Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 2 August 1904, page 5


Speaking yesterdaj- on the various in-dustries, the Minister for Agriculture said that the fruit industry was giving some anxiety, owing to the absence ot canning works. He, had received letters showing that there would be a very big crop of strawberries«, and some or the growers hardly knew what to do with the fruit unless ithere was a prospect ot

utilising it. Mr. Denham saw some hopo in the proposed resuscitation of tho can-ning works, and suld a choice fruit like strawberries should be especially welcome.

A well known resident of the Merino district named Christopher Coulson, who died, on Tuesday,, was for many years head groomsman in the stables of tho late Queen Victoria. He came to Victoria in 1856, our Merino correspondent states, and was well known as tlio trainer of tho noted stallions Agronomer and King Al-fred. Deceased was in his 87th year, and was a great grandfather.

A concert was . given in tho Ithaca Hall, Kennedy-torraeo, on Saturday evening,' by tho members of West Ithaca Branch, No. l8, A.N.A. Aldorman G. P. Reading, pre-sident of the branch, occupied the chair,

and there was a fair attendance. An en-joyable progratame was contributed to by Misses I. Gibson, L. Kollmar, I. Jones, Messrs. Duke Stewart, Agnew Brothers, A. H. Beasley-,. Ahern, and V. Smith.

Following oil his fine performance of Saturday laut at Ibrox Park, Glasgow (says an English exchange of 14fch June last), the amateur c>ianipion, Arthur Shrubb, last evening performed another marvellous feat at the a une ground. Starting from scratch in the four miles handicap, he ran through in grwat style, and won by eighty yards from J. S. Barrie, of Motherwell, 380 yards start, iii the world's record time of 19min. 23 2f.5e*c. This Is two seconda better than .'Paddy Cannon's professional record made at Glasgow in 1888 ; ond 7 4/ôsec. bettet.' than Shrubb's own previous record made at Brighton-on 25th October,


The Brislnoo Tramways Company, Lim-ited, announce ti» our buBtoea. columns that the Paddington owl-car wlH be doconuinued after to-morrow.