Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 12 February 1901, page 7



The adjourned meeting of the South Bris-bane Municipal Council for the purpose of electing the Mayor for the year was held in the Town Hall, Vulture-street, yesterday afternoon Mr J W Hill (town clerk) occupied the chair, and there were pre-sent-Aldermen Garsden, Jones, Stephens, Nott Blocksidge Babhldge, Macdocigj..l, Daves, Cm rie, Phillips, Fish, and Suholeld The name of Alderman Davits was submitted hy Alderman Bahhldge, and ihat of Alderman Blocksidge was proposed by Aldeiman Phillips Both these gentlemen \ ero described by their nominators as baln^, m«n of business experience, and well fitted to successfully fill the chair Mclennan I'sl said he regretted thu« a Mai or i,ad rot "been elected on Satnrcay "lecause ^îe undeiaiood that one of the aldermen mulct tLeu have commanded nine vot03 but in c-dei that somebody else might be torced Into the chalí the opportunity was allon ej, 11 pass He did not wish It to b" inferred tlut ho would have "been one of the nine voting foi that gentleman, bf*,A>»3 theie were certain reasons Why he woulo not 1 ave done, so , but in any case he could net s-'o his way to support either Aldeiman Blocksidgo of Aldeiman Davies. He found that the party In the coun-cil which had boon engineered largely by Alderman -Blocksidge, assisted at the commcacement of his term by Alderman Davies and to some > extent by Alderman Babhidgo also, had le'd them Into an expenditure £11,000 in excess of their re^enue Ho thought it would be a very good thing if every member of the council resigned his sent and suhmitted himself to the ratepayers for re-elec-tion Cn the names being suhmitted to the council five \otcd for Alderman Davies and six foi Alderman BlockBldv,e As neither had the requisito seven votes tney íalled to secure election Aldorman Blocksldse, In order to o\ercomo the difficulty that had arisen, pioposed that Alderman Stephens be elected On this helng put to the meet-ing, seven hands wero held up In the affirm itivo, those thus voting being Alder» men Blocksidge, Currie, Macdougall, Bab-hidgo, Phillips, Garsden, and Stephens The Mayor-elect «as then led to the chair b> Mdemuen Blocksidge an« Currie. He briefly returned thanks for his election, promising to do his forward the interests of the council during his term of office, and particularly to keep a close eye upon the finances At the same time, he thought some sjstem of drainage was abso-lutely n^cossaiy, and he would ho prepared to advocate a loan for that purpose, bocause It certainly could not he done out of revenue Aldermen Garedon, Currie, Thillips Blocksidge, Davies, Macdougall, Fish, and Jones in turn offered their congratula-tion» to the Major upon his accession to the chair As it was impossible to deal with any general business, permission was given to the Mayor to pay the usual wages The council will meet again on Monday next

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