Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 20 April 1904, page 5


His Lxcelleney the Governor accom pamed by Lieutenant Newton ADC, lett Brisbane yesterday afternoon on the steamet Konoowarn on a tom through Ncrthein Queensland \mong those who were on the w hart to wish his b xccllency a pleasant tnp were-The Premier (Hon A Morgan) Captain Creswell (Naval Comm uidant) Hon \ J Carter M L C

Chief Inspector Douglas Mr R Newton, Mi L li Wareham (manager of the Ade laide Steamship Company ) ex Senator Glassey and Captain llirman (private sec retarj to hu, 1 xccllenej ) \t Townsville on Saturday night next lu« HAcellency ho] e to attend a performance of the oral Licdciiuftl On the follov ing diy he »ill arrive at Cairns and proceed thence to M midi n by train 1 he subsequent dates are arranged as follows -Leave Mmnden 27m April arrive Georgetown 29th April leave Georgetown 1st \liy irnve Groy don 2nd Maj arrive Noi manton 5th Mav

embarl Norman Bar on Mai moa 6th or " n Maj proceed to Burketown 7th May , return bj Maranoa arriving in Brisbane

about 17th Mav

the Hon J W blair ( \ttorney Gene ral) visited Insbane yesterdaj but ho has not fully recovered and will be unable to leave this vécu for the Central district which he was to visit in company with Mi Cooper M L \

The Minister for agriculture has had lo îeiuse an invitation to open the Gladscon» Show on 3rd "May on account of the open ing of the fruit eonfeience the ne\t day

The friends of Lad\ M inter will i cgrcl to learn of Tier severe indisposition caused through acute bronchi ii asthma Di lae! sou md nui ses hnv c been attending however and there is a great improve ment sirce Sunday list

Mr I G Brown traffic supeitntendent al Brisbane lias benefited bj his holiday it Stinthorpe and is expected back in Brisbane next week

Mr I A Gnffiths who his been ip pointed officer in charge of classifications In the Commonwealth Patents Office his been acting as examiner of patents in the Queensland office since Ali townsend was appointed registni of pitents In Queens land Ile will be quartered In Melbourne Mr J W Hamilton w ho h us been np pdnted a elerk at Btislane will ict a» receiving officei for Queensland Ihe State offices have not jet been taken ovei and the State Government ins not been in foimed that office accommodation is le quired It is probable tint the office wfll bp lemoved elsewhere as the offices in the Treasury Building now occupied foi the Patents Department could well be utilised In other ways

Professor Klaatsch of Heidelbeig Uni

vcrsitj is now in the Kilbirne) distnet, where ho will spend a few days in study

ing the local fauna

Among the arrivals by the reregnne on Monc'ay from Sydney was Mr Robeit Carmichael who is on a visit from the South He is a pionnnent ofhcoi or the Oddfellows order in the mother State wheie he Ins onginated a scheme which has attracted much attention \s a diree tor of the order he is on a special mission to Queenslar-d charged to piopound the scheme personally By piofci=ion ho is still a prominent Pressman being in charge of an mportant district of the ' Cumberland Argus with his headquarter at lljde His headquarters diurne, his slaj- perhaps a fortnight-will be with vii \ T löstet

Noi mau Park