Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 4 April 1901, page 6



The annual meeting of the Ipswich and West Moreton British Football Association was-held last night at the Prince Alfred Hotel, Booval, when there was a fair attendance of supporters of tlie game.. The report of the committee stated that the pxst season liad been a most sueres-ful one, and tlie oompetition for the prcniier.-hip i.adgei had resulted in some capital play. 'ills Bush Rats (first and second teams) secured both pre mierships, with four and seven wins respectively,

the Rovers being runners-up. Tile eleetion oi ' ollicc-bcai ers for the coming season resulted in tlu following gentlemen being appointed :-Patron, Mr. Lewis 'momas ; president, Mr. E. G. Morgan ; vice-presidents, Hon. T. IB. 'Cribb, M.L.A., Messrj. A.' J. Stephenson, M.L.A.,' James Wilkinson, J. White, W. J. Lynch, \V. J. Ile'ynoldi, G. A'i'u cent, and J. i>. »ottomley ; committee, Messrs. .l'otls, Hudson,' Siddons, ileîgrovc, ï'ibbitïs, an(> 1 Hamilton ; secretary, Mr. A. li. Perrett ; treastrer)

Mr. A. Hamilton. The president (Mr. E. G. Morgan) referred with regret to the poor state of the association game in the metropolis, and sug-gested that overtures be made to the Queensland Association with a view to taking over the Chal-lenge and Charity Cups, and offering the same for

competition, until a revival of the game in Bris-bane warrants the resumption of regular fixtures there. It is most probable that this idea will be

acted upon. The committee confidently expect that tlie coming season will be very tusecss.ul. Minor details having been considered, the meeting

teiminated. ¡ ' ' ' ' "