Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 21 April 1902, page 7


The annual meeting of'the Queensland British Football Association was held on Wedtaestfay evening at the Temperance HftU.Jaâward-atree*, -Mr. T. Jenkinson pre-siding. There was a good roll up of mem bers act'; oSiersi, sew-eca'! of .the vice-pre-sidents were -also prosent. The financial istatemeci, wiSch was read and adopted, showed a »'eeon the right side. It was decided that the association should make some special effort to place the game on a better footing than at present. Arrange-ments are also to be made to secure the Botanic Gardens for playing. It was de-cided that a letter be sent to Mr. E. Done-gan, thanking him for the use of the Pine-apple ground. The foi Vwing officers wero uauulmouslv elected :- Patron, his Excel-lency Sir Herbert Chermside. G.CJÍ.G..

C.B.; president, Mr. Robert Fraser ; seve-ral vice-presidents were elected ; chair-man, Mr. T. Jenkinson ; secretary, iMr. J. Robs ; treasurer, Mr. H. Goodhend.