu-lations, and promised to assist the new Mayor. He trusted that ïn the council the constant bickering and personalities would cease under Alderman Burton's chairmanship. (Hear, hear.) Aldermen A. S. Lang. Gillespie. Davie«. M'Dougali, Schofield, Fish, and the other aldermen nJso spoke, and the Mayor suitably re-plied.

The Christian Brothers' College, Gre-gory-terrace, vvus reopened on 29th Janu-ary, and particulars of the classes, &c, (vppear in oui- advoi Using columna. The college advises that of the successful can-didates in tlie public service examination, wail eli was licld in December, four were students from the Christian Brothers' Col-lege, Gregory-terrace. The four were :J. J. F. Durack, D. M. O'Flynn, M. O'Donncll, and C. P.ige-Hanify. In the recent Queensland railway clerkships' ex-aminations students from it/his college secured first and second places.

The iRev. C. E- Janies will occupy tile pulpit of St. Andrew's Presbyterian

Church at both services to-morrow.