Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 17 April 1902, page 3


(From Our Own Correspondent.)

, April 12.

me iirac mealing or Ibis toai a Divisional Board

of Waggamba was held hcic on the 9th instant

Mr Harry Marshall t*a» unanimously re electeil chairman, and the clerk and tin foreman of worki were both reappointed ul the sann balarie«! ¡x3 lusfl tear, n (odder nllovvaiin of L20 being grunted to

the foieman ¡n lonsidtrition of the high pnei oi r huiscfecd Last ttai 9 taluitiou wai again adopted und n general rate of ,J III the pound again struck Tile uunibei of members has been rallied ti is veai from bis to min by forming two aub divisions out of the eld No I Subdivision

'Hie townspeople aro in nunn eases running <vcrt bhort ol ttatei Links in empty and many wells are dry There is still v, itei 111 the river but it is fal from Kood foi household purposes Outside Hie town tri i/urs and seleitors are luv mp* vert

hurd times

( real dissatisfaction Ims been caused hy tlie cndei of Hu Ne« South Vi nits Stock Department that all woikm¿ horses Irom (J.uieu9land must for Hie futuie b bineuted 1 tel t time they orcos A** a largt- miiubei of he>rsis au constuntlt iro&sltn: tue bordei here even ila tin ublig-jtion to undergo 11 duilt smiuring is looked upel 11 us au unnecessary md quite uuc-alhd foi hards/nip