Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 13 February 1902, page 5




\ftei having been previously adjourned three times, the meeting of the aldermen of the South Brisbane Municipal Council to elect a Mayor for the ensuing year was held at noon yesterday. There was a full attendance of aldermen when Mr. J W Hill (town clerk) took the chair. There

were also a number of spectators la the

public gallery

The Town Clerk announced the object of the meeting, on which Vlderman Cunrie pro-posed that \lderman Fish be Mayor , and Alderman Stephens proposed Alderman Jones After some diacusaion. Alderman Fish s nomination was put, and supported by Aldermen Gars Jen, Davies, Cm fie, Schofield, and Babbidgc The Town Clerk said this did not constitute a majority/vote

of the council Tho motion was Jost The nomination of Vlderman Jones was then put, and supported by Alderman Nott, Lang Stephen», M'Dougall, and Bloeksidge, and

not constituting a majority vote was also

declared lost

Alderman Nott then nominated Alderman Jones, claiming Alderman "Fish's (promised support of this motion. Alderman Fish at length denied that any such support was given Owing to the heated nature of the debate between Alderman Fish and Jones, Alderman -Garsden moved for an adjourn-ment for ten minutes This was carried, and on resuming .Alderman Garsden moved that Aduerman Currie be Mayor This was seconded by Alderman Schofield The vot-ing for Alderman Jones s nomination wi.s -Aldermen Nott, Bloeksidge, Lang1, and M'DougaW, which the Town Clerk declared

did not, constitute a majority vote, and

was therefore lost

¡For Alderman Curnie's nomination the voting was -Aldermen Davies, Schofield, iBlocksldge, Garsden, M'Dougall, Babbidge and .Fish The Town Clerk declared Aäderman Currie duly elected He was escorted to the chair by Aldermen Garsden and Schofield, and congratulated on his election

The Mayor, In reply, thanked them for the position in which they had placed bim He felt that probably his ability would not be sufficient to enablo him to carry out the duties of his great oflice, but he-would do the best he could It was -not of his seek-ing that he had been elected Mayor He regretted a misunderstanding had taken place between two aldermen who had been nominated for the position He would endeavour ' to discharge the duties pertaining to ¡his-»high and responsible position with equal Justice to all He did not think that be could do better «than follow in the footsteps of previous Mayors, for if they" looked at their records they would lind that they had honourably upheld the dignity of the posi-tion This year would be an important one in. the annals of South Brisbane his-tory, and it would require tie best efforts not only oí the Mayor but of all the alder-men sitting round the, table Alderman Currie concluded by trusting that he would be favoured by the «apport of the whole council He asked- that Alderman Stephens be allowed to carry on in his stead for a few days, as he would be unavoidably ab-

sent from town for that period

This concluded the business