Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 2 February 1900, page 7



The annual meeting of the City Football (Hub took place last night at the Carlton Club Hotel, tjueen-street. Mr. J. II. Forrest (vice-president) took the chair, and besides Mr. Maurice Baldwin (lion ,seeretui.7.iuid . ti ensurer) some, twenty pro-minent player« "and supportera of the club were present. The annual repoit showed that Hie club had had a successful season, mid[ that in spite of having lost Hie services of nine players, thoy hail occupied, witto the Mildura Qlub, second place in the premiership competition. Their record in this competition \va3 shown to be eight matthes played, live won, two lost, one drawn, with 172 points for and 51 against the club, while in four ether matches played the club liad three* times achieved success. The club had been well represented In intercolonial and international contests, and Mcs-rs. \V."T. Evans, T. 'Ward, A. Henry, 13. Currie, and «AV. II. Tanner had earned the distinction of representing Australia «gainst Knglatid. It was announced with regret that owing to injuries íeeelvcd lost se-ison, Mr. \V. T. Evans would be unable to play In the cwiiine; season. The various club trophies were won by Messrs. A» Henry, _. Kvans, K. Craig, and T. Waul. The b.ilance-ftlieet for the past year showed receipts £17 lCs. 2U., c.vpendituie -15 7.1. tid., and balance lil hand £2 Ss. 8d. The com-mittee expressed in the íoport their appreciation or services rendel ed to the club by various gentle-men, among whom were Messrs. W. Flynn, It. thompson, lind M. Harris, who liad presented hand-some trophies. His Excellency Loid Lamington * was re-elected president, and the lion. E. J.

Stevens vice-president ; all the oilier olllecrs were re-elected, while an additional vice-president was ndded to the roll in the poison of Mr. A. Dawson, M.L.A. Mr. M. Baldwin, who lias been lion, aeoretuiy for the last fifteen years, expressed lils willingness to retire o\vln-j lo pressure of worfc, but ivas induced to reconsider the Idea, the wishes of those present being unanimous on the point. Among new members elected were Mr. Adamson, the well-known half-back of the late English team, and Mr. S. A. Sprags, the New South Wales and Australian three-quarter back. After a vote of thanks to the chairman-and the Press, the chair-man, on behalf of the members of the club, pre-sented Mr. W. 1!. Austin, the late captain of the club, .with a very handsome clock, both as a token of. appreciation for Mr. Austin's sterling services ' anil as a wedding gift, that gentleman ihavlnç

enteie<l Hie bonds of matrimony ainte Hie con-clusion of the previous season. The chairman made a very happy speech, and Mr. Austin suitably replied, stating that even if he was unable to play for the club he would ever be one of its most enthusiastic supporters. .The election of .captain and vlce-eaptaln for next year was held over to a
