Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 14 March 1903, page 4


, Vor Rockhampton, -Mackay, Bowen, Townsville, Caines, Cooktown, iPert Douglas, Normanton, and Croydon.-To-day, at 11.45 a.m.

For Vancouver.-Arrive-üSth .instant,,depart 25lh


For Mackay, .Bowen. Townsville, Cairns, Port "Doitgl.u, Normanton, Croydon, and*Burketown.On Friday, at Î.15 p.m.

For Richmond sind-Clarence Riven?.-On-Tuesday,

at lá.43 p.m.

For Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide.-On Fri-day.

Per Mackay, Townsville..Cairns, and Port Douglas.--On Tuesday, at 10.45-a.m., and on Wednes-day, .it 11.45 a.ün. ' '

For Natal and Capetown, South Africa (via Melbourne).-On Monday,' 23rd instant, at 0 a.m., and on Tue-oday, 24th instunl, nt li a.m.

For Auckland, &c, New Zealand <via.Sydney).On"Monday, at 0 a.m.

For Sydney.-To-day, at 10.4f! a.m.

For Dunedin, &c-, New-Zealand (vin Melbourne);», i-To-morrow, at 0 a.m.

The annual meeting'of the Queensland' British Football Association. -was to have beeil ¡held at ithe Temperance 'Hall, Annstreet, last night. In addition to the pre-sident (Mr. T, Jenkinson), less-than a dozen members-put in an appearance, and most of those belonged to ithe one club. It *wns de-cided to adjourn the meeting to Wednes-day week, and that those present should ?use their ibcsL endeavours to Insure-a good «¿UlSter on 'that evening, -