Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 27 July 1903, page 6


About twenty adherents of the Vic-torian game of football indulged in practice at Ihe Botanic Gardens. At the blow of the whistle only a dozen players had turned up, but later on about a dozen or so moro toed tho line, and P. Graham (umpire) gave the bignal to start nlay. There were a goodly number of spectators. A very interesting game resulted, although the ground was not very enticing to play on. However, it improved towards the end of the match. The representative captains for to-day's fixture wcro J. Mantin and F. W. Vare, who used their utmost endeavours to keep the players np to proper rules. Tho most noticeable playeis were A. Watson, F. Young, J. Gorman, V. Vare, E. Roberts, P. Patrick, W. Foster, J. Vare, J. Martin, C. Brownr. The result was as follows :- J. Martin'b team, 4 goals 3 ibehinds-29 points ; F. W. Varc's team, Ù goals 7 behinds-23 points.

The beginners have already made good progress under the instruction of the older playors, and in a few weeks' time a couple of full teams will probably take tihe fioitl. The ratonltion of the promoters of ihe great Southern winter gamo expect to have sufficient players in hand to

make a start next season with premier-ship gamea. It is understood thai Kan-garoo Point will be able to supply u team, and a number of admirers of the game are residing at Sandigate, and arc understood to -be desirous of forming a team there. »Most of the old Victorian players-and there are a good many to be lound ¡is Brisbane and suburbs-do not take kindly to Rugby, and ithere Is upparently no reason wihy the Victorian game should not obtain a strong hold heic. Mr. Fred. C. Ware, who is organising the movement, has the names of between forty and fifty pkiycrs and supporters on his roll, and expects to hear from a great many more before the close of the present season.