Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 6 February 1904, page 5





The first meeting of the Council of thS City of South Brisbane, after the annual elections, was held at the Council Cham-bers yesterday at noon, the business being the election of the new Mayor. Amongst those present were :-The ex-Mayor (Alaerman G. H. Blocksidge), Aldermen W. Jones, J. Currie, J. Garsden. A. S. Lang,

G. Fish, J. Lang, J. M'Doufsall, T. W.

Bouchard, J. Davies), G. H. Schofield, and the town clerk (Mr. A. Leney). Altiermab W. Stephens was not present, being out of town. In the body of the ball there were about twenty-five ratepayers. The ex-Mayor, in his capacity of returning officer, occupied the chair and announced the election returns. After this forma] proceeding the town clerk took the chair and said that they would take the vote on the nomination.

Alderman J. Lang nominated Aldernoan George Fish, who had been a member of the council for many years.

On a vote being taken the nomination

was rejected, only Aldermen J. Lang, ' Bouchard, Schofield, and Davies voting tor


Alderman J. M'Dougall nominated -Alderman Jones, who had always acted fair and straight.

Alderman Blocksidge said he supported the nomination with a great deal oi plea-


The motion was then put, and there voted for it Aldermen A. b. Lan¿, Gars-den, Currie, Fish, J. Lang, Blocksldgo, and M'Dougall. Aldermen Schofield, Davies, and Bouchard abstained iroin voting. The vote iu favour ot Alderman Jone* being a majority one, he was thereupon declared

elected. .

The new Mayor was escorted to the. chair by Aldermen M'Dougall and Block-sidge.

Alderman Jones, in returning thanks for his election, said he looked upon tho

honour which had been conterrea on him a» coming spontaneously from the council. .(Alderman Fish : Laughter.) Alder-man i'wn laugned, bult no (Alderman Jones) would say that he had never asked any one to vote to put him in the chair. Whatever had been done was the spon-taneous act of the aldermen of South Brisbane, and he trusted that he would be able to carry on the duties ot the Mayorship In a manner wormy of the citj-, of the citizens, and of the aldermen. (Applause.) Aldermen had dittered Keenly and sometimes bitterly, but they were all honourable and good men, and he thought that ho would be able to show during the' next few months that they would work together, and would act in every wayworthy of aldermen of the city of South

Brisbane. There were many things re-

quired in their city, but he did not think he should be expected to divulge ' what might be called the policy of the council (Hear, hear.) He had not said anything to the aldermen, and they had not said anything to him, and consequently he had no policy to divulge or enunciate. He could only,hope that during the coming year they would have better times in Brisbane and in Queensland than they had experienced during the last few years. (Applause.) He sincerely trusted that South Brisbane would prosper like other parts of Queensland and of Australia. He thanked the alder men for the honour they had conferred upon him-which, ho might say, had been quite unlooked for. If any one else had been appointed ha would nava tried to work with him amicably, as he had dono with the Mayors who had pre-ceded him. (Applause.)

After Aldermen Currie. Gnrfden. Boachard, A. S. Lang, Fish, Davies; and Scho-field had expressed their congratulations, Alderman Blocksidge explained that Alder-man M'Dougall had to retire on account of his health, and was leaving for Melbourne

that afternoon.

The Mayor having briefly replied, tha' proceedings terminated.