Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 8 January 1924, page 14



'The summer sales have an irresistible appeal to the majority of women, and each car the crowd of bargain hunters glows in and gathers for the "8 o'clock rush."

The doors open, and the crowd pressed forward, quick footed and keen-eyed. The true bargain hunter knows what she wants, goes straight to the. department, and has first choice, while her less careful sister is waylaid and lured by a remnant table near the door. She, perhaps, saves a few- shillings a raid on material while the other is saving pounds in the frock, millinery or shoe department. Howey, crate. each her choice-and perhaps the true value of a bargain is only to be reckoned by the amount of satisfaction that it affords to the buyers / . - r

The opening days of the sales have shown, that the majority of the shops are

offering some very real bargains One a

shop threw out" dozens of pairs of court and sandal shoes in tissues', satins and brocades reducing shorn from two to three guineas, to Iris. Another shop had a table

K \\q\p\ way of combining patterned plan the jp with pin in is seen in the duststorm that

instead iron bodice and culWr and wITh cuts of the captured hill and the quiet rout has a wide hip limit fastened with a coloured

wood had le a full

of silks, satins, georgettes, and bro. miles in every shade unit designed for still Mild. In most cases they were reduced from 8/ or 12/. and (he reductions

were deal, for one could remember many of' the staff of their original price. A beautiful material called chicanery georgette,

Chtiinierie georgette jet almond green makes this delightful dinner frock, with itß! quaint Hun i ted berthe collar The skirt is every draped and caught at the waist with slices roses silver roses also appear on one else till der which has

been selling at 18s to 21s a yard, was for sale-time reduced to fill. The material is heavy georgette, backed with thin crepe satin. It has a perfect hang, and is uncrushable. Mallinson's American silks are also reduced for the sales. Some

of the yoke and puff up in odd colours

may be bought for all instead of 27/0 Jvoshnnara crept ind 1 inside also shot

productions in inn Corduroy crepe de

(chine, which mickes lovely skirts crepe iiiKinoi crepe Lascelles and (ripe lines are all cheaper, and excellent plan figured,

brocade, and embossed georgette are to be obtained most reasonably Murocams, plain, crepe, poplin, und brocaded are an

V And be flats rose of conventional design makes an attractive trimming for this shady hat of lemon coloured Yedda straw the wide brim has a filling- of lemon georgette

preciably cheaper, and some excellent lines of crepe de chine are to be seen at bargain prices. Fuji silks in patterns and stripes, as well us plain grounds, are more plentiful, and much cheaper than earlier in the


Reductions in most cotton goods are also keen, and to les and sponge cloths, ginghams, and muslins are to be obtained at quite pre-war prices. Some delightful French and American brocaded and striped v ones may be bought reasonably. The voiles are of an eict'lit'iit quality, and owing to tlic.stnpings of a time they are given a

7 'dennis ft works should be at simple is possible

in design, for then they are edy for play, and offer no trouble in lands ring The frock sketched above is of white (not crepe) fuji

and has a bill and band running from neck to line of Rta green feed The monogrammed pocket is worked in green -washing silk

certain "body" which helps them preserve their freshness and '"hung ' longer than the plain materials.

? On the whole it is the plain surfaced materials in all departments that are subjected to the greatest, reduction. This is probably because there seems no likelihood of the popularity, of the patterned materials whiting. Advance patterns of autumn materials from England, France, and America show all over patterns in a variety

Vi litt bet useful design for it tennis frock is this, with Its narrow bush belt and widely landed pieces of brightly striped fuji. ribs eolourfi-ptrike a bright note on the plain white sugar frock.

tity,dirigiie,''at'id;.,colonrs. Sometimes the ?colour'"pMJio material itself is hardly dis

scrambled for it is covered with ii worked design in either matching or contrasting -silks or r»»'óitlHr A-favourite pattern seems

to be the vandyke, find a particularly beautiful - sample of leaf brown cloth find an all-over Vandyke pattern worked in delightful

shades of silk toning from sand to tete de negro. Figure designs are likely to be as popular as ever, from the dull carved figures of Tutankhamen design to the delightful piping Fans who figure the briar rose silks, Birds, beasts, and fishes, futuristic trees, impossibly golden moons, immovable chariots, and all the designs that vic wondered at last season promises to be with us again this year in-if pos-sible brighter colours und queerer designs.

Stockings and gloves are also showing large reductions during the sales, particularly in odd lines. Many coloured stockings are obtainable at reasonable prices, particularly in out-of-the-way shades. Some extra fine -silk ones in shades of red, deep pink, green, and mauve were selling last week at a fraction of their original price. regular lines show a reduction of several pence in the shilling, and the wise shopper will take advantage of this. Gloves, too, are much reduced, and excellent sample pairs may be picked up- during the sales

most reasonably.

For the housewife there are all sorts of

tempting household bargains. "The price of sheeting, towelling, and all linen is. reduced during sale time, and she has a chance to replenish her linen chest at a time when all linen goods are reduced. Her v china, too, probably needs replenishing, and the shops are making reductions on stock patterns as well as on job lines, so that it shall be cheaper to make additions to the tense or dinner service -paw than a month later.. Glass is much reduced, and excellent ware is obtainable at sale, prices. Some of the beautiful cut crystal ware is most tempting, and the price is. appreciably" lowered during the sales. The

new sunshades, designed for use in a motor-car, have been attracting, attention lately. They are made of excellent quality silk, and are miniature parasols, measuring only about 18in from tip to tip. An umbrella in a car has been, regarded as an impossibility, but. the new parasols overcome all difficulties, and should prove a boon to motorists. " ' * . ' ' .